View Full Version : lane splitter and proud of it

15-08-2007, 08:20 PM
gotta say, Im a lane spiltter and proud to be one, fucking cars and trucks would go through tight spaces to if they where small enough to do it, they switch back and forward anyway between there lanes. Life would be easy for everyone if they just held a line. I dont care if the pretty little thing with the big tits make up isnt right, watch what the fuck your doin, o and the old man that see's the bad man on his bike baring down on him suddenly shits himself and decides he needs to drive off the road..Just sit still you mongs.
What has pissed me off today my friends is when arse holes in trucks decide to move across and give you a tap. My friend following behind thought that he would have to make "that" call to my wife after what he witnessed. I was happely spillting as you do in sydneys peak our traffic when this Trucky (they are always little skinny fuckers by the way) moves over on me doing about 70. Arse hole, wrecked my most comfy undies.
To make matters worse I saw a prick driving in the break down lane today, I properly told him in the right manner that he was a tin top and should go back and join is herd. If he understood I dont know the is slimmy prick with his seat layed down music pumping.......
There im done[B)]:(

15-08-2007, 08:59 PM
Yeah I used to lane split with out a care years ago but took it a bit easier when I had to Occasionally drive a truck to work, mate honestly it is hard to see a bike coming up the side of a truck and If your carrying a bit more speed your out pacing the time that people have to check their mirrors. If you lane split you have to take more care than usual, I still do it but you gotta assume people are gonna move over.


15-08-2007, 09:07 PM
Dear Mr Cheese, i lane split too, as long as the traffic is stopped or at a crawl. I also drive trucks (or i used to) I also drive a car. Lane splitting at 70? I would have laughed my guts out if i was driving that truck. "(they are always little skinny fuckers by the way)" hahahaha you havent met me or Rexie. "To make matters worse I saw a prick driving in the break down lane today" Big fuckin deal, you know that one day he will find out why its called the breakdown lane and slam up the arse of a brokendown car. Bike riders get a hard enough time now, dont try to make it worse.

15-08-2007, 09:35 PM
venting, just venting.
Most people are ok they just let you through (understanding of the risk), its the dudes that just get the shits that there sitting still or sluging along and have a cheap shot at you as you pass, by he way im not a nut, i try and do it safe and dont take risks I want to go home to my wife and kids and im sure they want to to with out my guts on the sheild

15-08-2007, 10:59 PM
Had my foot run over by a truck on Parramatta Rd one morning.
Handlebar clipped the tray of a ute,didn't drop it but while i was busy getting sorted out, lights changed and the truck beside me drove off, back tyre straight over my foot, wouldn't have even seen me.
Looks like I'll never run at the Olympics but it could have been lots worse.;)
It's easy to get complacent when you do it all the time, just cos it hasn't bitten you yet, doesn't mean it won't.

Jockney Rebel
15-08-2007, 11:10 PM
sorry but i have to laff my fukin arse off ..i used to be a London courier so ''lane splitting'[ more like a mobile chicane] was a way of life honsetly the light traffic u have here in Sydney dosent warrant taking unneccesary risks .[B)]
.but i do understand the frustration of being stuck behind a car or truck ..ive learnt to deal with it as aussie drivers arent as bike informed as most drivers in the more congested cities which use bikes as away of delivering the bulk of their post/parcels .
i spent several years avoiding getting splatted ..if ur gonna do that u need to think for EVERYONE ELSE[}:)] ..otherwise u end up with a nice granite hat...[xx(]
i used to treat the m2 in kent as a 70mph[115kph] moving chicane but u get to thinking about
..what if just one idiot opened his door at that speed to chuck out his ashtray ..bosh.. im wearing a door lock for a nose ring its all about sensory awarness and riding defenceivly?..i still do it but if someone pulls up or gets in my way then ive usually allowed for it and no problem..if on the other hand i get caught out then tuff..im a twat
what u have to take into consideration is when u pass the old 80yr old bint in her toyota boring at 60kph to her ur 6" away because all she can see is your leg and ur exhaust is in her lughole so she panics..
to MR im a dude in me souped up scoobie..... ur a red flag...and hes in a 1.5 ton offensive weapon..
to MR ive been stuck in this fukin truck in this traffic forever and evrytime i get into 65th gear ive gotta change all the way down agin 15 metres later..ur a dot in his mirror the same size as the fly he thinks u are

in a nutshell if u can do it and get away with it great
.but learn why u get away with it
like u say... most ppl tolerate us and let us thru ..some dont and u need to assume that they all think that way to protect ur self

i dont mean to preach but ive lost a fair few good mates ,who rode for a livin, cause of this ..
In Sydney[ pop approx 1.5-2million] ur dealin with about 500000 vehicles in a space the size of greater london..in London[pop 7.5 million] there are 4 times that amount of vehicles on the road during the rush hour [which lasts almost all day] there really is gridlock sometimes..and u have no choice but to lanesplit but u really do have to be careful we all wanna get home ..in one peice;)

right ill get me coat now ....:)

16-08-2007, 02:22 AM
I got the "Little Man" finger today (the new speeding add) only trouble is I was in a Kenworth Prime mover road testing a new engine!! 525HP Detroit Diesel, 1850 lbs Torque full throttle up hill and old man stayed in fast lane up the hill. I eventually got past him only to get lights flashing and horn blaring. Pulled up at the lights and he gave me the littlee finger!!!
Me and the apprentice havent laughed so hard. still 100km up Kariong hill is probably a bad thing.
(for those who dont know, imagine windy tight corners, plenty of blind spots and usually pretty busy.)

16-08-2007, 04:59 AM
dont get me wrong I appreciate how hard it is for trucks. if there cool Ill help em out with blind spots even let em through to get a spot because some lowriding wanker is busy boy racing, but I think they should appreciate back how it is to ride and pull her up at large speed.....

