View Full Version : these kids deserve a medal

27-10-2007, 01:04 AM
(Not sure if this is a repost or how true it is i found this article on the noticeboard at work)

QC received a very amusing although naughty e-mail from a spy at the Department of Transport this week .Our mate informs us that four youths from canberra recently pulled off a trick of breathtaking bravado to gain revenge on mobile speed camera van operating in the area.Three of the group approached the van and distracted the operator's attention by asking a series of questions about how the equipment worked and how many cars the operator would catch every day.Meanwhile the fourth musketeer sneaked to the front of the van and unscrewed it's number plate.After bidding the van operator goodbye the youths returned home they fixed the number plate to there car and drove through the speed camera's radar at high speed 17 times
"our transport spy writes" As a result.the automated billing system issued 17 speeding tickets to itself.Go Aussies

27-10-2007, 01:19 AM
Man i hate those vans... The worst is if you didnt notice them because you were watching traffic but you do notice that little sign AFTER you go by with "Your speed has just been checked" written on it

Jockney Rebel
27-10-2007, 03:05 AM
go kids luv it..back home we used to pay kids to spray paint the cameras..then they put up video cameras to watch the speed cameras... so the kids nicked them lol

27-10-2007, 04:48 AM
lol brillant

27-10-2007, 12:35 PM
My brother lives in Canberra,he reckons its true.Also heard about some not so smart boys who covered their number plate & sped past a speed camera mooning out the window but forget to take the for sale sign with drivers details out the window!

27-10-2007, 01:56 PM

Maybe not...

28-10-2007, 12:40 AM
yeah i didnt think it would be true but still funny

29-10-2007, 12:55 PM
Well... I've just had a thought...
Anyone got a commodore or falcon or cammry that looks similar to the undercover cop cars that are getting around? This could work in QLD not sure if you guys down in mexico can do it.
Get a copy of the number plate of a undercover car. Go to www.ppq.com.au website and reproduce that numberplate. Now print it - laminate etc... and stick it over your number and do a couple high speed passes past a camera...

Could be worth a laugh ;)