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08-01-2008, 08:35 AM

I was reading the news last night online and come across this article...
Amazing that states are still using these wire barriers when they know how dangerous they are....

The story: (Tasmania)

MOTORISTS and SES workers have been offered counselling after witnessing a gruesome high-speed motorcycle crash which killed a man in the state's North-West.

The 27-year-old Ulverstone motorcyclist was killed instantly when he slammed into a wire-rope barrier after losing control of his speeding bike on the Lillico straight on the Bass Highway between Devonport and Ulverstone on Sunday.

Police said the man was travelling west in a 110km/h zone about 6.45pm when he lost control of his blue 1998 Honda CBR900 Fireblade motorcycle.

The bike and rider hit several barrier fence posts to the right of the highway, fatally injuring the man and mangling the bike.

After the initial impact, the motorcycle slid a further 214m before hitting an Armco railing.

Yesterday at the police pound all that remained was a pile of parts, while the crumpled frame showed where the front wheel had been ripped off on impact.

The road was closed for several hours following the crash and police returned yesterday to continue their investigations.

Officers labelled the crash the worst they had attended due to the high speed involved and the horrific nature of the man's injuries.

In an unusual move, police have offered counselling to drivers who witnessed the crash as well as emergency service workers.

First-Class Constable Sven Mason said two people had already called the station to accept the offer of counselling.

He said police usually only offered counselling to family members but due to the severity of the crash felt it was important to consider the wider public.

Constable Mason said excessive speed was the major factor in the crash which occurred on a straight stretch of "good highway".

The name of the rider has not been released.

08-01-2008, 08:53 AM
Mate of mine was killed 4 years ago when he went into the cheese graters on the federal hwy at lake george on the way to canbera

08-01-2008, 09:26 AM
pretty hard to blame anyone else when you crash on a straight bit of road at massive speed.

08-01-2008, 09:37 AM
of course you can blame them for it!!!!
and im not blaming them for causing his crash.... just the un-safe barriers they feel are safe to have...!
why put a barier in place that can cut peolpe in half???
sure, if your going fast enough it doesnt matter what you hit you'll probaly
die anyway, but these fucking wire rope ones make sure you die....
thats our taxes, our money being spent to install "saftey" barriers that have a higher
chance of killing us than a normal barrier. why should our bike rego fees go towards that??!!
a mate of mine hit a normal barrier at approx 120kmph and luckily went under it... broke alot of bones etc...
but survived, if it was wire rope.....dead for sure.

08-01-2008, 11:10 AM
yeah, better to jump over it and take your chances with oncoming traffic IMO!

on my recent trips to nth NSW, SE QLD its crazy how much of these WireRope/CheeseGrater Barriers have been put in

i sudder to thing what would happen if you blew a tyre at LEGAL speeds
there only 1m of shoulder (which is covered in gravel) and then cheesegrater on both sides and some sections are single lane
thats not a lot of width to get a bike under control!

what i wonder is when bike clothing manufacturers are going to start making WRB resistant jackets etc, something with hard external armour like the ti-max stuff icon was making etc?

08-01-2008, 11:11 AM
yep I bounced off a steel armco in a s bend at about 100+ clicks few years back - broke my leg, hand and put a couple dents in the head - bike went under it and I went over it but I'm still here :D

can see where appo is coming from re the wire ropes........would've hate to have been sliced and diced

08-01-2008, 11:34 AM
apparently europian countries are taking them down

08-01-2008, 12:51 PM
So are you saying he would have been ok if it wasnt for the barriers? Im sure I will get flamed to the shithouse but why just say that it was the wires fault? The report claims that massive speed was involved. you could hit a bloody pigeon at massive speed and die....

08-01-2008, 01:23 PM
Tend to agree both ways here, yes it is unfortunate this rider died but hey what was his speed , will we ever know.
You guys have all seen pics of fuckhead kamakaze pilots doing there 300 odd klm's an hour on their speed machines , and i am sorry if this will offend some but the problem is to many guys with little experience buying missiles they have no idea how to control in a situation.
So this guy was on a straight piece off road what the fuck apart from speeding did he do ( don't get me wrong ) I feel sad he lost his life and for his family.
But in this instance he made a fatal mistake end of story.
These wire fences I do agree are dangerous and even at the speed limit may be fatal when hit but then again may not , depends how you hit them I guess, but come on the faster you go the more lethal these fences will be.
If the rider was doing the speed limit I wonder if he would have been able to come out of it with maybe some bust bones but i guess we will never know.
Condolences to his family no one likes this stuff happening but welcome to the real world I guess.
And Appo I have seen normal barriers cut off limbs and infact an incident off a rider hitting those poles for security in car yards
cutting a rider in half and that came from a good mate who is an ambo.
So yes they are dangerous not denying but so is excessive speed.

08-01-2008, 01:27 PM

08-01-2008, 01:37 PM
Urrrr um Darren you don't need a can opener on that mate it has a ring pull :D:D

08-01-2008, 01:49 PM
I never said I was smart [V]

08-01-2008, 01:55 PM
U never had to :D:D:D:D
lets just call it being prepared ( if the ring pull breaks you can still open that can o worms ) ;)

08-01-2008, 02:06 PM
sorry for laughing on a shit topic but turbo/devo you crack me up

08-01-2008, 02:53 PM
quote:apparently europian countries are taking them down

Yes, they do! Cause the are deadly- speeding or not...

