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20-10-2007, 07:02 PM
I fucked my knee at work 5 weeks ago (medial meniscus tear- Bohemian has a great swf/gif file of the op). Sat on my arse for weeks while the insurer sorted out their shit. Finally got into to hospital on wednesday for an op and waited 2 hours while the insurer fucked up the paperwork again. Luckily it was work related or I'd prolly be waiting another year or two.[V]

Got shaved by a lovely young asian nurse who obviosly wanted me [:p] Eventually I was lying there on the op table and the anesthetist was having trouble finding a vein for the juice. Finally stuck it in my hand and said I would start feeling sleepy soon. So I'm lying there sucking in the oxygen, and thinking this shit is crap and it doesn't work, when all of a sudden it's an hour later and I'm waking up.[:p]

Hurts like a cunt when I'm walking, but I've been parking in disabled spots like a mad cunt.:D

Doesn't look like much eh.


20-10-2007, 08:03 PM
Don't skimp on the physio and you will be as good as new in no time ;)
Thats the one area of my knees i haven't damaged (and i hear it hurts ) torn AC's and fractured patella's and they fixed up good.
I have lots of sympathy for knee injurys, hope the swelling goes down and the pain stops soon.

20-10-2007, 08:09 PM
yeah i blew my knee in the army and have had 6 arthroscopic procedures. Physio is a life saver over time...
Otherwise you end up with one leg shorter than the other as the joints settle

20-10-2007, 08:23 PM
happy healing large

22-10-2007, 12:56 PM
fucked up knees suck - after my run in with grandpa simpson it swelled up twice the size of the other one and clicks and grinds now when I squat. Got 20K for my trouble thou :D

speedy recovery mate

23-10-2007, 03:16 PM
Thanks guys. Starting up swimming next week as a low impact excercise.

Got a new hole today. Got a molar removed by the dentist. Cunt of a job as he had to drill into it and force a punch like thingy in to crack it in half before removing it. Bled like a bad month too. Anasthetic's just wearing off so i'm on the panadeines again. I'll spare you a pic this time :)

Who woulda though 20 years of heavy drinking would have any side affects...[V]

23-10-2007, 04:18 PM
Fuck me! Are you in for a full service or what mate? What's next? Enema?

23-10-2007, 04:24 PM
So thats why your lying down in most of the photos of you on this site Large. [B)] ;)

23-10-2007, 04:57 PM
quote:Originally posted by Gix11

Fuck me! Are you in for a full service or what mate? What's next? Enema?

Not this time.

Had a barium enema once.[V] Did white sharts for a whole day afterwards:D

quote:So thats why your lying down in most of the photos of you on this site Large.

That's my natural position. I'm a reclining model:)

23-10-2007, 06:54 PM
Looks nice and puffy hope they cut it right now haha - makin ya worry

Here are those swf's i sent ya


