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09-05-2008, 08:39 AM
Whats going on the lads!!! I got this little snippet


Tough new laws for SA bikie gangs
Posted Thu May 8, 2008 7:09am AEST
Updated Thu May 8, 2008 8:55am AEST

New laws: An alleged bikie fortress at Brompton in Adelaide's inner north-west (Nick Harmsen: ABC News)
Legislation allowing the Attorney-General to declare bikie gangs as illegal organisations passed the South Australian Parliament's Upper House last night.

Control orders can also be placed on members, restricting who they mix with and where they go.

The South Australian Government says the landmark legislation will disrupt criminal bikie gangs.

SA Police Minister Paul Holloway says tougher laws were needed because criminals were exploiting legal loopholes.

"They're using the system to avoid justice rather than to get justice and I think that's why the Government has had to introduce a bill which really changes many of these original legal concepts but we are confident that it will withstand any legal challenge," he said.

The SA Law Society and the Bar Association, as well as the Greens and Democrats, say the laws are extreme and unnecessary.

Democrats MP Sandra Kanck says it sets a dangerous precedent.

"This is turning on its head so much of what we have come to accept as being the rule of law in this state and in this country," she said.

EFE 1230
09-05-2008, 03:36 PM
This is the result of various patch wearing types that like shooting at each other in public places. What ever happened to a good old fashion punch up??? I doubt any clubs will change their ways as the last club president that tried to be more open to the public has "disappeared"!?!?!?

09-05-2008, 09:23 PM
Yep, its not gonna stop any of em. They will go underground and the cops will have a lot more trouble keeping an eye on them. I mean, its not as if many of em actually ride anyway.

09-05-2008, 10:51 PM
the problem with the patch clubs now is that there not doing any of the leg work they do a lot of recruiting. your more street level distric gangs thatarent bike based, and they are the ones now running around doing the shoot, as they did last week in the city.

but the irony is that they US law departments did this a few years ago and actually got sued for defimation and won the cops had to pay damages in the millions!!!

but the laws are very broad and non specific so if your associated with any 'club' that they police consider trouble you will fall into this legistation!! better hope your play for a good law abiding footy team??

Jockney Rebel
10-05-2008, 07:47 AM
this laws so open to interpretation its unreal ...i agree with everything above and its enevitable that any groups that draw attention to themselves will come under its scrutiny