View Full Version : FS: Kawasaki ZX9R (easily) repairable write-off

16-09-2007, 02:03 AM

Hi everyone, iam selling my repairable write-off Kawasaki ZX9R (2000).

I recently got rear ended causing my bike to have a bit of a slide, resulting in the repairable write off tag. Every bit of plastic bar the front mudguard was damaged. Headlight is not cracked but the mounting tabs are broken. Tyres are approx 80% tread.

The frame is 100% straight and did not suffer the typical zx9/6 problem of buckling at the headstock. The reason for the multi colour is because i was almost finished rebuilding it as i had bought it myself from an accident; I had it as a streetfighter for a while, but was lured back to making it stock, (found cheap plastic set on Ebay). Had just started polishing frame, had a horrible spray can black on it (why its currently half done).

Upon sale ill supply everything that i have accumulated for this bike, random spare fairings, screens (aftermarket tint & stock), pyramid plastic hugger, bits for streetfightering (brackets, headlamp etc). I also have the Kawasaki workshop manual.

Reason im selling is that ive already sunk so much time into this bike that ive had enough want to move onto another bike, pretty sad that i didnt quite get to finish the rebuild though...anyways im not expecting much money, but im sure someone else will have as much fun with this as i did :D

Model: Kawasaki ZX9r (2000)
Status: repairable write off
Price: Make an offer, PM, email:harland.mark@gmail.com, or i can let you know my number.

16-09-2007, 02:11 AM

here is a photo of the bike as a wanna-be streetfighter -all bits to do this will be supplied

Oh and i can give the buyer any details they want in taking this bike back to stock (ebay users, internet shops etc)

Jockney Rebel
16-09-2007, 02:15 AM
uh oh another bent kwacker

EFE 1230
16-09-2007, 02:20 AM
Just a warning mate, you better introduce yourself quick otherwise your gunna get flamed!, tell the gang a bit about yourself BEFORE you asked them to buy your bike. I hope you got a thick skin because they will call you a CUNT, tell you your bike is A PIECE OF SHIT. Oh well I'm not gunna be the odd one out so WHY DON"T YOU FUCK OFF AND PUT AN AD IN THE TRADING POST YOU TIGHT ARSE CUNT! Is that how you do it guy's?

Jockney Rebel
16-09-2007, 02:44 AM
sort of EFE :}
its really a trust thing mate
we all know each other and theres a fair bit of trust when we deal with each other so we like to know who we re dealin with before we go handin over our hard earned drinkin tokens
thats why we have an intro thread ...plus we dont charge for the privilige of advertising your bike and it costs dough to run this site
which is why some of the long termers will be pissed off

16-09-2007, 02:57 AM
"I recently got rear ended" ..... WTF dude .. we dont want to hear about your love life .. keep you homo shit to yourself or other forum's .. and that bike ....gay as aids

16-09-2007, 08:35 AM
No wonder someone ran into you.

It looks like they were trying to put the poor bike out of its misery.

16-09-2007, 11:37 AM
haha, i knew this was gonna happen, i was actually a member from a year or two ago, but lost interest in the whole forum thing. I understand that there is a lot of trust involved in buying a bike thats why i really prefer people to come and check it out for themselves. By the way im located in Cairns. I just thought id post the bike up here for someone who is keen to get into streetfightering and wants a cheap bike that they can muck about with.

16-09-2007, 11:45 AM
so, um...

how much has large offered??

16-09-2007, 01:16 PM
I'll give you $500 bucks for it.

16-09-2007, 01:23 PM
hi zx12argh, do you live in/near Cairns? Just wondering if you are keen to check it out before you make an offer. Thanks for the interest though mate

16-09-2007, 01:47 PM
I'm in brissy mate - not much chance of getting a look at it...

16-09-2007, 01:53 PM
no probs, well its on ebay and some other forums so ill see if i can get a better price. But if not ill be sure to get back in contact with ya.

16-09-2007, 02:09 PM
no probs mate good luck with the sale

16-09-2007, 02:51 PM
if u dont get any better offers than that let me know
i'll give u $550!!

16-09-2007, 03:05 PM
fuck off fimp - its got 4 cylinders - thats 2 too many for you...

16-09-2007, 04:59 PM
bidding has gone up to $1225 and some offers of much more; the item number is 180159932431 if anyone is keen

16-09-2007, 07:15 PM
i'll buy whatever i want, u overprotective fascist banana-bending gimp!

16-09-2007, 08:08 PM
hey - i've never put a bend in a banana in my life!
The other stuff... well you could probably add paranoid to that too.

Now... where's me "special" leathers...

19-09-2007, 07:51 PM
quote:Originally posted by zx12argh

I'll give you $500 bucks for it.

$500 and a carton of JD [8D]

19-09-2007, 08:51 PM
quote:Originally posted by BillyWhizz888

quote:Originally posted by zx12argh

I'll give you $500 bucks for it.

$500 and a carton of JD [8D]

$500, a carton of JD and a picture of my mum[B)]

19-09-2007, 08:59 PM
quote:Originally posted by zx12argh

quote:Originally posted by BillyWhizz888

quote:Originally posted by zx12argh

I'll give you $500 bucks for it.

