View Full Version : Skinheads

29-07-2007, 10:31 PM
A bus driver is driving his double decker bus through London city

He stops, and a crowd of rowdy skinheads get on

They are causing a riot, pinching the bus driver’s hat and throwing it about,

Changing the destination of the bus, pulling tickets out of the machine and hassling the passengers, and so on.

It’s a nightmare and the bus driver is out of his mind with stress.

Just then, a group of nuns walk by the bus and the ring leader of the bunch, notices and says

“Cor, that’s my one ambition in life and that’s to f*** a nun!”

So, the bus driver gets this great idea how to get this rowdy lot of his bus and says

“Hey, I know how you can do that”

Now he has the ring leaders attention, who says “how?”

“Well” says the bus driver, “just down the road there is the chapel they always pray in,

If you were to go there and pretend you were ‘the lord’ they would do anything for you”

“Great!” says the ring leader and they all get off the bus in a flurry of excitement.

Later that evening, the ringleader, dressed in a big white gown and mask, enters the chapel.

As he does so, one nun that is sitting praying at the altar, turns and looks up and says

“My lord?”

the ringleader replies “yes, my child”.

The nun throws her hands to her face and excliams “oh my lord!”

The ringleader then says “will you do ‘anything’ for me, my child?”

The nun says “oh yes, my lord, anything!”

So……. The ringleader says “well, I would like to make love to you”

The nun says “OH, my lord – I really would do anything for you but, it’s the wrong time of the month”

So………. The ringleader says “no problem, I can take you from behind”

So…. the nun, rather shyly, leads him into the back room where the deed takes place.

Afterwards the ringleader pulls the mask from his head and exclaims “ha-ha! – ‘skinhead’ ha-ha!”

The nun then pulls the habit from her head and exclaims…

Ha-ha-ha-ha! ‘bus driver’