View Full Version : how to earn money in london,,on a bike

Jockney Rebel
24-03-2008, 10:54 PM
'this is a little jaunt round a courier circuit in london[something i did for a few years in all weathers ]imagine doing this with an irate controller who hasnt had his end away in months shouting down a radio at you .... when youve got 5 drops an hour to do..
upside ?it pays well and its fun ....
downside ?youll hate your[GT550 kwak] bike after 3months in the winter temps of -5C,youll hate cabbies,suicidal peds,london cops,cyclists,and youll clock up 1000+miles a week :)
this is why i got 12points within 10months of being in Aus ..many bad habits ...lol:D

25-03-2008, 05:07 PM
who the fuck are the 3 judges?

you dont need to be a dispatch rider to ride like that... if you live in the city or the burbs its a fucking war zone...

(And i used to work for crisis couriers)

25-03-2008, 10:51 PM
The road rider is Bob MacMillan (ex-Head of Motorcycles for Honda), the racer is Chris Walker (The Stalker) of WSB fame and the courier is a guy called Steve Manning.

The three are judged, both as riders and as mentors of the other two, by three judges: James Toseland ( MotoGP rider for Yamaha and 2x WSB champ), journalist Mark Forsyth, and biker and traffic cop Mark Owen.
( not the Mark Owen from Take That tho....he's shit on a bike!...and off it actually!)

Jockney Rebel
25-03-2008, 10:52 PM
ta ...i knew one of em was a copper