View Full Version : Bulldog Murder!

15-08-2007, 06:54 AM
You guys over there hear that a fellow Biker was shot and killed whilst travelling home from the bulldog. Guys in a car waited and followed him along the M40 motorway towards London Travelling at Around 70mph the shooter fired twice with one shot hitting him in the back of the head.I think you guys would join me in sending sympathy to this guys family! [:0]

15-08-2007, 08:22 AM
Watched it on sky news
yesterday.i don't think the
hells angels will take too
kindly to one of there bros
being shot dead.

15-08-2007, 08:27 AM
Just had a look as well. Its not like it was 'Joe Blogs' the biker shot as a random act..more a pre planned attack on another club.

15-08-2007, 08:30 AM
i think something like this happened in 2001
after the bulldog bash too.

15-08-2007, 10:22 AM
Its a pity this shit still goes down these days.

15-08-2007, 12:27 PM
It would have gone down always mate. It's just the media are everywhere in this day and age and everything seems to be happening now.

15-08-2007, 01:20 PM
Gix is right - this shit has happened since day dot. Only difference is that now we have instant internet, mobile phone cameras, youtube, etc so we get to hear and see it all.

15-08-2007, 01:50 PM
The shooting could be another gangland mistaken identity either that or he was into some bad shit in his south London home town. Bad shit either way

And then this

There is a company in england now offering stab proof school uniforms and sales in London have rocketed.
Who would have thought kids going to school wearing this stuff

Jockney Rebel
15-08-2007, 04:39 PM
where abouts in sth london ? i thot all this was history since the counties amalgamated the only other "club" i knew of was the lot from the old kent rd/walworth way [cant remember their name ] they always had a gripe with the local angels
as for stab proof unis,, alf why dy think i got my parents to go back up north i wanna get em out here asap but ill have to wait till ive got some support..
anyways my thots go out to his kith and kin..its a violent world we live in ..

15-08-2007, 07:07 PM
Its in MCN today and its been all over the news media for days here.
This was a hit for sure. Pre-planned.

The British FBI will be on this case.

With so many gangs here now its all getting a bit tense. Not all gangs are on bikes, far from it.

The Bandidos have moved into the UK too. With the Yardies, Kosovans and all the other east european gangs here it aint gonna be peaceful.

15-08-2007, 09:36 PM
just south london thats all i know frank.

Jockney Rebel
15-08-2007, 10:30 PM
i just read the news report he was a Canadian national living in Mottingham near Eltham bout 4miles from where i was brought up.
Funnily enuf 6 years ago another group of French Canadians were shot at leaving the bash ..maybe they just dont like Canadians
the scene in the south is all fuked up yardies in brixton fightin with yardies from barbados in harlesdon,Romainians selling their women on the streets in Stratford east london
afrikanners fightin with nigerians in hackney,
Woolwich is full of Somalians who [god knows why] think we re responsible for bombin the shit out of their capital city in 93 .didnt they see Black Hawk down? thems yanks mate
serbians chasing bosnians round the councils estates in se 12 [the local tree hugging council really fuked up on that one ,puttin them in the same estate ]
etc etc all this without bikers shootin other bikers ...its easier to get an AK47 in london than it is to get a job!!
like me old man[ he served in some of the most fuked up places post war ] says ..if u had food and ur neighbor was starving and had a gun whod think would be eatin that night ? also if uv got a kid whos seen his sisters and mother raped at gunpoint and then killed whats gonna scare him in a normal society ? hes gonna grow up with a desensitized veiw of the world
glad i live somewhere peaceful...

16-08-2007, 01:58 AM
Link to the BBC news latest:


Plenty of other links about this murder on there.

