View Full Version : Obtain Accessories - C_NTS!

15-11-2007, 07:55 PM
Hey guys, I saw a small write up on this croud Obtain Accessories in Rapid mag. They had these billet reservoirs which looked OK. Only had an email address, so I emailed him and asked if he had some that would fit my Firestorm.

Well he sent one email back with a couple of pictures, and some prices and I was considering getting some stuff. But when I got home from work this evening the prick had sent through another 16 emails full of pictures and sales pitch (which really crushed my poor modem). It was like some kind of chinese spam shit.

So I am asking the forum for a favour. Help me pay this cocksucker back. Get on the net and find a picture of a dogs arse or some other sick shit and email him at info@obtainaccessories.com.au and flood his inbox with arse. Title the email billet reservoirs or something.

Actually, this is getting funny. Post the picture you sent to this arse bandit so we can all have a laugh. [:p]

15-11-2007, 08:32 PM
hey red i know this guy he's is genuine and was at the melb bike expo is also quite young so he is just trying to build his buisiness so its prob not a good idea to do that. yeah he prob shouldn't have sent so many emails but he is a good bloke and the stuff he sells is top quality too. just thought i'd let you know

15-11-2007, 08:43 PM
I fuckin hate pushy salesmen... The internet already has enough dodgey operators.

15-11-2007, 08:49 PM
yeah i can see why you are upset dude but in ten years that little shithead will have come a long way and learn not to do buisiness that way

Jockney Rebel
15-11-2007, 09:42 PM
maybe a polite e mail sent his way will suffice and sort the problem out for all of us in the future ..just a thot

15-11-2007, 10:54 PM
I agree with Frankenbiker, there are proper ways to handle things.....

16-11-2007, 11:36 AM
Im sort of on the fence here, while I think 16 emails is way too many, it shits me when you express interest in a product and some cock never gets back to you then acts like he's doing you a favour by taking your money.

If you're treated like a worthwhile customer and your questions and concerns are addressed professionally and politely, then I am 10 times more likely to go back to that place than the grunting mouth-breater who treated me like Id fucked his sister.

16-11-2007, 12:02 PM
why doesnt someone send the bloke an email about joining up here?

give him a chance to defend himself, sounds like he might be a useful guy to have around!

17-11-2007, 07:19 AM
quote:sent through another 16 emails full of pictures and sales pitch
Was it the same email? I had race-techs news letter hit my mailbox over 30 times one day 20 times the next. some times their email system must get fucked up.
I send pics of our work out with emailed quotes and some people who are on dial up or older platforms would have problems opening them, but I do usually ask if they have broadband.


17-11-2007, 07:25 AM
quote:Originally posted by Matt

there are proper ways to handle things.....

Yeh but then there's the STREETFIGHTER WAY!!!!!!!! [}:)] [}:)] [}:)]

03-12-2007, 10:12 AM
I bought a resevoir from him , I paid, he delivered and it is quality.

No problem here.