View Full Version : Will you wake up to the facts

15-07-2008, 07:31 PM
Not sure if this is a state wide campaign or just the Queensland government however I received a postal mail flyer from them today titled, "Will you wake up to the facts before its' too late". Now at first I thought this was aimed at Des however upon further investigation it was a Fact sheet on motorcyclist deaths.

Anyway, cut a long story short I couldn't resist the opportunity of some good satire. Hope you like it.

15-07-2008, 07:37 PM
Yeah i got it too.

15-07-2008, 07:45 PM
As a matter of fact, i got one too. :)

I see having no rear mud flap hasn't killed anyone (yet!;))

And dont start me on Q-ride :(

15-07-2008, 08:19 PM
Ahahahahaha... SUZUKIS RULE

15-07-2008, 10:52 PM
My email to QLD Transport:


To whom it may concern,

Thank you for sending me the "Will you wake up to the facts before it's too late?" motorcycle safety initiative mail piece recently.

Thank you for making the assumption that I am totally ignorant of road safety ("Will you wake up....")

Thank you for sending me a list of "FACTS" that appear to rely on opinions ("In over 83% of fatal motorcycle crashes, the rider was CONSIDERED to be at fault")

Thank you for making the assumption that I need to take more precautions simply because I possess a motorcycle licence ("...you'd better get serious about taking some precautions")

If you had done some more basic research you would have discovered that I have held a QLD drivers licence for nearly 25 years, and have held a motorcycle licence for over 13 years. In all this time I have not had an accident (either car or motorcycle). I would like to think this is because I possess a level of road competency and take adequate precautions when I drive /ride, but it appears from this communication piece that you may think otherwise.

Finally, thank you for wasting my taxes by sending out a patronising and offensive message to all QLD riders.

15-07-2008, 11:18 PM
well said!

16-07-2008, 07:34 AM
And got to love the fact that the "statistics" fly in the face of all of the well researched and comprehensive literature though, non-australian research, and that some if not most crashes would have more than one causation, so then the statistics become a hot sloppy load.

16-07-2008, 10:16 AM
Good work Hillsy ... I'd be interested to see what/if they get back to you

17-07-2008, 10:23 AM
I'm returning mine to sender in protest. fill the fuckers letterbox back up. Oh and karl please please please send that to the farceport i mean transport dept.

17-07-2008, 06:09 PM
Its a fit up Surely

17-07-2008, 06:13 PM
Attach a huge mb pic attachment to the above letter by Hillsy (with his consent of course...) and send it to the email address.
Clog up their inbox well and truly [}:)]

Jockney Rebel
17-07-2008, 06:36 PM
who was it said .."lies , damn lies amd statistics"? you can make stats say anything u like by manipulating them..what i fail to understand is tho the accident figures APPEAR to have gone up they have actually fallen as the amonut of riders on the road has increased ..i see they usually quote actual numbers and not percentages..they must think we re all illiterate idiots

17-07-2008, 06:41 PM
hey its like the RTA
im pretty sure with how fucking stupid NSW road rules are in places there is only 1 or 2 people who even have a licence there

The crow
18-07-2008, 07:48 AM
yeah got one to. Have you also heard about the one were if you dont have a motorcycle registed to your lic they can take your bike lic away. Their still working out the details on that one

18-08-2008, 11:06 PM
I got a reply......

Thank you for your comments concerning the current motorbike safety

As an experienced motorcycle rider with a good track record, you may feel
the brochure is not relevant to you. However, it was necessary to send this
brochure to all people with a motorcycle registered in their name to ensure
promotion of the safety message. I hope that you can appreciate the
reasoning behind this campaign and, as an experienced and safe rider, you
will use this information to influence and educate fellow motorcycle riders
with less riding experience.

In regard to your comment about the validity of the statistics used in the
brochure. Each serious and fatal crash is investigated by the Forensic
Crash Unit within the Queensland Police Service. Officers from this unit
conduct comprehensive training including specialist training in motorcycle
crashes. Each serious and fatal crash is forensically investigated
extensively to examine the road surface, the vehicle, the crash scene, and
interview witness in order to determine the contributing factors of a
crash. At the conclusion of the investigation, charges may be brought
against the at-fault driver. If this occurs, a court determines the
punishment for the at-fault driver. Once this information is determined,
this information is then forwarded to Queensland Transport for analysis of
road crash data trends. This was the data source used for the campaign

Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback on the campaign. We
will review responses, such as yours, when we evaluate the campaign.