16-08-2007, 02:04 AM
quote:Originally posted by frankenbiker

i just read the news report he was a Canadian national living in Mottingham near Eltham bout 4miles from where i was brought up.
Funnily enuf 6 years ago another group of French Canadians were shot at leaving the bash ..maybe they just dont like Canadians
the scene in the south is all fuked up yardies in brixton fightin with yardies from barbados in harlesdon,Romainians selling their women on the streets in Stratford east london
afrikanners fightin with nigerians in hackney,
Woolwich is full of Somalians who [god knows why] think we re responsible for bombin the shit out of their capital city in 93 .didnt they see Black Hawk down? thems yanks mate
serbians chasing bosnians round the councils estates in se 12 [the local tree hugging council really fuked up on that one ,puttin them in the same estate ]
etc etc all this without bikers shootin other bikers ...its easier to get an AK47 in london than it is to get a job!!
like me old man[ he served in some of the most fuked up places post war ] says ..if u had food and ur neighbor was starving and had a gun whod think would be eatin that night ? also if uv got a kid whos seen his sisters and mother raped at gunpoint and then killed whats gonna scare him in a normal society ? hes gonna grow up with a desensitized veiw of the world
glad i live somewhere peaceful...

Every major town and city in the UK is exactly the same mate.
Drug and alcohol abuse is endemic here even amongst young children.
So many east European gangs here its unfucking real.
Our streets are not safe any more at any time of day.
When you have Kosovan, Romanian and Bulgarian gangs here amongst the drug gangs you know its gonna get rougher......
Can`t have a go on the street anymore because of the guns and knives people carry, it really aint worth the risk unless your defending yourself or your family.
A useless and ineffectual police force is the crux of the problem.

16-08-2007, 02:35 AM
Wait til the turks get in to the EU
then we are all fucked.

16-08-2007, 08:46 AM
I wonder if England will be the first country to fall victim to being over multi Cultured and have to bring out the home guard to kick all the shit out and say fuck you to the eurocrat's?.

Jockney Rebel
16-08-2007, 04:54 PM
doubt it alf they cant/wont even legalise prostitution cos their scared of the media [and thats one thing that would get rid of a lot of crime from urban streets ]

16-08-2007, 07:56 PM
Don't have much time or sympathy for "gang" members. You hang out with bad people bad shit happens. No good crying about it later. You make your choices. A bloke I used to knock around with years ago decided he was bad enough to join a gang, one of his gang shoved a knife into his guts and gave it a bit of a twist sending the contents of his gut onto the floor, bled to death in a couple of minutes apparently. None of his mates were too keen to help either at the time, during the court case or later. Left a wife and three young sons, still living about 200 metres from here. The piece of shit that did it spent a few years in the can but then got out and continued to be a low life cunt, later spent time in jail for rape, as did his wife for helping him rape those girls. Nicest people in those gangs. As Chalky would say " burn em all, that'll fuck em"

Jockney Rebel
16-08-2007, 11:03 PM
i hear what yer sayin gibbo but by all accounts this guy had "no affiliations and no previous" i reckon he looked like someone else ....maybe or bought a bike off the wrong bloke

Tony Nitrous
17-08-2007, 04:23 PM
quote:Originally posted by frankenbiker

i hear what yer sayin gibbo but by all accounts this guy had "no affiliations and no previous" i reckon he looked like someone else ....maybe or bought a bike off the wrong bloke

"Angels of Death" by William Marsden & Julian Sher
is an interesting read (and may explain a few things)

18-08-2007, 12:24 AM
Yeah heard about the shooting, and all signs point gangs, but then again it may have been a mistaken identity

.....but the topic here is England and gangs, and you aint wrong, it's rife with it, ok a lot of places are still nice and you could walk down the street and be fine, but it's getting bad with mixing cultures, and everyone wants to be in gangs sell drugs and act like 50cent....shite......England is one fucked up place now, and it aint gonna get better unless the goverment are overthrown....it's a shame, because a lot came from england..stuff em.....

So it's now up to me so I'm emigrating in 5yrs, with my family, just waiting for my daughter to finish school.

You know what winds me up the most, is my grandparents fought in the war to make this a place to be enjoyed and respect, and the goverment dont give a fuck about all those heros dead or living. Last week in one newspaper an 87 yr old war veteran was beat up for his wallet by 4 asians?????? this fella had to stand probably on the front line with only 5 bullets and fight in probably the worst conditions ever, and for what....shite

I bet you dont see this in Australia? I friend of mine moved there and loves the place.

18-08-2007, 07:55 AM
With so many people here who do`nt exist on ths system, no one knows who anyone is on the street anymore.

I feel like a stranger in a strange land. When you see a British looking person, 9 times out of 10 they are talking some eastern European langauge, or dialect of some Ex Russian state.

Proud to be British ? I`m an ethnic minority in my own fugging country !!!!!!!!!

