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19-01-2008, 12:33 AM
Hey Rocket....

Here is two clips I took of you playing at Drag Strip.





19-01-2008, 04:46 PM
I am so crap at drags :(

Got some lowering links and a front end strap today.
Almost managed to get some swinger extensions for the turbo bike but alas, they wont fit.

Thanks for that Jarrod.

19-01-2008, 09:54 PM
i'm not a wheely person so you done better than me i was slow of the starts ,only been to the drags one that was on the sv done 11.7s might have to do it on the gsxr with some extentions supose to be a nine second bike proly about 11 with me riding lol

19-01-2008, 10:53 PM
Hoping to take either "Mongrel" or my ZX9R to a Monday/wednesday Drag night in Feb. Maybe we could arrange an ASF get together for the night of Drags. (waiting for some smart arse comment to that last sentence lol)


uncle pervy
07-02-2008, 10:01 AM
so rocket what was your E.T.?
my best on me '94 speed triple was 11.75

07-02-2008, 11:51 AM
Pervy, my best with everything set up as stock was 11.6, I couldn't use full throttle in first or second, with no fairing weight or clip ons, the light front just wouldnt stay down.
With lowering links and a strap-on, I got a flat 11 which is a nice 0.6 improvement.
Try as I might, I just couldn't crack a 10.
It launches heaps harder now but I still can't go full noise in first gear.
The bike is carrying a bit of a weight penalty, being my huge arse so it's not too bad.
If anyone wants to use my strap-on for the front end, just ask. I dont think the one I have will fit with radial brakes though kooka.

07-02-2008, 12:16 PM
quote:Originally posted by Rocket

If anyone wants to use my strap-on for the front end,

you might be me mate but you can fcuk off with the strap on! :D

07-02-2008, 01:15 PM
Well Billy if you wave that arse around as much as I have heard you do, you may get suprised by some strange bloke one day. Billy and the strap-on....sounds like some freaky cartoon strip

uncle pervy
14-02-2008, 08:33 AM
shit rocket i had my front wheel off the ground on every gear change. all i'd do is lean further forwards, hadn't thought about wearing a strap-on. wouldn't that kinda stop you from getting closer to the tank, or do you wear it backwards and use it to push forwards. :-D

15-02-2008, 01:48 PM
With a name like Uncle pervy, i would have thought you'd known the best ways to use one already.

usually, i get someone else to wear it but pillions runs on the dragstrip are somewhat frowned upon.