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08-03-2007, 12:52 PM
todays lesson

there seems to be an issue here.........................sum ting wong

are you harbouring a fugitive...........................hu yu hai ding

see me ASAP.............................................k um hia nao

I wish to engage you in oral sex........................kun ton tung

stupid man..............................................y oo dum fuk

your horse is quite small...............................tai nee po nee

do you sun bake often...................................wai yu so tan

I bumped into that poorly placed piece of furniture.....ai bang mai fa kin nee

I think it is too dark in here..........................wai so dim

I think you have had enough to eat......................wai yu mun chin

our meeting is scheduled for next week..................wai yu kum nao

very good.............................................. .fah kin su pah

he is cleaning his motor vehicle........................wa shing kah

Jockney Rebel
10-03-2007, 05:06 AM
hers some scots ones for ya dazz
getifukyabassa............................please leave
aye his in bed wey is stomach.................he has a gastric problem
nae boather...................................no problem
thats gallus pal..............................very nice
she goat aface like aburst couch..............not very attractive
can ye no dae that............................please desist
hes doon ther wi his lumbar havin a swalley...hes inthere with his girlfriend having a drink
and for the southerners ...
ah went dahn the frog ti seea geezer baht a mottah ..........i went to see a man with a veiw to purchasing his car

10-03-2007, 05:34 AM
My ex-wife is Chinese, fuck that taught me a lesson :(

10-03-2007, 07:59 PM
how about amurny..... i am not. one of my favourites being a jock. :D

Jockney Rebel
10-03-2007, 10:52 PM
quote:Originally posted by cammy9r

how about amurny..... i am not. one of my favourites being a jock. :D
aye well dpends if yer a weedgie like me or a posh bassa fae embura:Dnice wan sun gaon yersel big yin:D

10-03-2007, 10:57 PM

Are you scots fom an Engish speaking coountry? :D

11-03-2007, 08:42 AM
chalk, it is a lot harder to read than it is to say !!! lol

Jockney Rebel
11-03-2007, 09:09 AM
:Dactually chalkie the scottish dialect has recently been recognised as a bona fide language as a mixture of gealic, english with a smattering of nordic its called scots lans:)
if ur a reader try reading 'the canongate burns ' its a definitive colection of robert burns s poems and songs put into context with a biography of his life and description of 18th century britian not everybodys cup of tea but interesting

11-03-2007, 11:37 AM
Frank, there is NO FUCKING WAY I will be reading any poetry, period. It is the language of fags nancies and hormone riven teenage girls. It is without a doubt the single biggest waste of an intelligent communication systems yet derived, no wonder it is associated with people who can't even figure out which hole their dick is supposed to go into.
Philosophically, if you can't express yourself in a direct and rational manner, then you're probably talking shit. I am completely in agreement with Plato when it comes to poetwy, it is the out of the weak minded, con artists, deviants and intellectually vaccuous. And he would have banned Homer's works, and theatre of course. Indeed there is no poetwy in the world of real philosophy (I'm not talking about the populist crap in the news media, or referenced by all those so-called rights and greenie groups).
And no insult to the Scots, but these days they call urban slang a real 'language', oh and surprisingly it's promoted by the same 2nd rate intellectuals who love poetwy.

Jockney Rebel
11-03-2007, 06:58 PM
you may well be right but the basic flaw in the argument is ..there was no urbanization when this "language" came about its the same as 600years ago bar a few colourful phrases ,i dont know how old a dialect has to be to be considered a language in its own right but there you go
i mean arnt all the deltonic languages in europe are all derived from, in some way latin,, english german ,french, spanish, italian these languages are only 2000 odd years old aint they?
im not a student of languge but i thot this was the case
also whats flemish but a mix of german french and dutch
its no big deal i dont care if its a language or not but because it s so far removed from the english spoken in other parts of britianit needs explaining
i know about the urban "nah wot ah meen "shit i dont think this falls into the same category i could be wrong tho and im always open to education
pity about the poetry thing but as a muso i consider songs just poetry put to music and im not a big fan of poetry myself just like this bloke cos he was a local

is philosophy an art or science? its a subject that whilst intriguing me has escaped my scrutiny
i know of a few philosphers by name only
Plato obviously being the old greek dude, and thers some german geezar called Nitsche[hope i spelt that right] isnt there? i could do with some backgruond on these and others ..

but isnt it tru that while we need the sciences to exsist and prosper we need the arts so that we have a reason to exsist and prosper?

i agree with you in the respect that there is a hell of a lot of poncy artsy pretentious crap about but not all of it is