Tony Nitrous
18-08-2007, 08:25 AM
Having only been here 3 years im no expert,
but Australia has had its bikie wars and killings, a local club
house was fire bombed last month,
and yes there is racial tension (more so in some area's than others)
but after 40 years in the UK, im sure things aren't quite so bad here.

Not fact, just how I see things.

EDIT: Was funny to follow a Ute home, Aussie flag in rear window,
tailgate sticker "AUSTRALIA - LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT" and "FUCK OFF - WE'RE FULL",
and watch him over several K's throw Coke can, Ciggy butt, McDonalds
wrappers out the window. He must be so proud of his fine land.
You get "Retards" in every country

18-08-2007, 01:51 PM
To Hos and RSGibbo Australia has just as many social issues as the UK with gangs ,drugs and violent home invasions its just that its spread out more rather than in over crowded housing estates.At the moment in South Australia our state leaders are in the process of bringing in legislation to ban "Outlaw "motorcycle gangs as they see them as one of the major reasons for the high crime rate.They plan to tear down their club house fortresess and ban the wearing of Patches ,and to prevent club members from working in the security industry.Our stupid fuckin government cant even keep drugs out of the prison system. One of Australias most notorious murdering sex offending scum bags was proscribed Viagra by the states prison system because he was suffering from sexual dysfuction,so how the fuck are they going to keep drugs and gangs off the streets? The reason they are going after the Mototcycle gangs is that they are more visible ,and getting rid of them sends out the message that the Government is getting hard on drugs and gangs.NOT.Yours, Ken,an ex Scot living in South Oz and loving it.

Jockney Rebel
19-08-2007, 12:23 AM
yep yer right sickboy [thot u were a jock by the handle .me too]theres idiots evrywhere [and tossers for politicians]but we can all deal with it its definately better here easier to live like they say "lifes like a shit sandwich ,the more bread uv got the less shit u have to eat

19-08-2007, 03:44 AM
I understand where your comming from sickboy, it's just winds me up with gangs etc and sponging twats......

I could live with it if i didnt here about it or see it.....I Really didnt think australia was like that, i know we all have our troubles, and knob heads for politicians, but I've so much positive comments about aussie.

Ah well.....you boys know more than I do, your over there.....but at least most of us think the same.

19-08-2007, 02:28 PM
I think a lot of the problems stem from over crowding in the UK,over 50million people living in a country the size of Victoria,no wonder the place is like a powder keg.When we came to Ausralia in the 60's we moved to an industrial town with about 25,000 people,family and friends wondered why we didnt go to Melbourne or Adelaide,my Dads reason was 'might as well stay in Glasgow fafuxache'.Any way its all slightly off topic,a biker has been killed and we can only guess or speculate the reasons why?

Jockney Rebel
19-08-2007, 05:16 PM
ive just been sent some stuff on it from a biker chick i know in Toronto ....
the guys name is gerry toban born in the uk but emigrated to canada when he was a young un came back to the uk a few years ago
worked at the Mottingham harley dealership as a mechanic and he was wearing colours when he got shot
he was a member of a HA chapter in canada the local angels say they know who did it but they wont tell the old bill..obviously

20-08-2007, 04:34 AM
if they know who did it, could of it been an inside thing? or a rival gang??? obviously well planned though

Just read an article on it, but it doesn't give much......

21-08-2007, 12:37 AM
British police release video :


28-08-2007, 07:23 AM
I think england is fucked. it's not a problem for the strong, it's the weak, the young & old that get prayed on by a bunch of cockroach vermin that have infested this rotting island! They breed faster than us because they don't give a shit how their young turn out and are helped by the goverment to do so.
It won't be long till your gunna see a mass exodus of anyone who's got enough money to get out, because its just gunna get worse and worse.
Clubs like the h.a aint a problem you dont hear of there avtivity's. It's the 18 year olds with no prospects running round with a gun with no respect or value for life that worrys me, our housing estates are ghettos, I wouldn't want to be bringing up a family in one.
If my mother in law pegs it i'll be on the next plane over!
See you soon!