Yours sincerely

Queensland Transport

18-08-2008, 11:13 PM
Are they going to send out an equivalent warning to all registered car owners?

Jockney Rebel
19-08-2008, 06:43 PM
good point morri

Pommy Chopper
20-08-2008, 06:33 AM
Link stopped working Karl!!!
Good work though!!!

20-08-2008, 04:22 PM
worked for me...

damn hilsy thats a much better response than i wouldve written if i worked for qld transport

actually i would've just paid it off

24-08-2008, 08:27 PM
I love the linked site. And don't worry they use much the same discrimination when dealing with truck drivers. In one instance a Female driver doing a Mackay to Townsville run was pulled over at the Inkerman pads just south of Ayr/Home Hill. She was informed the 4 month old truck was unregistered and the Scalies removed the number plates of the vehicle and issued her with $2200 worth of fines to boot. She was stuck overnight on the side of the road until the next morning when the Dept of Transport imbeciles returned to hand back the number pplates for the truck and take back the issued infringement notices. None of this helped her though after being stuck in the middle of nowhere overnight with no change of clothes, toilet facilities or access to food water etc.

And the end result ---> "Oh sorry it was a computer glitch."

What a crock. Much like Qld Transports safety campaign. 1 in 5 fatals is a motorcyclist. 4 in 5 arent. Did I miss something?

25-08-2008, 09:43 AM
just a thought... "1 in 5 fatalities were motorbike riders"..

so, that means 4 out of 5 weren't - shouldn't they be focusing on THOSE people instead?

Doesn't that mean that bikes are safer?
(you'll notice I love f**king up government statistics)

25-08-2008, 10:16 AM
Very good point pommy.

25-08-2008, 10:30 AM
All I know is that Qld Transport think I should do their work for them (....I hope that you can appreciate the reasoning behind this campaign and, as an experienced and safe rider, you will use this information to influence and educate fellow motorcycle riders with less riding experience.)
Maybe I should send them an invoice....

And that QLD Police crash their bikes a lot (....Officers from this unit conduct comprehensive training including specialist training in motorcycle crashes.)
I wonder if these guys make up any of the "1 in 5"....

25-08-2008, 10:42 AM
quote:[i]Officers from this unit conduct comprehensive training including specialist training in motorcycle crashes.

ok.. here i go again. if they consider the "advanced" training adequate dispite the coppers crashing, where do they get off also ranting on about the statistics that are (supposedly) in their favour?

I mean, any government training type program has to follow guidelines and adhere to stats on it's performance. And if coppers doing some tarmac-kissing is acceptable for the training program to continue unchanged, how dare they complain about other statistics showing how we are 20% of the fatal crashes.

Here's my suggestion for when I become either transport minister for australia, or the supreme ruler of the universe (whichever comes first):

1. If a copper crashes a car/bike into something and it's found to be his fault (not a police investigation, I mean an independant enquiry), he gets demoted and placed on desk duty.
2. If someone (anyone) doesn't get their L's or P's (car or bike) within 2 attempts, they don't get to try again. (i know someone who took their L's 13 times before passing. now shes in a HSV/FPV falcodore.
and finally, as i've suggested in another thread:
3. remove all seat belts from cars, and replace the airbag with a claymore mine.


25-08-2008, 10:49 AM
quote:Originally posted by pommybstd

3. remove all seat belts from cars, and replace the airbag with a claymore mine.


Until someone punches the horn in road rage n mysteriously get blown to shit under "suspicious circumstances"! :D

25-08-2008, 10:59 AM
as long as they were in a Volvo, no one will care...


26-08-2008, 09:51 AM
quote:Originally posted by pommybstd

as long as they were in a Volvo, no one will care...


Or notice, gotta love volvos safty tech ;)

26-08-2008, 10:00 AM
does anyone else think that volvos are only bought by people that say to themselves - "look, i'm a shit driver. frankly, i'm suprised i've managed to stay alive this long. i should get a vehicle that will protect me from my own stupidity"

(i only say this because, i've yet to see a volvo driver that knows what they are doing on the road"

26-08-2008, 10:16 AM
My brother (Trev) use to own a Volvo, I'd consider him a above average driver. Unfortunately he sold that Volvo to Des's brother Donny. God help anyone that cuts Donny off while driving the Volvo lol