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25-09-2007, 05:14 AM
Yes I`m having the fugger supercharged, being collected tomorrow.
160 / 230 switchable rwhp via a rocker switch on the bar.

Fairing has to be cut out around the supercharger which sticks out a bit on the right hand side :D
But NO !!!! The fairing is`nt going !!!! Damn it !!!! Does that mean I still can`t join the club ?? [:p]

25-09-2007, 06:43 AM
Does that mean I still can`t join the club ?? .... YES fuck off ... nah your alright !!!!
What type of blower , how does the power switch work ,why you keeping the fairy's ,why isnt it done already?:D;)

25-09-2007, 07:56 AM
Be interesting to see how it looks and goes,
What type of supercharger are they using ? i see on SHOrg you are not using TTS , how similar is yours to what they produce ?

Welcome to the world of forced induction ;)

25-09-2007, 08:52 AM
oooh, someones building a proper b-king i see! (pity about the fairyings)

ps- wanna be in my own special private club? ;)

25-09-2007, 06:55 PM
I like the tupperwear it stops the draughts round me neck :D
Old fart here.... 48 years of decrepitude [xx(]

No I am not using TTS, I know how they operate and having a few mates in the drag racing I would never EVER use TTS.
Infact the guy building my bike is the Ex TTS top bike builder from when TTS went bust a while back.

My other bikes ( Buell and ZR1100) saitisfy the need for naked riding !!! [:p][:p][:p]

S/C is the one all the drag guys use, its the Rotrex unit.
We are looking at 160 rwhp on "economy mode" and 220 / 230 rwhp in "Full power mode" which I feel is enough for the UK roads.
Power Commander have just introduced a new 2 way switchable hub which I have seen on my mates turbo Busa. He has just built his first turbo, but specialises in S/Cs.
The switching is via twin fule maps and a rocker switch on the bars.
An extended singarm is a must for stability to !!!
Rear tyre wear is bad enough on the stock Busa never mind with the bike up on one all the time as it would without a longer wheelbase !!

This is the man who is building it for me.... got to go he`ll be here in a minute collecting my bike, see ya later....


26-09-2007, 01:13 AM
r u using the powercommander multi fuction hub?or just the map switcher?
the multi function hub allows for clutchless fullpower upshifts with the extra plugn play bits when at the strip!! [:p][:p][:p]

26-09-2007, 01:16 AM
but i'm sure someone will point out a much better alternative shortly that doesn't piggyback your factory pooda........

26-09-2007, 01:29 AM
quote:Originally posted by WHO-NIN

r u using the powercommander multi fuction hub?or just the map switcher?
the multi function hub allows for clutchless fullpower upshifts with the extra plugn play bits when at the strip!! [:p][:p][:p]

Yes its the multi func hub that we`re using, leaves the future options expandable.
Mark picked the bike up this morning, hes got to order the Supercharger from Holland. He can start with the other work now though. Shame our short summer has just bombed out into winter again !!! Do`nt wanna be riding the Busa when its done on our autumnal roads.... ever heard the expression "as greasy as a dog turd" ?? Well thats how we describe our roads in autumn/ winter !!
Thats 9 months worth of shite road conditions generally.

Hes also got the ZX6R in I posted details on earlier for some modifications to enable my lady to ride it. Its got to be lowered a tad ! 6" over swingarm and braced, shorter dogbones, drop the forks through the yokes, new billet top yoke, mount the clip ons ontop for more height. Or maybe we just straight bar it and rip the fugging fairing off !!!!!
Leaves me time to work on the ZR1100 and a few other bits and pieces.

26-09-2007, 06:28 AM
I dont get it .... S/C are direct drive so lets say you'll run 20 pounds of boost for the 220/230 HP .. you will still have 20 psi at the 160 HP setting ... Changing the mapping for the two settings will totally mess with the air fuel ratio .. you'd have to set it up for the 220 HP then stave of the engine fuel and spark to lower the HP but still be getting 20 PSI at the inlet manifold (full bad ).. the only way i can see it being done is to have a butterfly valve letting the boost go to atmosphere and that would be gay as aids and hard to control .. think of a lebbo's BOV going all the time .. Yes it makes me want to kill one just thinking about it ..
Id really like to know how this is to be done HOS ..

