View Full Version : The Afghan

09-04-2008, 12:56 AM
Mohammad the Afghan came to Sydney from the Middle East , and he
was only here a few months when he became very ill.
He went to doctor after doctor, but none of them could help him.

Finally, he went to an Afghan doctor who said,

"Take dees bocket, go into de odder room, shit in de bocket,
piss on de shit, and den put your head down over de bocket
and breathe in de fumes for ten minutes."

Mohammad took the bucket, went into the other room, shit in the
bucket, pissed on the shit, bent over and breathed in the fumes for
ten minutes.

Coming back to the doctor he said, "It worked. I feel terrific! What
was wrong with me?"

The doctor said, "You were homesick ."

The crow
09-04-2008, 05:52 AM
love it

09-04-2008, 08:23 AM
nice one clint

09-04-2008, 09:54 AM
Gold, but here is one for you Clint apparently some RAAF guys were busted doing this in William Town, they were getting empty coke bottles and shitting and pissing in them (I don't wanna know how they got the shit in there either) then they were leaving them to ferment for however long and sniffing the fumes and getting high. Apparently there was fuck all could be done apart from busting them for being dirty fuckers because it is not an illegal substance as such. I am also fairly confident that Thomas is going to try this as soon as he has read this post.

09-04-2008, 11:17 AM
it works, an alternate option is to have a farting compression session in a car

09-04-2008, 09:44 PM
what ever happened to the good old metho and white out..... who ever the fuck thought of using the bi-product of a curry was a sick fuck....


09-04-2008, 09:46 PM
mate thats the RAAF for you.

I was a bucket pilot. Getting gassed till you passed out was part of the job. Friggin 113's

09-04-2008, 09:48 PM
quote:Originally posted by Weaselman

mate thats the RAAF for you.

I was a bucket pilot. Getting gassed till you passed out was part of the job. Friggin 113's

Mate, some of these RAAF people are pretty strange, but Ive been lucky not to find that bad a RAAFie yet...... Fuck being a bucket head.... Clang clang... (two trees)


09-04-2008, 09:57 PM
Leave the poor cav guys alone.

well... ok dont. Those tankies are useless

09-04-2008, 11:12 PM
petrol is my sniffer of choice. :D

10-04-2008, 01:21 AM

if it's legal why not.... i love that shit ya ya
ich bin ein scheise sniffer

10-04-2008, 05:23 PM
that must have been a big night on the curry

10-04-2008, 05:32 PM
It looks kebabish to me.