29-08-2007, 05:09 AM
[quote]Originally posted by cavey

I think england is fucked. it's not a problem for the strong, it's the weak, the young & old that get prayed on by a bunch of cockroach vermin that have infested this rotting island! They breed faster than us because they don't give a shit how their young turn out and are helped by the goverment to do so.
It won't be long till your gunna see a mass exodus of anyone who's got enough money to get out, because its just gunna get worse and worse.
Clubs like the h.a aint a problem you dont hear of there avtivity's. It's the 18 year olds with no prospects running round with a gun with no respect or value for life that worrys me, our housing estates are ghettos, I wouldn't want to be bringing up a family in one.
If my mother in law pegs it i'll be on the next plane over!
See you soon!

Second that and I`ll join ya

29-08-2007, 05:16 PM
And my family n mates wonder why I bailed out

Aussie Aussie Aussie........

Jockney Rebel
29-08-2007, 05:53 PM
British by birth,Scots by the grace of god ,and Australian by choice

29-08-2007, 08:30 PM
Walked down Edgeware? Street in London a couple of weeks back I thought I was in the Fucken Middle East. Yuk couldn't get home soon enough. History of the city was cool though pity it matters for Jack now.

29-08-2007, 08:34 PM
Footnote: Send a message out to everyone in the world "Are you with us or against us" if against crank up the Enola Gay and obliterate the cunt's there is no other way you will win this argument. Might is Right!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-09-2007, 08:03 AM
Come with me and cruise down Soho Road in Handsworth, Birmingham ?
It aint England mates. Drive for 40 minutes and you will not see and english shop or native citizen.
My woman was horrified to see this street, its like 5 miles of Moroco or summat like that. So many different languages on the shop signs !!

This country aint safe anymore !!!! Its getting fookin nasty.
I aint a wimp and will deffo have a go, but with knives and guns all over the place with the teenage lowlife scrotes "stepping up" aint an option anymore.

Decent guys get killed every week here defending their own.

Compared to 15 or 20 years ago, its anarchy here. Aint gonna get better.

Staying alive [8D].........

Tony Nitrous
29-11-2008, 08:30 PM
I don't think it was much of a secret, but its public knowledge now....


29-11-2008, 09:25 PM
HHHMMM I wonder if some Dick will take offence at an "ASF" patch

30-11-2008, 10:31 PM
quote:Originally posted by alfiestorm

I wonder if England will be the first country to fall victim to being over multi Cultured and have to bring out the home guard to kick all the shit out and say fuck you to the eurocrat's?.

I reckon it'd be a safe bet. I was there for a few years, 10 years ago and I thought it was being over-run then.
Gotta stop giving commonwealth people visas so easily. It's a world within a world now, with all the world's problems.

Jockney Rebel
30-11-2008, 11:57 PM
yep its a weird thing to feel like a underprivilidged minority in your own country ....but ..thats why im here if im gonna feel like an immigrant in my own country i might as well actually be one in a nicer country

01-12-2008, 02:47 AM
quote:Originally posted by Jockney Rebel

yep its a weird thing to feel like a underprivilidged minority in your own country ....but ..thats why im here if im gonna feel like an immigrant in my own country i might as well actually be one in a nicer country

It is that way, we are a well fucked over minority in our own country right now.

We cannot believe anything the UK Government says from any camp.
This country is seriously bloody poor ! Poverty is rife !
The big economic slump kicked in this year and it will take at least another 2 years to bottom out, but where does the UK economy go from there ? We have no industry left to rebuild our wealth, we have no skilled people left, anyone with money, skills, talent has already left or leaving. We have laods of talentless young kids and people who are only here for the money... or "Economic Migrants" as they are wank worded now. 20 of them living in a 3 bed house, all working and earning, they spend fuck all here and live on free NHS, they do`nt hardly eat anything, they do`nt go out, they do`nt contribute in any way apart from the fact they work here and sometimes they even pay tax. Bad part is they send every single English pound they can save back home. They have no intention of living here or contributing to local economies, they send it all home.
With our minimum wages set at about £5-50 an hour, thats like a years wages in some countries, so sending home a few hundred every week is a good deal.... for them.

It is not safe on our streets day or night.
We have random stabbings and shootings in daytime or nighttime for no reason. Drugs are piss easy to get on the streets. Alcohol and drug abuse is rife throughout society. No one knows who the fuck is who on the streets anymore. Whos carrying is the biggest doubt nowadays. I am not shy and will have a go at anyfucker, but times have changed a lot and you need to stop and think on the street.
So many illegals here, can you take a chance ? They do`nt exist on the system and can slip out the same way they came in...... as they do.