26-09-2007, 07:35 AM
I am not totally sure, but its exactly the same principle of how the new GSXRs and the new 2008 Busa have switchable power outputs all done via the ECUs fuel mapping.
The new GSXR1000 has three different power outputs, to match the 600cc, the 750cc and the full power 1000cc. All via the same engine running at the same range of revs.

26-09-2007, 08:48 AM
dont some superchargers have a clutch set-up
so when u want it switched off the belt is just idling yeah?

thats how i understood it happening

sounds fukkin mean!

26-09-2007, 06:24 PM
quote:Originally posted by fimpBIKES

dont some superchargers have a clutch set-up
so when u want it switched off the belt is just idling yeah?

thats how i understood it happening

sounds fukkin mean!

They "sound" evil mate !!
Marks 500 plus BHP Supercharged Abusa makes your ears bleed :D

03-10-2007, 07:12 PM
Rotrex supercharger is on order from Holland.

Bike engine came out yesterday, going up to the unit later today to see it on the bench.

Here is the man and his awesome bike !!!!
A good man Mark is.....


03-10-2007, 07:23 PM
Fuck yeah that Busa does it for me.

03-10-2007, 10:23 PM
Stick a number plate on it and its road legal !!! [:p][:p][:p]

04-10-2007, 05:57 PM
That bike must throw a few piqeons in the way of the 6 second harleys (drag bikes)

05-10-2007, 04:23 AM
quote:Originally posted by Groomey

That bike must throw a few piqeons in the way of the 6 second harleys (drag bikes)

Aint any Harldeys in Superstreet class here I do`nt think ?

Seen a couple of the screaming Eagle V-rod drag bikes and they were bloody rubbish, struggling in the 9s.

Marks Busa does the medium 7s on the quarter, hes confident he`ll get low 7s next year. First season this year on the new bike.

75% of bikes on the strip here are Busas. Another 20% are GSXRs and then a few Kwaks make up the rest.

07-10-2007, 06:30 PM
When I bought it in November 06 as a bone stocker:


07-10-2007, 06:32 PM
As it was this summer:


07-10-2007, 06:33 PM
As it is right now...


07-10-2007, 07:04 PM
nice discs!
(at least itll stop quick now :D)

08-10-2007, 12:48 AM
quote:Originally posted by fimpBIKES

nice discs!
(at least itll stop quick now :D)

Ohhhh how those standard Busa brakes are cack !! :D:D
The new discs rip the pads to hell, but at least it fugging stops now !!! Lol Lol

11-10-2007, 12:58 PM

16-10-2007, 09:07 AM
beefcake, BEEEEFCAAAAAKE!!!!!

16-10-2007, 05:39 PM
Spending a day up the unit today with Mark, going to be slotting the motor back in with the internal mods done on the bench.
Supercharger due in any day now ready for fitting once the engine is back in the frame.
Swingarm gone away for extending and polishing.
The bike is on the bike hoist ready for work :)

Weather turning cack slowly but surely, nice wet leaves all over the road...hmmmmmmm..... [xx(]

18-10-2007, 05:52 AM
Supercharger arrived today !
Going up on Friday to help him put the Busa lump back in with the top end mods done.
No photos guys as the bike still looks the same as the last shot.
Trying to obtain a billet clutch housing at the right price for next week.
Still quite a lot of work to be done, but till the blower arrived, there wasnt a huge amount to get on with. My mate can really crack on now [:p][:p][:p]

18-10-2007, 06:12 PM
quote:Originally posted by fimpBIKES

beefcake, BEEEEFCAAAAAKE!!!!!

i would just like to reiterate this comment. i wonder if he can lift the bke with the girls on it....

supercharging sounds as though it is progressing nicely, bit shit that you can't ride for three quaters of the year.i think i'd jump off a building or something waiting that long.

interested in how you will work the power mode switch as well....

