View Full Version : Austrians

16-05-2008, 11:21 AM
* An Austrian woman is like a good wine…Best left to mature in a cellar.

* I've just bought this Austrian girl’s diary off ebay. Its not very interesting it just says:

Monday: Stayed in
Tuesday: Stayed in
Wednesday: Stayed in.
Thursday: Dad popped down for a bonk
Friday: Stayed in

* Austrian authorities have said that Josef Fritzl has been improving as a father as of late. In fact, police have said that he has 'Been coming into his own'.

* The Austrians have taken their fondness for the Sound of Music too far. They even have their own Von Trapped family.

* An Austrian journalist asked a neighbour how long he had known Josef Frittzles daughter Alice.
'Alice' he replied 'Who the f**k is Alice? You mean for 24 years I've been living next door to Alice?!'

* Official advice on sex education for Austrian teenagers is to keep them in the dark as long as possible.

* Austrian authorities are worried by the rapid drop in stag nights after it was learnt they actually do lock up their daughters.

* The Austrian interbred Fritzl family have been moved to a safe place, where it is believed they will blend in seamlessly into the local society…Tasmania

16-05-2008, 11:37 AM
Covered a lot of territory there Billy:D funny but sad.

Tasmania.....snigger [:I]

16-05-2008, 11:40 AM
He's not Austrian

He's Australian