11-03-2007, 08:09 PM
The only poeple who claim that we need the arts to have reason for anything are the artists themselves, and why would you trust anything that an artist says? Philosophy is a science, anyone who tells you any different doesn't have a clue what they are talking about. A lot of artists and pop-philosophers (think bullshit artist) claim otherwise, but that is nothing more than a bollocks attempt to give their 2nd rate emotionally riven carry on some sort of legitimacy.
Most sciences evolved out of areas philosophical analysis, indeed their is a very active field called 'philosophy of science', scientific method was dveloped by philosophers. Some of the core areas are logic and rational thought, ethics (which bears no relation to the 'ethical' carry on in the media and rights movements, theirs is merely an attempt pander to emotions), political theory, religion (the study of religious theory not the practise of religion), and most areas of theoretical science.
Western philosophy (which is really the only philosophy still in existence, most non-western philosophies aren't really philosophy but religious carry on today. In the distant past they were philosophies but failed to advance and deteriorated into religion, a good example being Chinese Confuscianism, Confuscius was quite a brilliant philosopher but nobody continued his work after his death, instead they encapsulated his writings and turned it into religion) eveolved in Greece up to a 1000 years BC, probably more, some of the earliest recorded philosophers being Thales, Anaxamander and anaximenes 700-500 BC. And many hippies and North African academics have claimed that Western Philosphy originated from groups like the Byzantines and etc, but this merely demonstates their lack of knowledge of these philosophies as proper analysis more than adequately shows that Western Philosophy is completely different, and many fundamental advances that the others never accomplished.
Logic was only ever developed in th eWestern tradition and is probably the greatest intellectual achievement by man. It is also one of the fundamental reasons as to why Western Philosophy continues to evolve, and to be the only true philosophy left.
here are 2 main time frames in the history of philosophy, the Greek,or classical, period highlighted by the likes of Plate, Socrates et al, and modern philosopy which got it's start in the 12th/13th ceturies as Europe came out of the Dark Ages. The Empiricist school of philosophy became established with the writings of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and their contemporaries in the late 1500's early 1600's and has become the dominant school by far. Virtually all modern philosophers of note are from this school, (Hobbes, Locke, Bentham, Descartes, Neitsche, Mills, etc etc etc). The concepts of Human rights, scientific method, modern law, and religion independant thought were developed within the Empiricist school, and only within the Empiricist school. In fact modern society only developed as a result of the ideas developed by philosophers.
Art never played a part in any of these developments, it has merely 'leached' off the advances, and at times attempted to claim these innovations as there own. But it is clear and rational thought (ie logical analysis) that resulted in the great treatises and clear and rational thought is incompatable with 'art', which is an emotional pursuit.
And their is no such thing as 'personal philosophy' or 'philosophy is what you want to believe' any more than there is a 'personal mathematics' or 'mathematics is what you want to believe'. Unfortunately this bullshit idea was promoted by the French in the mid-late 19th century as a 'nationalistic' response to the fact that the 2 main powerhouses in the Empiricist school were England and Germany, whereas in the pantheon of great Philosophers France only had a couple of entries (one of who was a Jew (Descartes) and therefore not a real Frenchman according to them) and was ranked with nations such as Italy, Spain and Russia.
Oh, and while there have been a number of female philosophers, there has never been a Great female Philosopher, only also rans.

Have I bored you enough yet? :D

11-03-2007, 09:18 PM
"hormone riven teenage girls"?
That's very poetic Chalky.;)

11-03-2007, 09:27 PM
Not poetry ya goose (is that poetic? or just rhyming crap :D) just a very accurate description of a certain age range of a certain group within the general population and their over riding driving force, so as to demonstrate their lack of rational thought.

Jockney Rebel
11-03-2007, 11:08 PM
:)nope im all ears....i am by definition an engineer therefore bound by the laws of physics [a subject i love btw ] but ...i also love music [which i know before u start is based in mathematics]but i never for example understood or appreciated pure maths as ,to me it had no end product, whereas applied mathematics was in my veiw useful bit like building an engine that had no purpose but to drive its own assembled parts much like the failed attempts at cold fusion reactors using more electricty than they produce.
you could of course argue that the building of these reactors whilst not producing a practical working prototype are consolidating the knowledge of cold fusion and the theoretical physics behind it which is a valid point but where do you stop flogging a dead horse?
anyway back to music based in maths... if you look at it purely as a subject made up from mathematically produced notes then u miss the whole point of it..i know that major chords make u sad and minor chords make u happy ....why does that happen is this a point where emotions and science cross or just a temporary chemical imbalance in your brain?brought on by some weird relationship between the frequency of the music and ourselves ?
there is more to our universe than we know and i believe that only a combination of all the human traits can uncover it for instance if the whole planet had combined it s resources to say ...medicine then wed be living till were 150 and with no diseases

i ,for instance, dont believe weird little grey men built the pyramids ..no we did cos we re clever and stupid at the same time
clever because in the last 100years we have made astounding technological advances but stupid cos at the same time our socialogical progress has lagged behind . and thats dangerous

its obvious you and me have differing veiws on this but thats good isnt it ? it means that thru debate all aspects of a given subject can be explored and analysed means we make less mistakes. its the only way we learn cos im telling you if the human race dosent learn to live together one day we ll be the cause of our own extinction.
we need emotional growth just as much if not more than we need technological growth.
having said that i have noticed that every great civilsation has gone thru a period of decadence just prior to its collapse. maybe the signs we re seeing now are heralding anew era unfortunately this usually means the old one has to die.
right u can stop laughing now ..i dont belive im having this convo with a physcology/phyllisophy dude:D