19-10-2007, 07:02 AM
Spot on there pt !!! 9 months of shite weather every year. Infact this year we had 10 1/2 months of shite weather :)

Lots of nice wet slimey leaves on the roads now as we are in the middle of autumn [xx(]

I am lucky to have a couple of other bikes with less challenging rider input :D

23-10-2007, 02:35 AM
Errrmmmm..... its all happened a bit quick. The bike is nearly ready.
Supercharger came in on Wednesday last week. Bike is nearly done.
I have been major busy in other places and the build went well.
So shite !! I aint even seen it yet.

Going up tomorrow morning to see how its going I really want to take some photos !!!!!!

Bike could be ready by end of this week. After waiting a fair old time for the S/C which made sense as we wanted the latest generation model.

23-10-2007, 10:23 PM
more pics HOS, more pics!!!

24-10-2007, 08:53 PM

24-10-2007, 08:56 PM

24-10-2007, 08:57 PM

24-10-2007, 09:02 PM
Got the plenum chamber now.
Cooling going in for the blower.
All the engine internals are done except the clutch mods.
Blower is now on.
Looking at an ignition module to gain the ability to fit a shift kill device for upshifts and to add or take away ignition timing.
S/C spins at a ratio of 10 to 1. So when the bikes doing 5000 rpm the blower is spinning at 50,000 rpm.

Got to spend some time on the road running the motor in on a generic fuel map before we do the full dyno set up.
New tyres are ready here for after the dyno time.

24-10-2007, 09:04 PM
Bike will be ready by the end of this week, so I`m gonna be running it in this weekend !!!
Then next week we do the full dyno set up and fit the 6" over swingarm and lower the whole bike.

Excited ??? Pissin messen !!!!!!!!!! Dribbling !!!! Wet patch on ya jeans aint good lads ???

25-10-2007, 05:25 PM
Its looking great mate. 50,000 rpm for the blower. Not knowing anything about blowers, but is that alot or pretty std?

26-10-2007, 07:07 AM
As of today....



26-10-2007, 07:10 AM
quote:Originally posted by Groomey

Its looking great mate. 50,000 rpm for the blower. Not knowing anything about blowers, but is that alot or pretty std?

10 : 1 ratio on the blower revs to the engine revs is about normal.

So at 10,000 rpm the blower is spinning at 100,000 rpm ....Cooking !!!!

27-10-2007, 10:18 PM

Yesterday and I heared it running. Its different :D
And its fooking loud !

27-10-2007, 10:20 PM

08-11-2007, 12:06 AM
Shaun at BigCC and Mark spent best part of 2 days on the dyno to produce a 234 max rwhp output !! Not bad !!!


Wahhhoooooo..... its coming home in a matter of days !!!

08-11-2007, 06:48 AM
Thats very nice Hos, watching with much interest as i may be fitting one to a B King soon.

what boost levels are the dyno figures at?

was there any monitering of the inlet temps ?

Figured out the 2 stage boost ,its what you can't do to a turbo because they overspeed.

08-11-2007, 12:14 PM
farken hell - thats a very tidy install HOS. How linear does your power delivery want to be? [:O] :D

08-11-2007, 01:25 PM
too right!
thats better than some factory bikes ive read tests on lately!!

08-11-2007, 03:04 PM
Talk about smooth full on power!

08-11-2007, 05:11 PM
Mark reckons its the smoothest bike hes ever ridden.

Well in about 3 1/2 hours time I`m test riding it ! [:p][:p][:p]

Thanks for your comments ;)

Boost at the higher output setting is only 7 psi. The lower setting was going to be 5 psi. The top setting was 10 psi to start with.
They had to change the fuel pump and regulator 1/2 way through mind you. The upgraded stock items were`nt good enough so eventually they put class 1 race pump and regulator on it to get it to perform.

Test pilots report later :D

08-11-2007, 06:23 PM
Enjoy :D

08-11-2007, 09:46 PM
HOS would it be rude of me to ask roughly what the whole process cost?[8)]

09-11-2007, 12:05 AM

How'd it go?

