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22-08-2007, 10:28 PM
does anyone know or have used any type of liquid metal filler suitable for alloy that will polish up the same rather than cut deep in to the item ,,[in this case a swing arm ]which is being polished with the mop and causing a reduction in wall thickness ? gravel rash and gougess 2mm deep plus

22-08-2007, 10:55 PM
Maybe get someone to run some ally weld over the gravel rash and then smooth and polish it ?

23-08-2007, 04:23 AM
Dont stress it bloke. Send it to ya polisher and he will be able to linish them out easy as, or at least blend them in.

23-08-2007, 06:30 AM
Weld it then send it off to the polisher and let them do it ..
As far as i know there's no filler on the market that'll do what you want .. sorry there are fillers around but they will look shit against polished ally and stand out like crazy ..

23-08-2007, 10:18 AM
im with lathboy on this one

23-08-2007, 06:21 PM
Unless you get lucky the differences between the welded in sections and the stock casting will be visible to the naked eye even after polishing. Especially if you you one of those low temperature alloy fillers that you can use with a butane torch(like Luminiweld). Different grades of aluminium have different characteristics when polished so thats why. But, it will generally be visible at less than a meter . A trick is to make a filler rod for a TIG set up out of a scrap piece of material the same as the one you are welding(ie. a scrap swingarm from the same make/year) . A talented TIG welder can work wonders with that.

23-08-2007, 06:53 PM
I chopped out my swinger and added extra bits to cover to holes that i opened up with any old filler rods that were hanging around that just happened to be 6000 series rods ;):D
after i put it in the mill and give it a lick then a draw file ( gotta use bucket loads of CRC ) i cant see any seams from where material was added .. I know not everyone has a mill but if you spend the time you can get awsome finnishs with a file .. Get a Lathe file thats the key..:)

23-08-2007, 10:00 PM
thanks for idears bokes I might leave them there ,I mean chicks dig scars dont they ?

23-08-2007, 10:42 PM
as long as they aren't on your dick - apparently that freaks them out for some reason