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29-04-2008, 01:28 AM
Okay this is probably a weird one.
But I am curious to know, for those of you who are right into stunts.
Is there any type of training, or exersise you guys do to make it easier. as in handling the bike, actually performing a certain stunt, preventing injuries etc.
I assume alot of upper body strength is needed.
I want a head start before I get into it and want to be as prepared and fit as possible. (right now a toddler could chase me down and beat me to death with a spade and bucket set, I am that unfit)
I'v noticed just from riding the new bike I am feeling the burn in the forearams and lower back

or do you just get fit from practicing anyways. I have a habit of hurting muscles i never new i had before!

29-04-2008, 10:13 AM
What he said ^^^^^

29-04-2008, 10:40 AM
4 2-hour sessions at the gym on the big weights for 6 months will do it for ya mate. Plenty of protien powder and the like. Until you look like Arnie you ain't gonna be able to stunt properly guys..

(fucked if I know really , I'm way too old for stunting :D)

29-04-2008, 02:30 PM
This place is the shit if you wanna get fit...but it ain't easy!


American yes,but if you pick through the crap there's a lot of helpful people on here.I don't stunt but my fitness is heaps improved since I started this type of training.

29-04-2008, 08:49 PM
I find that eating maccas and Kfc is gr8 ... and those cheap ass rice snacks make gr8 stunt food true sammo : ) ..... nah seriously m8 just all round being fit helps . stunting for an hour is like riding for a day . arms back legs all cop it .. as for injuries... there is no prevention , u will come off learning new tricks its all part of the sport . but its progression so u gota jump back on and kill it .. what bike are u keen on stunting ..?

29-04-2008, 09:13 PM
here's proof lol


29-04-2008, 10:30 PM
quote:Originally posted by peshh69

I find that eating maccas and Kfc is gr8 ... and those cheap ass rice snacks make gr8 stunt food true sammo : ) ..... nah seriously m8 just all round being fit helps . stunting for an hour is like riding for a day . arms back legs all cop it .. as for injuries... there is no prevention , u will come off learning new tricks its all part of the sport . but its progression so u gota jump back on and kill it .. what bike are u keen on stunting ..?

When I get rid of the 250 and pay a few things off I'm keen to find a project bike. I dont want to touch the 9 for now I need reliability, and cant afford to work on it right now.

Not sure what I will get, i'd imagine they are all basically the same to start on?

el sammo
30-04-2008, 12:02 PM
Hey 336LJ being fit helps a lot, try and work on flexibility too, eat reasonably healthy and drink a shitload of water, and always warm up youre muscles by stretching before you ride it makes a big difference

30-04-2008, 02:48 PM
And go do some Judo so you learn how to fall/roll

03-05-2008, 01:53 AM
quote:Originally posted by Fatgit

And go do some Judo so you learn how to fall/roll

ah Iv had plenty of practice at that ! used to skate so much I didnt even get my L's till I was 18!!!
Gave up cause I kept busting my wrists up and having days off work as a casual sucked.
I'm working on the fitness thing.
Im already past the point of being sore on the bike now so thats good. over did it at work tonight which is unusual, so hopefully im not too sore for a ride tomoro.

Do most of you guys who have bigger bikes like mine have the ability to actually hold the thing up if you go to drop it on its side.
When I come close I swear a vein is going to burst in the side of my head, and my nuts end up in my stomach from straining haha!!

03-05-2008, 02:42 AM
"When I come close I swear a vein is going to burst in the side of my head, and my nuts end up in my stomach from straining"

Sounds like you found my ex...

04-05-2008, 07:05 PM
quote:Originally posted by Azrael

"When I come close I swear a vein is going to burst in the side of my head, and my nuts end up in my stomach from straining"

Sounds like you found my ex...


ive started learning how to wheelie.. im getting almost half nearly decent. would be so much easier on a bike that runs right lol.. when i first started my back would kill me after a short session, and my wrists.. but after a while ya body adapts.. and ur riding style gets smoother and u let the bike do all the work rather then using ur muscles to try and do shit..

havent crashed yet, touch wood. but ive bin learning really slowly, not pushing to much.. that said, almost come off twice in the same wheelie yesterday lol....

my advice, take it slow, dont push yaself too hard, and analize what u did after the wheelie, not during.. when it goes right take note and remember what u did, when it goes wrong take note and dont do it again lol.....

05-05-2008, 12:32 AM
Get a few tonne of firewood and get through it with a blockbuster. Your back, shoulders, upper and lower arms will hate you but its damn good exercise...

quote:Originally posted by el sammo

Hey 336LJ being fit helps a lot, try and work on flexibility too, eat reasonably healthy and drink a shitload of water, and always warm up youre muscles by stretching before you ride it makes a big difference

Stretching before you evercise can fatigue your muscles, making you tire sooner and being more likley to injure yourself. To warm up you're best to skip slowly, slow jog etc and put in a few (not like you're working out) pushups. 5 mins is usually more than enough but that also depends on your fitness level.

Stretch AFTER exercise.

You don't need any fancy diets of special equipment/routines to get fit and build strength.

The best weight formula is PUSH-PULL-LEG, i.e,

Bench=PUSH + Lat Pulldown=PULL + Squats=LEGS.

This will work all muscle groups if done in correct form. Cardio is a must if you want fitness though. There is a huge difference between fit and strong/built. Also, make sure you warm up/down before and after each session for muscle recovery, as before slow jog/skipping etc and a good 10 mins of stretching.

I knew spending $5k on becoming a personal trainer would come in handy 1 day[:o)]

05-05-2008, 05:19 AM
Pull ups (not chin ups) and burpees rule [8D]

05-05-2008, 09:28 AM
Hey Tone, if ya want I'll give you a routine that'll make you want to die but fuck its good.

05-05-2008, 01:50 PM
yeah sammo did ya read that .. if u train like that then u will become a gun stunt rider .. ha ha ha ha ... [:p][:p]:D

05-05-2008, 08:00 PM
They all make me wanna die[:I]...but go on Lucas,kill me,remember I'm nearly 50 though[}:)]

Had a blinder after work today.
10 min warm up on exercise bike with air punches.

Circuit of: Renegade man makers (2x 10 kilo d,bells) x5
Pike press x10
BW squat x20
Chinnies (sit up kind) x1 min

5 sets, 1 min rest between.

Finisher of: Tabata skipping
30 ab wheel roll outs (on knees) 3 x 10 brief rest between 10s.

Stretch out.
I'm going to bed very soon with a warm milk [:I]

el sammo
05-05-2008, 10:47 PM
haha if you do all that then if you cant get youre wheelies sorted at least you can crush the skulls of anyone who dares to laugh at you lol

06-05-2008, 05:26 AM
Only by dropping a dumbell on those skulls sammo.
I can wheelie my pushie a fair way...does that count?:D

06-05-2008, 08:56 AM
Sounds like you're trying to kill yourself there Tone.

06-05-2008, 07:42 PM
quote:Originally posted by Lucas

Sounds like you're trying to kill yourself there Tone.

Drop the milk you reckon?

06-05-2008, 07:44 PM
quote:Originally posted by Tone

quote:Originally posted by Lucas

Sounds like you're trying to kill yourself there Tone.

Drop the milk you reckon?

:)Where are the cookies