The guys in Gov are total nob ends PERIOD.

The UK is most comprehensively fucked.

We all know it..... the indiginous species ;)

Message to anyone thinking of coming here.... stay away !! Its just nasty here now and as a migrant you have no chance of knowing or learning the rules. Thats the massive endless rules from the UK and EU Government AND the rules of the street.
Thousands of migrants are leaving now its geting so rough.

The damage is done no going back.
Sweet little old England died a while back.

01-12-2008, 02:56 AM
We all know you can go and find somewehere safer to live, but only for a little while, the big storm is coming globally.

Inside the next 10 to 20 years its gonna be real survival times for all of us. Best option is a nice sized self sufficient farm in the outback with your family and close friends around you and plenty of essential food stuffs, guns and ammo ;)

Pommy Chopper
01-12-2008, 06:34 AM
quote:Originally posted by Jockney Rebel

yep its a weird thing to feel like a underprivilidged minority in your own country ....but ..thats why im here if im gonna feel like an immigrant in my own country i might as well actually be one in a nicer country

Wot he said!!

03-12-2008, 05:32 AM
With an "official" population of over 70 million in the UK,
not counting the illegals that the UK Gov have no idea how many are here, maybe another million or two?.... its getting a bit cramped.

We have the highest density of people in the whole of the EU.
WOW !! We came top of summat again !! [:p]:D

03-12-2008, 09:58 AM
I reckon it probably won't change until the world value of the Pound drops and that's unlikely anytime soon, me thinks.
That's the real reason why people immigrate there, yes?

05-12-2008, 04:08 AM
At a minium wage of £5 an hour with the pound being far too high in value in global currency its a lot of money for people coming from poor countries.

The pound is way overpriced and so is the cost of living here.
An "average" house here was sposed to cost £200,000 early in 2008.
Must be a lot of crap housing then, because most places a decent house costs £350k.
Cost of hosuing has way outstripped the income of the majority of people.
Average wage in UK sposed to be around £25k. Multiply by 4 the banks factor for a mortgage = £100,000 mortgage won`t buy you nothing here.
So ten times your salary to get a mortgage that you need for a moderate hosue in a 1/2 decent area....doesnt work does it?
Housing market is totally bolloxed.
Banks are lending nowt unless your gold plated.
The retail business or raging consumerism has kept the UK alive through a lot in the last 20 or more years, but it had to stop and that time is now.
The idiot MP`s are saying the banks must start lending to people again to kick start the same consumerism that created this fuck up.
What a bunch of total fuckwits [:p]

So lets get everyone borrowing more again and shopping with money they havent got, that`ll work then ...lol lol

Best yet is the Gov have cut VAT on shopping to 15% to help the consumer and the UK Gov will be in for a Trillion pounds international borrowing to help us out the recession.
Yes ! the UK Gov are getting us into even bigger debt by borrowing up to their tits....so we can all pay back more in the next few years.

What if we do`nt come out the recession in the next few years is something they havent yet thought about.

Borrowing massive amounts to get us out the recession is about as thick as it gets.

But what do you do ?


05-12-2008, 12:24 PM
nuke the place and leave it to the <s>minicab drivers</s> cockroaches [:p]

05-12-2008, 01:11 PM
Fuck me. I left London 10 years ago this year, after 14 years of having a ball. Wouldn't have changed it for the world.

I hear that things just keep getting worse and worse there but to read this thread makes you genuinely sad. I wondered if it was a case of people just getting older and everyone whining like their old man did and their old man before them. But this is fucking chaos. Back your bags and get your shit over here. Just lock the door behind you

05-12-2008, 11:14 PM
quote:Originally posted by dave_isbald

Fuck me. I left London 10 years ago this year, after 14 years of having a ball. Wouldn't have changed it for the world.

I hear that things just keep getting worse and worse there but to read this thread makes you genuinely sad. I wondered if it was a case of people just getting older and everyone whining like their old man did and their old man before them. But this is fucking chaos. Back your bags and get your shit over here. Just lock the door behind you

I aint a whiner myself Dave, but I know where the whinging Pom expression comes from.
The UK is a nation full of shopkeepers. Small island, small town, small politics, small ideas, small mindedness.

