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View Full Version : Me and Supercharger get lost. ....very lost.

06-06-2008, 05:55 PM
Mark rang me on Wednesday night and said "You up for a ride tomorrow morning?" I said, "sure, I'll take the morning off". He turned up at 10:00am and we got back at 4:30pm! So much for the morning off.... Well worth it though.

Anyway, he got onto Google maps to try and find some back roads we had never been down before and explore. The plan was awesome. After 30 minutes of riding we discovered that Google maps must get their road information from old War Time survailance maps as the dirt tracks got smaller and smaller until we were in rutted puddle ridden goat tracks with cows all around. Now although we managed to have this happen about 3 times we did manage to discover some awesome roads and probably only saw one car all day (but many cows)! If you get chance I recommend getting off the beaten track and just exploring shit. Your dirt track skills will be well improved afterwards as well (although I hear Fimps are pretty good already).


06-06-2008, 06:01 PM
I gotta admit that I miss the hinterland up that way. Some beautiful country.

06-06-2008, 07:44 PM
Great pics, Si. The more shots i see of 'chargers bike, the more i like it. That tail is perfect.

Tony Nitrous
06-06-2008, 08:19 PM
Did you stop when you got to the gate ? or carry on up ?
Great area to camp, good back roads to clown about on between there and Beaudesert.

In the distance in the 2nd photo there are supposed to be some caves,
but i've never found them.


06-06-2008, 09:08 PM
Looks sensational guys - Thats what ridings all about. You're making me sad tho. really starting to miss not having a road bike.

06-06-2008, 09:30 PM
i'v done that road i remember the bridge(s)
lots of nice nature to look at
and a good ride.

06-06-2008, 11:19 PM
I love that house,but i pitty the prick that has to mow around them tree's. Nice Photo's gents.Any chance we can get some Supercharger style ASF duffle bags made up,that things done some miles,and its probly still got the same old soiled jocks in it.Could call it the ASF Plumbers Crack Back Sack or sumthin catchy like that...!
Fuckin poetry.

07-06-2008, 12:16 AM
ASF Plumber's Crack Back Sack Ball Bag Wax Pack?

$19.95 including tax


07-06-2008, 09:13 AM
Nice pix Si! Looks like n awesome day! Next time u talk to mark tell him lance from ulladulla says hi!

07-06-2008, 10:12 AM
Great Pics [^]
Who won?

07-06-2008, 06:26 PM
WTF? I told Mark I want that bike back and now he is riding it? Bastard!

08-06-2008, 10:48 PM
Random exploring road trips are the best fun.

Went out on some "uncharted" backroads on friday. with my mate on his new bike.

Iv been meaning to find some interesting squiggly lines on google maps.

GPS is fucked, some roads they tell you to go down, are 100m to your LEFT in a freakin paddock/jungle.

wicked fotos too mate.

08-06-2008, 10:50 PM
quote:Originally posted by davo

I love that house,but i pitty the prick that has to mow around them tree's.

yeah i pity the little mexican guy that they pay to mow the lawn too!!... well I sure wouldnt fuggin do it!!

10-06-2008, 03:41 PM
quote:Originally posted by TurboKat

Great Pics [^]
Who won?

We both did. We both scored a top day out in the sun without cars!

12-06-2008, 08:44 PM
Hi Chris,Thanks for the great comment,comming fron a guy with a ride like yours, I'm honored.(your bike I'm talking about)
Tony, we stoped when we got to the fucken big bull standing in the middle of the track with that (fuckoff or I'll hert you)look on his face just B4 the gate.
Dave, I've had that that ASF Plumbers Crack Back Sack or sumthin for longer than like to remember.
Anthony, my hart bleeds.
Lance,it was great talking to you, Si was wright,TOO many drugs when I was young I think.
And yer Si, what you said.

07-08-2008, 09:47 PM
Well, we decided to do it again today without getting so lost, so we brought Mark (Learnatic) with us as well.


I should also mention that Mark (Learnatic) works nights and had come straight from a 10 hour shift out for a ride with us. The mind gets mighty tired after working that long. These few photos were taken at 12:20. Look closely at what Mark (L) is doing with a pair of grey shorts with a week old phone wrapped up inside them:


What lies ahead....


This is the moment (about 20 - 30km from the last photos) where Mark realises that he has left the back pocket of his bag open, yea, you guessed it, the one with the shorts and the new phone in. They've blown out .... somewhere..


Believe it or not we headed back over our tracks and we found the shorts with the phone still wrapped up and un-runover after a $1.40 get off. Not bad hey? And a testiment to weekday riding in the sticks - no bloody traffic!


With that bit of fun out the way we headed up to the Lions Road again and back round the same route as last time. A good 6 hour jaunt. How Mark(L) managed that after a full 10 hours night shift I have no idea. He's made of some special stuff. I'd be fucked!

07-08-2008, 11:51 PM
Nice country! A lot of the dirtbike footage on those clips i posted a while ago was during the day before and after 12.5 shifts. We used to knock off at 630am and head straight out the bush from work, ride till lunch, go home for a few hours kip then back to work at 6pm. Same story though, because we did it in the middle of the week there were no other dirtbikes to collide with and no rangers to chase us. Bloody marvelous and worth feeling tired for..

08-08-2008, 12:49 PM
my cousin left the road and hit a tree just driving to uni after a night at work. very good that ya had a good time, but watch out riding tired:(

08-08-2008, 06:33 PM
awsome pics guys and a good bit of luck with the phone aswell:D

Jockney Rebel
08-08-2008, 07:31 PM
looks the bollox lads illl have to come up without the tribe sometime ..nice one on the fone mark ..u lucky bastard lol say hi to the kids mate

23-08-2008, 01:38 PM
Hahaa. I left mt glasses on my seat after leaving a mates house, popped a wheelie then thought fuck my glasses! had to ride in the dark on the wrong side of the road squinting swearing, wearing them now.

Glad stupid shit happens to other people as well.

23-08-2008, 02:59 PM
Great pics.