$500 and a carton of JD [8D]

$500, a carton of JD and a picture of my mum[B)]

Actually, speaking about you and your girlfriends, how's Elle? :D

19-09-2007, 09:12 PM
quote:Originally posted by chalk10

quote:Originally posted by zx12argh

quote:Originally posted by BillyWhizz888

quote:Originally posted by zx12argh

I'll give you $500 bucks for it.

$500 and a carton of JD [8D]

$500, a carton of JD and a picture of my mum[B)]

Actually, speaking about you and your girlfriends, how's Elle? :D

My mum's too good for me - she stood me up at my highschool graduation. [:o)] Thats allright tho - cause I shat in her purse

elle's good - she's doing the motard photography thing these days. I'm going to try get her out for jarrod's photo session at Amberley

I think all you guys were just a bit too hard core for her... seems we dont keep too many women folk around these parts.

19-09-2007, 10:10 PM
Yeah, the others were a bit full-on weren't they :D

20-09-2007, 12:20 PM
just the smell of fish sends these guys into a feeding frenzy ;)

20-09-2007, 01:02 PM
fish? FIIISH!!!!

wherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewhere where GIMME :D

yeah, what happened to elle
you and her get your magical pieces of paper yet?

20-09-2007, 03:03 PM
she's deffered hers till next year so she can bludge as a student for a bit longer - i'm done and back into the real world in 5 weeks oh yeah baby! time to earn some real money!

My thesis is done all bare manufacturing, and a bit of a writeup - just finished 13 pages of excel calculations [xx(]

20-09-2007, 04:43 PM
haha, yeah "real" money

til they make u start paying back your "free" education for the next 5yrs....

20-09-2007, 05:37 PM
ever thought of setting up a dodgey company in the caymans then get work to pay them and then get paid in foreign currency - no tax ;) - i need to get me a creative accountant...

20-09-2007, 05:42 PM
quote:Originally posted by zx12argh

ever thought of setting up a dodgey company in the caymans then get work to pay them and then get paid in foreign currency - no tax ;) - i need to get me a creative accountant...

Maybe have a word with Strop/Hoges or Farnham's manager first:D

22-09-2007, 11:26 PM
quote:Originally posted by zx12argh

ever thought of setting up a dodgey company in the caymans then get work to pay them and then get paid in foreign currency - no tax ;) - i need to get me a creative accountant...

The ATO and ASIC with the finanical institutions have to register all regular or significant sums going from or to tax free countries eg. caymans, naru and swis.
In saying that what you want to do is set up a "consulting firm" in one of these countries and then transfer out of those contries the money into a british (or simular) bank and then transfer back to australia, this all takes far to much money to set up and run and this is why the rich are the ones who can avoid tax and not us.

23-09-2007, 07:53 PM
well... we have a group of like minded gentlemen on these pages - perhaps what we need is a consortium... and so formed is StreetFighters Beer Fund PTY LTD

23-09-2007, 11:29 PM
Interesting tangent from the original topic.......

23-09-2007, 11:44 PM
Why do engineers take mistresses?

So the wife thinks he's out with the mistress and the mistress thinks he's home with the wife...when he's actually down the workshop playing with cool stuff

24-09-2007, 07:50 AM
Engineers always do things in the most complicated manner....

24-09-2007, 08:22 AM

24-09-2007, 12:55 PM
Come on - why use a bolt when you can design a snap fit? Why weld something when you can use a self locking friction brake?
I can't believe you neanderthals are still using petrol when obviously you should be using a hydrogen fuel cell...

Just practicing looking down my nose at you machinists - only 4 weeks of uni left - oh yeah...

17-11-2007, 07:28 AM
quote:Originally posted by lykaois


Hi everyone, iam selling my repairable write-off Kawasaki ZX9R (2000).

I recently got rear ended causing my bike to have a bit of a slide, resulting in the repairable write off tag. Every bit of plastic bar the front mudguard was damaged. Headlight is not cracked but the mounting tabs are broken. Tyres are approx 80% tread.

The frame is 100% straight and did not suffer the typical zx9/6 problem of buckling at the headstock. The reason for the multi colour is because i was almost finished rebuilding it as i had bought it myself from an accident; I had it as a streetfighter for a while, but was lured back to making it stock, (found cheap plastic set on Ebay). Had just started polishing frame, had a horrible spray can black on it (why its currently half done).

Upon sale ill supply everything that i have accumulated for this bike, random spare fairings, screens (aftermarket tint & stock), pyramid plastic hugger, bits for streetfightering (brackets, headlamp etc). I also have the Kawasaki workshop manual.

Reason im selling is that ive already sunk so much time into this bike that ive had enough want to move onto another bike, pretty sad that i didnt quite get to finish the rebuild though...anyways im not expecting much money, but im sure someone else will have as much fun with this as i did :D

Model: Kawasaki ZX9r (2000)
Status: repairable write off
Price: Make an offer, PM, email:harland.mark@gmail.com, or i can let you know my number.

17-11-2007, 07:34 AM
Hi there lykaois sorry to bother you but if it's not too much trouble could you tell me where you got the replacement fairings for your zx9r and were they of good quality. I've just bought a crashed ZX9r that needs fairings and you would be helping out a desperate irishman. thanks e-mail. phab1812@hotmail.com;)