16-08-2007, 01:02 PM
fuck mate, i say if u have 500+ hp u can do whatever the fuck u want :D

anyways, i lane split at 70+
but only if i know EXACTLY when im going and not for more than i can see at the start

16-08-2007, 01:10 PM
Risk vs reward - thats the way I work it. I lane split - but if I'm going to be 5 minutes late for work is it worth being a paraplegic and not being able to ride my bike? Nup - work can wait for me.

My basic rule is if I'm in 3rd then I am in a lane - but frank is right - you cant just think for yourself - you've got to think of all the loose nuts at the wheel.

16-08-2007, 04:26 PM
i lane split at all speeds. my current record for stupidity is in excess of $2.00

yeah go on, flame me [:P] :D


Jockney Rebel
16-08-2007, 04:52 PM
currently my record for stupidity stands at riding me old VFR being chased by a duke 916 thru traffic [ he gave up after 15 miles ]on motorway [the traffic was travelling at 75mph ] and we were buzzing em like they were going backwards
it was exhilerating but i didnt have a wife and kids to mourn me then and i was on a deadline ..250 quid job from london to bristol to london
bristols 90miles down the M4 done it in 3hours 10 mins door to door in the afternoon rush
i wouldnt attempt it these days my reflexes aint as sharp and my eyesights fuked

16-08-2007, 05:39 PM
Sydney is over 4 million these days Frankie,nearly double what it was 20 years ago and with the exception of a few overpriced motorways the roads haven't changed that much...the traffic is bad enough.I've driven in London and yes,it's fucked but so is Sydney.If I lane split or not resentment is fucking rife against bikes and for nothing,people just like to fuck others up if they can,sad bastards!

16-08-2007, 06:04 PM
ahh Im glad that im not the only mad bastard.

16-08-2007, 09:24 PM
Yeah I do it in Sydney but only in crawling traffic or stopped traffic

too many fucken incompetent drivers with no ability to think more than 2 metres ahead or dont know how to merge - the only thing these dickheads have in common is thier stupid grin - SMIDSY

but wot shits me the most is that a blinker is an indication of the want to change lanes or direction - its not a fucken god given right once its on

Jockney Rebel
16-08-2007, 10:46 PM
quote:Originally posted by Tone

Sydney is over 4 million these days Frankie,nearly double what it was 20 years ago and with the exception of a few overpriced motorways the roads haven't changed that much...the traffic is bad enough.I've driven in London and yes,it's fucked but so is Sydney.If I lane split or not resentment is fucking rife against bikes and for nothing,people just like to fuck others up if they can,sad bastards!
thanx for the update tone ..and i agree with u about the resentment bit ,,there are people out there who use their motors as weapons
all im sayin is we are vunerable, a soft target and being right doesnt bring ur legs back,or raise u from the dead
risk v reward is right on the money i fukin detest being stuck in traffic on a vehicle thats designed to filter
and ive been here just 2years and copped 12 points for stuff that i consider to be minor ..so at present i have to behave
there are some right halfwit monkeys out there we just have to be better than them
i had a guy try to undertake me on sunday in a scoobie we were the only 2 vehicles on the road and hed rather put my life and his licence at risk to prove his manhood i let him get level and fuked him off but then iwas riding a 1050 cc bike that can out accelerate him under any circumstances but if id been a kid on a 250 or less with little experience then it might vebeen different
ive always said that they should make evryone do 12 months on a moped before they evr get behind the wheel of a car

17-08-2007, 05:01 AM
A agree, car drivers should ride BEFORE they drive. They would respect there vehicles more and understand that there are difficulties for those of us who do decide to ride be it for pleasure or as an only means of transport. As far as filtering, cars cant move any where in a jam so why get the shits at those who can move.(all it is, is getting the shits because there stuck)As i said if they where small enough they would try to fit in the gap.

17-08-2007, 05:11 AM
quote:Originally posted by frankenbiker

ive always said that they should make evryone do 12 months on a moped before they evr get behind the wheel of a car

Too fucking right.

Had a chick in Manly look at me and laugh as she forced me left into parked cars because someone was turning right in her lane last Sunday.Couldn't believe it...she just did not give a fuck if she knocked me down outside the cop station with people everywhere and frightened passengers (jap tourists by the look of it) in her car.
Fucking blonde attitude bitch...I really would have liked to punch that slapper!

17-08-2007, 08:58 AM
This may sound like a do gooder type thing but i think if you have been subjected to the actions of a twat driver how about remebering the registration plate and write it down as soon as you can, you could either do one of two things.

1. Report the incident to the police traffic department doing this in the uk and the police would have to follow up the complaint either with a letter to the driver or a visit from the police.
Dont know if it applies here in Australia any police people on here know about this.
The idea of this is it may in time combined with other road user initiatives force some sort of driver education usually administered at the driving test stage.
It worked in the uk along with other initiatives and motorcycles are now featured in the car driving test in theory form but some awareness is better than none. A lot of car drivers do not know what a motorcycle is and there fore do not see them on the road, bikes just dont rigister in there closed world.


2. find out where the bastard lives using the reg plate info and smash the bastard cunts face in.

17-08-2007, 12:16 PM
Lane splitting is fun - a guy leaned out of the car and hi fived me as I was cruising past - its moments like this that make riding a laff ;)

17-08-2007, 12:53 PM
i do it too but i dont whinge about it if goes all wrong which it does regular i drive a b double and you cant check both sides at the same time. normal people take the gamble and if it goes wrong deal with it. fuckwits do something and if it goes wrong whinge about it and blame someone else (ie: truck driver) guess we know which one you are.

17-08-2007, 05:05 PM
i knew you had to be a truck driver LOL