View Full Version : Badvan comes :)

12-11-2007, 06:03 PM
Now i can get 2 tickets for ( i think) a good price..
Each will be 960 Euro with emirates airlines.
Probably we will fly to Perth. But this is not a must be!
Want to visit the fools run and some of the crazy members of this forum :)
Would ask whats the best way to rent a car or a m/cycle..
Should we ask for a hotel before we fly or is it possible to get a place to sleep wherever we are?

Would be nice to get some tips and meet some peoples!

12-11-2007, 06:49 PM
Welcome down under mate, make sure you check a map before you come tho. Not saying that Perth ain't nice but most of the action happens on the east coast and if you are only staying for a short while you'd have to jump on a plane for 4 hours to get to the other side of the continent.
Fools run is east coast... :D

12-11-2007, 06:57 PM
yes i know... would fly to the "other side" ;)
Or perhaps we make our hollidays on th east coast..lets see what happen.. get 2 flights free in downunder..

12-11-2007, 07:02 PM
Score mate - your sorted with that. sydney and brisbane are one big days drive apart.. i wouldn't bother with melbourne - they're all latte sipping mexicans [:p]

12-11-2007, 07:02 PM
Just book 1 night accommodation + air tickets.Let us know when and where and we'll organise the rest for ya.

12-11-2007, 07:14 PM
Time would be March 23, 2008 for 3 weeks.

Queation is: Should i book a Hotel or should i try to visit some guys and places.. If i try the second way i have to know how difficult it is to get a accommodation..

I also start a new english lession next weeks.. So im able to talk in better english if we arrive ;)

13-11-2007, 01:13 PM
How many of you are coming mate. If it's two I can probably sort a bed for a few nights on the Gold Coast. You'll need a car though as I live out of town a bit.

13-11-2007, 01:39 PM
I can help on the Gold Coast too if you like.

13-11-2007, 02:25 PM
I'll have to run it past my flat mates but I may be able to swing you a bed mate in Brisbane. Plenty of room and my flat mates speaks german... sort of.

13-11-2007, 04:51 PM
Nice to hear guys! THX!

Si, only me and my wife.

I want to rent a camper. So i can visit more people and places.
Sydney would be the better place to arrival.. More possibilities!

I checked prices for campers, holy shit they are crazy!!!!!
Some one of you know a privat car rental or some one who have a camper for lend (privat) Must be cheaper then 1000 Euro!!!!!!

Its cheaper to build a fighter then make hollidays in downunder *lol*

i dont want to inconvenience. But i dont want to stay on one place for 3 weeks.. and so it would be very nice to meet a lot of peoples, see some different places and drink some beer at the fools run!

With a camper it would be the best idea i think!

13-11-2007, 06:52 PM
If you get to adelaide area I have a spare bed and room for you and your wife.

If all goes to plan should see at the AFR anyway

13-11-2007, 07:30 PM
If i can get a cheap camper i will visit u all :O)
Ok australia is a little bit bigger then germany *lol*
i will try to make a excursion to visit all.

13-11-2007, 08:03 PM
u should visit melbourne as it is the best city in aus, u should be able to get here and pick up a nice cheep van for that sort of money, check out "the tradingpost.com.au " for some cheep wheels, camping gear and whatever else u need to get an idea of prices, theres a book called camping oz that has a huge selection of free camp spots and ur sure to hook up some driveway space with some of these hoodlems(me included).
i hope that helps

13-11-2007, 08:32 PM
mate if you want a cheap camper try www.wickedcampers.com.au/

pretty cheap, so you get what you pay for (not luxury) but they have roadside assistance and shit if you get stuck in bumfuck nowhere.

if you want to go to perth and have a flight here, i would say fly into perth then over to the east coast. but WA (the state perth is in) is fucking LARGE and you won't get around much unless you have a month or two. east coast there should be a few people around who will have a bed.

and i don't think you will need to book a hotel. if you are in big cities (melbourne, perth, sydney, brisbane) there are LOTS of places to stay. but try to find out where they are and what price you want to pay so you don't end up spending the whole time searching for a room for the right price. not much in australia is close like in germany. you'll need to drive, taxi or bus to most places.

13-11-2007, 08:44 PM
scotty i cant find rental cars on this side.. only to buy..

pete i think the better choise ist to fly to sydney... But just wait what happen.. i send a enquiry to wicked.. just wait for an answer..
But think the yhavent a car incl. bath and toilet.. for me its no problem but my wife *ohhhhnoooo* ;O)

a camper 2,4l diesel bath/toilet cost me 200 AUD a day and i have to pay coinsurance 7500 AUD!!