Here in Perth, they are flat out installing the mincers [:o)]

08-01-2008, 04:06 PM
thought u were heading home frankie?

08-01-2008, 04:16 PM
I can see both sides of the story here speeding is dangerous and we have all have been guilty.
But those cabels are just fucked, I can remember going to a bike show about 5 years ago
and the MRA was there with plastic covers for those cabels, cost back then was 7 million
dollars so what's our lives worth. If shit does happen and it does I'd rather bounce of
plastic then be choped up by wire or maybe that's just me.

08-01-2008, 04:21 PM
Home? He's been to Germany, didn't like it, and now's he back in Perth again.

These things are fucked I know. I remember seeing them putting them in a few years back and wondering what the fuck they were thinking. I don't ride everyday any more and when I do ride you can bet your arse it ain't on no highway. Highways are where Joe Blow and his Camry live and they can't drive. These wires were meant for them. If you can get to work or wherever without using the highway, do so. As for excess speed in a straight line, I'm guilty a thousand times over, but on a straight piece of road all I can think of is a blow out or fast direction change that does happen that fast at triple the speed.

Pommy Chopper
08-01-2008, 06:15 PM
Those things are bloody lethal, i agree with that.
BUT if he's hit them, then travelled a further 214metres then he was ragging the tits off that bike. So in a way he's part to blame.

And there's no point whinging on these forums where the only people who read it are people who know how fucking lethal the graters are. Email or write to the state transport fuck heads, join a riders rights group or start one!!!!!


08-01-2008, 06:24 PM
whos whinging pommy??????? apart from you...

08-01-2008, 06:41 PM
whinge (hw#301;nj, w#301;nj) Pronunciation Key
intr.v. whinged, whing·ing, whing·es Chiefly British
To complain or protest, especially in an annoying or persistent manner.

He aint Robinson Crusoe...

08-01-2008, 06:47 PM
quote:Originally posted by fimpBIKES

apparently europian countries are taking them down

Now lets say that again fwimpy it is European :D.

ya right they are ripping the fuckers out(after a few fatal and messy deaths of not only bikers but cars being peeled open and the occupants(s) being decapitated/chopped up)[xx(].
I think the french were the first to install them and the first to start ripping them out and that was quite a while ago now years the rest will soon be history through out Europe

08-01-2008, 09:48 PM
i travel approx 260000 kms a year between newcastle and bris for work on the pacific hwy.i have seen these wire barriers being installed and some of these are kms long down the centre dividing lanes. 9 out of 10 times when the barrier is hit is from the ends where the viechle doesnt get stopped because it just mows down the uprights and the wire just falls on the ground. every week there is km after km of the wire barriers being repaired. this stuff isnt cheap. why dont they just spend the dollars educating car drivers & getting rid of the dickheads on our roads. every day i have people trying to cut me off . them in a car and me in a b_double. they are stupid enough to think i will just back off and let them in. fuckheads. like it will stop on a dime. then they try thier hardest to get past only to reduce thier speed by 10kph. education is what we need not fucking wire.

08-01-2008, 10:00 PM
Don't you have one of those big education bars on the front of your truck rexie?

08-01-2008, 10:06 PM
dont need one large. took out two cars last year and both were with wheels. for some reason they have been attacking me from the side. last one hit my front diff at 140kph did a few 360s stopped then fucked off on foot then reported the car stolen and my boss had to cover the damages to the truck. all caused by answering the phone while passing me on a dual carriageway.

08-01-2008, 10:07 PM
i got a new truck just before xmas and its a virgin so far. came close today though.

09-01-2008, 06:11 AM
Saw ya new one the other day rexie looks nice.
Any way a bit off topic but rexie ive seen a few trucks that mown down those center barriers, also when they first went up near grafton i think, saw (following) truck overtake a slow moving car and got stuck on the wrong side of the road, scary shit. Before any one on here goes off and rants and raves, the driver was a regular sys-bris driver he just fucked-up but lucky everything was ok.Also had the same prob cars like to try to inspect the underneath of the moveing truck, last one $8k damage on an old commadore and took 12 months before it was decided it wasn,t my fault. dont drive any more as you know Rexie and you know the reasons but starting to get itchy feet again.
this is realy off topic sorry guys for me dribling shit
the main reason that guard rail goes up is the decision makers
don't know/care about the conquesences as they mostly drive cars.
just my two cents worth but maby the decision makers need to be shown the problems.

09-01-2008, 10:18 AM
quote:Originally posted by alfiestorm

quote:Originally posted by fimpBIKES

apparently europian countries are taking them down

Now lets say that again fwimpy it is European :D.

oh yeah, you also seemed to spell "fuckstick" wrong as your username [:X]

on the way to work gix11, they installed them to stop you going into a nice soft river if u got out-of-whack
id be aiming to go over into the river anyday! (actually, my grandfather ditched his hardley into the same river years ago when he fell asleep and missed a corner :D)

09-01-2008, 04:00 PM
quote:Originally posted by fimpBIKES

quote:Originally posted by alfiestorm

quote:Originally posted by fimpBIKES

apparently europian countries are taking them down

Now lets say that again fwimpy it is European :D.

oh yeah, you also seemed to spell "fuckstick" wrong as your username [:X]

on the way to work gix11, they installed them to stop you going into a nice soft river if u got out-of-whack
id be aiming to go over into the river anyday! (actually, my grandfather ditched his hardley into the same river years ago when he fell asleep and missed a corner :D)

He was riding a Harley. Of course he fell alseep.