Jockney Rebel
11-03-2007, 11:09 PM
sorry dazz ...btw :)

11-03-2007, 11:54 PM
Yeah, couple of points.
While music can be written in a mathematical formula it does not necessitate that musicians use mathematical process', or indeed anything rational, to create musical pieces. There was a russian mathematics professor in the 1980's who claimed that he had established a mathematical formula relevant to the bible, but most of his mathematics didn't actually exist at the time the bible was written. Ergo music is not necessarily the product of a rational process.
(Although I should clarify the 'existance' point in relation to mathematics, by contemporary philosophy of mathematics all mathematical principles and theories are abstract objects and exist outside of the human realm, there 'existance' relevant to us merely means that we have dscovered the principles etc, through rational thought and analysis. One of the papers I did in 3rd year philosophy of mathematics was on whether abstract objects are real objects or not. PS I'm absolutely shit at real maths :D).
Also our technological process hasn't necessarily lagged behind technological development, but, most likely, the other way round. From the time of the Renaissance there was a huge explosion in sociological development in the West, which left technological development for dead. Technology is only now starting to catch up with that development.
As for the relationship between music and pleasure/non pleasurable sensations, we are still produts of our environment, the environment that we evolved in like all other living creatures plants etc. As such we have sertain physical traits that allowed us to survive and thrive within that environmant, ie sex is so pleasurable it guarantees the future survival of the species through procreation, eating is pleasurable ergo we make the effort to eat and therefore are 'fit/healthy' enough to survive. Indeed most of our sensations work along the lines of ensuring not only indvidual lives but also collectively and for species. We find pleasure in the company of others because alone we would not survive or procreate. So taken collectively what appear to be strange or irrational pleasures/desires make rational sense. When you take into account the fact that evolution is not a planned out process, but more like the exploration of the new world by Clarke and co. They didn't know specifically where they were going or how to get their they still had a vague idea of what they wanted to attain and they just took each challenge as it came along and worked to overcome it.
What makes us intelligent creatures is the fact that we can, to a certain extent, exercise control over these natural impulses. ie intelligent people don't top themselves after listening to Leonard Cohen, but then not all people are that intelligent all the time. :D

Here's one philosophical argument that you might like. Intuition, according to the traditional hippy like view philosophy and logic are'nt capable of understanding intuition. Wrong, Empiricist philosophy actually proves the existence of intuition, using mathematical set theory. A rough explanation is that given a set of mathematical theories there will be a formula which can be constructed using the existing theories, but which cannot be proven using those theories, yet we 'know' that it is true. When the set of theories is expanded we can then prove the correctness of the new formula. We intuited that teh formula was true prior to proving that it was (Please excuse the roughness of the explanation, I haven't actually done mathematical philosophy in over 15 years, hopefully you get the basic idea)

12-03-2007, 07:04 AM
[:0] i thought therefore i am :D

12-03-2007, 09:00 AM
Nup, yet another example of the pop-philosophers getting it wrong. And also a quick way to pick'em ;)

The final answer was actually 'For I have no reason to believe so'. Now if only I could remember what thw questions was :D

12-03-2007, 01:07 PM
quote:Originally posted by frankenbiker

sorry dazz ...btw :)

Hey, don't let my post stop ya's.

I lost interest in straight after I typed it.:D

Jockney Rebel
12-03-2007, 07:44 PM
right then thats settled what dy drink chalkie sos that i can have one waiting when i beat u to dubbo ?:}

Jockney Rebel
12-03-2007, 07:55 PM
nice one mate iv e enjoyed this just to recap ..the 3rd point intuition..the example u used of not being able to prove something but knowing it to be true would that apply to einstiens theory of relativity ? cos no ones proved you cant exceed the speed of light or what effects this might have on our relationship to time.

12-03-2007, 08:03 PM
Hey chalky, considering your lack of love for poetwy...

There once was a man from Nantucket.
Whose dick was so long he could suck it
He said with a grin
Wiping sperm from his chin
If my ear was a cunt i would fuck it.

With gems like that how can you say its a waste of intelligent conversation? ;)

12-03-2007, 08:08 PM
quote:Originally posted by frankenbiker

nice one mate iv e enjoyed this just to recap ..the 3rd point intuition..the example u used of not being able to prove something but knowing it to be true would that apply to einstiens theory of relativity ? cos no ones proved you cant exceed the speed of light or what effects this might have on our relationship to time.

You can actually send data faster then the speed of light anyway with certain fibre optics and telecommunications signals...