Man i dont want to buy a camper!!!!

13-11-2007, 09:30 PM
Here's a tip for you Badvan, fly into one of the major cities & go to some of the bigger backpacker hostels, they always have a big noticeboard in the entry foyer with all sorts of info for tourists, etc. On these noticeboards you will find heaps of advertisments for campervans that have been bought from backpackers by backpackers, what happens is after the tourists have done their trip, seen the country & narrowly escaped death from Snakes, Spiders, Crocodiles, Sharks, Dropbears, Ivan Milat, etc, they have to sell their campervan before they leave. Sometimes you can score a bargain when a backpacker/tourist will take just about any $$ they can get because they're leaving the country in a day/week/whatever.
Obviously you'd have to be a bit mechanically minded so you didn't get a lemon but if you can build STREETFIGHTERS, I'm sure you'll have no problem. You might even find a VW Kombi Campervan, there are heaps of them around & I'm SURE you'd know a bit about them eh? ;)
If you & the wife get to Melbourne, I have a spare room for you while you're here.

13-11-2007, 09:39 PM
sorry mate my english isnt to good either. depending on ur stay time you may wont to add up whether to buy or rent.to have a toilet/bath =$$$. but a cheep van to buy and the cost of camp sites may be cheeper, (wa is by far the best place to spend a good 6 months or more)

13-11-2007, 10:14 PM
guys im only there for 3 weeks ;O)

14-11-2007, 12:20 AM
Ha ha. Hold on tight mate!

14-11-2007, 07:14 AM

And this is how Aussie girls wellcome overseas visitors ;)

14-11-2007, 07:21 AM
thx gibbo! if my wife will see this pic, i am dead:D

14-11-2007, 04:43 PM
So now u guys know who will coming... :D
Thats me and my wife


15-11-2007, 05:31 AM
Hi Badvan,

There you go. The flight worked out to be a good deal. And looking at all these replies, I am sure you will have a good time.

I would love to invite you to my place near Fremantle. But I had already job interviews with mining companies in WA. It looks like I will be moving to Port Headland or some place in the Pilbara. I don't think that it is a place you want to visit. At least not on a short trip like yours anyway.

Mate, keep in touch.

15-11-2007, 05:43 AM
hi m8 see u r back!
send me ur number and a time then i give u a call

15-11-2007, 12:07 PM
Yea. Welcome back Frankie.

15-11-2007, 03:39 PM
Thanks Gix

Badvan, you've got mail...

16-11-2007, 12:29 AM
Hey Badvan, where in Germany are you located, I'm heading over there for a few weeks in January?

16-11-2007, 03:56 AM
Seifer i life near Stuttgart...Where are u going ?
Would be nice to give you the 2 b (bed and beer )

16-11-2007, 05:07 AM
I'll take that as meaning catch up for a beer and a place to stay. Hehe
Primarily I'll be in Frankfurt but I'm sure I can arrange to head down to Stuttgart to catch up. I'll email you when I know what my plans are and cheers for the offer.

16-11-2007, 05:22 AM
"I'll take that as meaning catch up for a beer and a place to stay" thats what i ment ;)
Is it only ur flight or do you stay in Frankfurt? Frankfurt is only 1,5 hours away.. 180KM
yeah would be nice!

16-11-2007, 05:27 AM
Phew, could have meant get you drunk and.....no...no....nooooooo [:0]


16-11-2007, 05:39 AM
Exactly, I've heard some very funny things about these Germans...
Sounds the gods Badvan, you'll hear form me soon.

16-11-2007, 06:10 AM
Who told u this funny things and what exactly? ;o)
I have to train my english ! Otherwise there could be dangerous confusions LOL

17-11-2007, 09:12 PM
hi badvan got your mail and the cheapest campers are the backpacker ones but they are shit
and for three weeks might do..but you could rent a small car and stay at hostels the dorms costs
you 20 bucks a night motels starts at about 70 bucks a night.
havent had eany probs getting a room yet dont need to book .
prolly see you at the AFR.....

19-11-2007, 04:51 PM
after checking the possibilities i think best idea is to rent at wicked and stay in hostels..

19-11-2007, 05:29 PM
Or you could try these guys

www.wickedcampers.com.au/ :D