09-11-2007, 06:22 AM
It's pretty rich too

09-11-2007, 08:13 AM
quote:Stocky Posted - 09 Nov 2007 : 07:22:59
It's pretty rich too
11.8-12:1 on a boosted engine is about right, Better to be safe than sorry ;).........

09-11-2007, 08:50 AM
so.... did he not make it? [:O]

09-11-2007, 10:25 AM
Its just a great bike now. Its sweeeeeeeeeeeettt.....
It rides like the Busa allways should have done, but never did.
No hesitation, no glitches on fuelling, no on / off throttle, no coughing and spitting...
This a very positive bike to ride, it feels like it accelerating all the time, your not waiting for it to pick up. Its very keen if you know what I mean ?
Its rapid, but dead usable, its ultra smooth. The power is very fluid and you can wind it in incredibly smoothly.
The bike rides one hell of a lot better than stock or piped.
You do`nt need to think what gear your in, the power is so fluid it will accelarate hard in any gear without any hesitation.
I have to say its piss easy to ride, much easier than the stock Busa.
You have to be respectful with the throttle though. Lets be honest this is no rookie bike.
I was keeping it below 6000 rpm as its got to bed in. The pick up is phenominal !
The noise of it is like a deep growl from the Yoshi, with a high pitched yet quiet whistle from the supercharger. It turns heads because it doesnt sound like any other bike.
Going out on it again tomorrow and some photos to post online ;)

Overall ? 9/10 damned good !!!
Will I keep my license ? Maybe if I hide it first !! [:o)]

10-11-2007, 08:54 AM

10-11-2007, 08:55 AM

10-11-2007, 08:56 AM

10-11-2007, 08:58 AM

10-11-2007, 08:59 AM

10-11-2007, 09:06 AM
looks sweet, fits nice.............. bet its fucking fun to ride!!!!!!

10-11-2007, 08:35 PM
quote:Originally posted by NakedTurboBusa

looks sweet, fits nice.............. bet its fucking fun to ride!!!!!!

Its a far sight better than crack or smack and little come down !!!!
Pure adrenalin is the only drug I`ve ever needed [:p][:p]:D

12-11-2007, 01:35 PM
That Charger looks so fuckin' tidy. You must look like the bloody cheshire cat mate!

12-11-2007, 07:10 PM
quote:Originally posted by Gix11

That Charger looks so fuckin' tidy. You must look like the bloody cheshire cat mate!

Its very tidy mate, Mark did a damned fine job for me.
The guy is a real passionate man about bikes as well as being a brilliant bike builder. He is talking me into an air shifter as I write. When you see the works underneath the panels and tank, its amazing, but so subtle how well its all hidden.
The oil cooler is now underneath the nose cone and the plastic modified to direct air onto it. The radiator has been hotched forward to miss the blower. The exhaust header pipes had to be cut and bits welded in to miss the blower and its air intake.
New clutch internals, new turbo pistons to lower comp, new barrel and head gaskets, lost the air intakes on the nose cone, dont need em any more. Well we did use one of them to direct air onto the blower heat exchanger (cooler) which is housed in the right hand air intake.
All the new contollers and hub and the wiring. A new class 1 race fuel pump and regulator, new big bore heavy duty fuel lines and filters.
We discussed, looked at and modified at each stage of the build, this bike is a complete build and every part has been thought about to ensure the same mistakes were`nt made again as with UK supercharged bikes in the past ;)
Feck knows how many cooked breakfasts we got down us in his local cafe talking about the bike !! :D
I wanted to be very hands on with my bike and Mark let me do that, I spent a fair amount of time in his unit helping or checking out ideas and specs.
The great thing about the build is Marks passion and motivation. He built this bike (as he does all of them I suspect) as if it were his own bike.

To say it was a great goal achieved.. for me is an understatement.

Now you guys are sliding into your summer we have just slipped painfully into winter, so despite this beaut in my garege, riding time will be very limited for the next 6 or 7 months [xx(]

I am just having some wheels polished and painted this week to go on it and some other subtle bits and pieces to be done.

