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15-04-2008, 03:21 PM
A queer goes to a tattoo parlour and says
“I would like a tattoo of a Ferrari Testarossa with full detail on my Penis”

The Tattooist says
“It is possible in principle, but is very painful and would require to be done under full anaesthetics and would take some time”

The Queer agrees and appointment is made

The day arrives, the queer turns up with a fresh back, crack and sack wax completed
The anaesthetist administers the drugs and the queer slips into a deep sleep

He comes to as the a anaesthetic wears off, in pain but happy he has his dream tattoo completed, groggily he sits up and looks down at the freshly tattoo’d penis and a look of shock crosses his face
He starts to scream and swear and asks
“what the fcuk is that supposed to be on my balls”

A mirror is handed to him and sees that a fully scaled tractor has been tattoo’d on his balls
“why the fcuk did you do that” he asks

“Well” says the tattooist
“That’s just in case you get the Ferrari stuck in deep shit, the Tractor can pull you out anytime”