The only way to survive here is to be strong as steel or just become a victim like every other person seems to be.
Eyes wide open here mate, I do`nt hold any illusion or believe the mass conditioned bullshit the system feeds us daily.
I think for myself, broke the chains of conditioning years ago.
A free thinker :)

I am readying msyelf to bail out of the UK, Im` debt free, no major ties, so once I`m ready I`m out.
Believe me .... You do not want to grow old or weak here PERIOD.

I love my country and come from generations of British ancestors going back hundreds of years, but theres no point fighting a war thats already been comprehensively lost.

05-12-2008, 11:17 PM
quote:Originally posted by zx12argh

nuke the place and leave it to the <s>minicab drivers</s> cockroaches [:p]

My personal preference would be napalm... its a thought thats crossed my mind many times :D:D[:p]

06-12-2008, 12:43 AM
I left in 96, it was fcuked then
my son still lives there, and I can only hope he comes to his senses sooner rather than later and gets the fcuk out :(

Tony OW31
06-12-2008, 06:46 AM
There's a lot of poms on this forum, seems like half of everyone that posts.

Pommy Chopper
06-12-2008, 06:15 PM
quote:Originally posted by Tony OW31

There's a lot of poms on this forum, seems like half of everyone that posts.

And your point is???

06-12-2008, 06:22 PM
bloody british...

mind you we get the half decent ones here cus pikeys are to broke to travel

Tony Nitrous
06-12-2008, 06:48 PM
quote:Originally posted by Tony OW31

There's a lot of poms on this forum, seems like half of everyone that posts.

Several reasons I think.
Lots of Pommies migrate, Pommies like Streetfighters.
Crap UK winters so lots of bikes get pulled to bits over the Nov/March months.
3 times the population mean more bits/more wreckers/more aftermarket stuff.
Small country means you can jump in the car and go see/fetch stuff from 90% of it and be home for tea.
UK cop's can be an arse but dont seem as fussed over minor details,
I ran bikes in the UK that would be impounded if seen here.

Its the popular thing to bag the UK but lots of stuff like the History, Castles, Bike show's, Bike shops, Frame builders, Aftermarket parts, etc make AU look very lacking.
Still not enough to tempt me back for more than a couple of weeks a year....;)

Tony OW31
06-12-2008, 07:07 PM
And your point is???

No point, just an observation.

Pommy Chopper
06-12-2008, 08:12 PM
quote:Originally posted by Tony OW31

And your point is???

No point, just an observation.

So do you have a problem with it?

Tony OW31
06-12-2008, 08:23 PM
No point, just an observation.

So do you have a problem with it?

Jeez, wind your neck in ya pommy bastard, talk about start an argument in an empty room[:p]

Pommy Chopper
06-12-2008, 09:05 PM
quote:Originally posted by Tony OW31

No point, just an observation.

So do you have a problem with it?

Jeez, wind your neck in ya pommy bastard, talk about start an argument in an empty room[:p]

Not starting an argument just asking a question!:D
At the end of the day we're all Poms......just some of us have Fackin' silly accents!!!:)

Tony Nitrous
06-12-2008, 09:17 PM
quote:Originally posted by Pommy Chopper

At the end of the day we're all Poms......just some of us have Fackin' silly accents!!!:)

Im glad I dont have an accent,
Im from Kidderminster...:D

Pommy Chopper
06-12-2008, 10:17 PM
quote:Originally posted by Tony Nitrous

quote:Originally posted by Pommy Chopper

At the end of the day we're all Poms......just some of us have Fackin' silly accents!!!:)

Im glad I dont have an accent,
Im from Kidderminster...:D

I'd keep that to yourself Tone!!:D

Tony OW31
06-12-2008, 10:43 PM
I don't have an accent either, I'm from Liverpool.

rock hard
10-12-2008, 10:39 PM
On a lighter note,at the T.T. last year the locals could not understand why there was so many aussies there .i told them that the 200 year lease was up and all the decendants of the convicts were commin back..everyone had a laugh...its a real pity that in the places you guys mention its bad but big cities de humanise people,western sydney is a good example 5million people in one place somethin has to give, anyway there is plenty of room here. cant think of a better place. morry