I hope you guys do`nt mind me banging on about the bike, but I thought some members would like to share the creation of a supercharged road bike ? :)

12-11-2007, 07:17 PM
quote:Originally posted by zx12argh

HOS would it be rude of me to ask roughly what the whole process cost?[8)]

No mate, I don`t mind telling you exactly what it cost so far.

Bearing in mind the Yoshi Cyclone race system was allready on it and a PC3. Although we didnt use the PC3 the cost was offset against the new PC contoller.

The whole supercharger works to date has cost me in the order of £4000.

Some say thats too cheap? some say too much? but I am very very happy with the price I paid for the bike I now have :)

12-11-2007, 09:03 PM
that is awesome HOS...[8D]

13-11-2007, 05:38 PM
Now thats a SUPA BUSA!!!

Very tidy job [:p]

13-11-2007, 05:47 PM
quote:Now thats a SUPA BUSA!!!
But I do lurve sleepers...Nice one mate.

13-11-2007, 05:53 PM
You would have to be happy with that mate, you cant have too many boosted busas in the world. Hopefully mine will be running boosted soon.

13-11-2007, 07:39 PM
kool very nice hos so whens the zephyr copping the same treatment lol

14-11-2007, 06:06 AM
quote:Originally posted by ozzy1100

kool very nice hos so whens the zephyr copping the same treatment lol

Zephyr is decommisioned right now, got another project on the go first.
Its a special bike... one for my lady. She aint ridden a bike for 16 years. Wants to get back on 2 wheels since we got together 4 years ago. She is a tad vertically challenged :D So we are making her a bike based on a ZX6R J1 model, its being "slammed and stretched" as we speak. Had to lose 4 " out the seat hieght !!! Its gonna be good [8D]

13-12-2007, 10:01 AM
OMFG...that is just great! love this!

do you have video and/or sound clips of this??

I MUST HEAR/SEE this thing go GO GO!


13-12-2007, 10:14 AM
Top job Hos it would be mental to ride once run in.

14-12-2007, 03:14 PM
Deffinatly curious to see it run in real time. Once the weather clears up.

Awsome build HOS. Looks mental. Have fun with her.

15-12-2007, 04:52 AM
Thanks for your comments :)

Got a bad dose of biker blues here, weather is shite.
Cold and damp, bone chilling weather like only England can?
At best its peaking at 4 deg C in the day and the sky is greyyyyyyyyyyy for the last few weeks. My injuries kick in hard this time of year and I aint tooo user freindly ;)

Busa is in bits again, jacked up and strapped to the roof beams in my garage. More modifictions being done as I write. Nowt else I can do this time of year.

It goes like this:
6" over swingarm with billet alloy extensions all been mirror polished. Done, ready to go in.
New painted wheels and polished rims with bling. Done.
Custom rear brake reservoir. Done.
Ti bolts for fairing and brakes. Stainless disc bolts.
New rear indy unit and plate bracket.
The pillion pegs are off. Aint a pillion bike.
New Tsubaki Gold HD chain 150 link to be cut down to size.
New Renthal rear spr.
New cush drive rubbers.
New swingarm bearings.
New Goodrich stainless braided and wrapped front brake lines.
New rear torque arm.
New rear stainless braided brake line.
New Azarro tyres.
New chrome tyre valves.
Repainted the cack Busa rear wheel hub in matt black.
Titanium rear axle nut.
New billet top yoke coming in from the US next week.
New alloy zorst bracket to replace footrest hanger.

Piece of piss !! Doing it all myself over Christmas sat in the garage. Might have me Christmas dinner in there?.....

Summer will be fun !
I`ve invited MDM to do a test ride and feature for the mag.
So all being well you`ll see a bit more of it next year.

Mark was up my place today and he reckons it`ll be good for 8s on the 1/4. But its still a usable road bike !
He just ran a flat 9 on a stock engined Busa this year, lowered and strapped [8D]

15-12-2007, 04:59 AM

This is all you can see from above.

15-12-2007, 05:00 AM

From the front.

15-12-2007, 05:03 AM

Before polishing.

15-12-2007, 02:46 PM
Amazing. Impressive from every angle you look at it. Top effort seeing it through!

15-05-2009, 11:36 PM
hey colin, somehow of run against the thread! [:0][:0][:0]
pretty impressed means nothing! wet patch on jeans! bullshit!! been wankin' all the way on it, that's wat i mean!!! [:I][:I][:I]



(thought ur a tractor driver matey! [}:)])

hows ur blow'abusa[8D] now? [?][?][?]

16-05-2009, 06:15 AM
Blimey ! !
Resurrection :D

Ermmm..... the bikes moved on a bit now.... last year I fitted the 6" over swinger... good for keeping it on the front wheel more...


Did the PMR billet topyoke from Roaring Toyz in the States (pig of a job)....


Then I lost the plot a bit and did this... [:p]


16-05-2009, 06:19 AM
Got to admit I`m not best at photographing my own bike... I tend to photograhh everyone elses... [:o)]

Here it is last year side panel removed to show some of the work.


Desperatley trying to keep it real with the looks.
I like em to look business like and not too bling.

16-05-2009, 06:24 AM
Some people might look at that and think its pretty stock, but look at the detail and you`ll see it aint.

The spec sheet is very long. Apart from the blower installation and internal engine work the rest is mine.

2 days on the dyno and its kicking out a shade under 240 bhp at the rear wheel. Its enough for road use.
6th gear roll on from 60mph is unfuckingreal !
The bike is constantly accelerating, positive motion.
Who cares what gear your in ? Just smack the throttle.

16-05-2009, 09:31 AM
I still like yours way more than the new BigCC system, that one just looks too bulky.

18-05-2009, 06:06 AM
I`ve seen Seans S/C B.King close up and its good. Its a real "belt and braces" job. Same kit for gen 1 and Gen 2 Busas.
I was surprised that it only gave 260 bhp or there abouts, I thought it would be more. But I think Sean is looking towards bigger power outputs from the same set up, hence the belt and braces approach.
Its interesting because I took a lot of stick from the turbo guys over having a supercharged Busa, but as I told them at the time its an engineering solution nothing more. Mine works fine and so does Seans.
Turbos have had more development than S/C bikes. There is no reason an S/C bike cannot produce the same numbers as a turbo bike.
With a starter clutch on the blower its going to be easier to build much bigger power with bigger capacity blowers.
Its starting the blower each time that kills my battery.

I am delighted that Sean has done his S/C bike. I cannot help feeling he may have listened to Mark and me.
The dyno set up on mine was done by Sean and Mark.
and Tbh diversification is a good thing ?

18-05-2009, 07:54 AM
No doubt the function is good, by Seans figures better than your model blower
But the form... thats where yours wins hands down...

19-05-2009, 12:18 PM
The only good busa is a blown busa ;)
Very tidy HOS - love the build on this bike.

02-03-2010, 10:21 PM
love that bike

05-03-2010, 06:48 AM
quote:Originally posted by grindella

love that bike

Thanks mate ;)

Although it wasnt on the road last year with other things happening.
Its going to breath again asap with a new pulley drive adaptor from the crank with modified oil seals.
A single rotary shaft oil seal isnt great at keeping a seal with crankcase oil pressure.

I have done "bits" on it like fitting new Goodrich stainless, blue wrapped braided front brake lines,
fitted the new Odysses battery, replacing somne of the metal mesh protection at the front.
General cleaning and fettling it ready. Once its running I may well van it up Santa Pod and launch it up the strip for the 1st time.

Life gets in the way sometimes and I just started trading with my new company. Life in the old dog yet [:p]
Got one of the business journo`s from a national tabloid newspaper wants to interview me next few days.... busy, busy !
Bike work is my leisure time :D

Its all good :)

05-03-2010, 04:03 PM
This looks pretty awesome HOS, do ya get a chance to get it out much mate with you're work?? It'd be a shame to see this sit in a garage instead of tearin up the miles...

06-03-2010, 06:42 PM
That must really put a smile on ya dial mate. Very tidy, great work.