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View Full Version : eBay Spoilers

11-02-2007, 07:38 PM
I just wanted to get the general consensus regarding the posting of items that appear on eBay on the forum. Being an auction, the chance of getting a good bargain on something without a lot of interest is pretty high, and I know I would be pretty pissed if I had put a sly bid on something and then the price suddenly went through the roof because someone thought people might be interested.


11-02-2007, 07:42 PM
I wondered that myself...all these tasty Gixxer bits people post up...attracting lots of interest........Luckily for me I've got an XJR......

11-02-2007, 07:44 PM
Do I take it that all people feel the same as cruisecontrol? If so, shall we have a gentlemens agreement not to post items unless the items are infact requested by another member.. or do we cut the mentioning of ebay out together...


11-02-2007, 08:14 PM
Oldskool Suzuki banned Ebay threads for that exact reason.
IMO, if people want something, they should be looking on Ebay themselves, if they're not - they couldn't want it too badly.
A couple of times I've been watching an item I've intended to bid for only to have someone from this forum post a link to it - that pisses me off no end because I think it's completely unnecessary & achieves nothing except to drive the price up for those of us who are switched on in the first place.
I support the banning of any mention of Ebay items on this forum until the auctions are closed.
That'll be 2c thanx.

11-02-2007, 08:22 PM
Thats a hard one i reckon. Having just bought a bike that had a fair amount of interest... I kinda feel bad I bought it because others were interested as well.But in my opinion, if you are in the market for a bike, you would have already known it was on ebay before it was posted in the fighters forum. Maybe it brings more attention to it... Fuck I dunno dudes, I like cruisin ebay and if its posted here I always go for a look. It made me uncomfortable to think I was bidding against other fighters, thats why I asked if anyone else was bidding.


11-02-2007, 08:29 PM
quote:Originally posted by Docktor

Thats a hard one i reckon. Having just bought a bike that had a fair amount of interest... I kinda feel bad I bought it because others were interested as well.But in my opinion, if you are in the market for a bike, you would have already known it was on ebay before it was posted in the fighters forum. Maybe it brings more attention to it... Fuck I dunno dudes, I like cruisin ebay and if its posted here I always go for a look. It made me uncomfortable to think I was bidding against other fighters, thats why I asked if anyone else was bidding.


Mate, as soon as I saw you were interested, I stood aside... Id expect it from others as well...


11-02-2007, 08:29 PM
i disagree as its a free fucking country, if you want to post it why not? whats next on the nazis list then

why not just post and if someone is interested make it known or ask if anyone else bidding as i do - personally i dont have much time to scope out all of ebay (as im sure you know some stuff finds itself in weird places) and appreciate when someone mentions an item i could be interested in.

11-02-2007, 08:37 PM
I thought mentioning it to you guys was a goood thing just incase someone may not have seen it.Just trying to do the wright thing I would have thought.
But wow never thought about it like that.
Gee Cruise you certainly have thrown in some food for thought.
Well lets leave Egay out of the equation then.
I personally have never sold anything on the bay (if I had to I had to do it through a Mate ) cause I don't have a credit card.
But I myself am only really a buyer.
If I want to sell something I usually stick on this forum first, Give it a few days then advertise elsewhere so if it don't sell here
it may sell on another site.
Speaking of which is anyone going to buy any of my goodies I have for sale;)

11-02-2007, 08:48 PM
i thought u couldnt tell who was bidding on items anymore
so its a bit hard to know if u should let something go....

seriously though
for a streetfighters group to pretend eBay isnt awesome
then it would kinda like christians not believing in the amazing powers of Jesus....

ps- i think u should ban it, every time i go on ebay my credit card gets a workout!! [xx(]

11-02-2007, 08:54 PM
Hey Fimpy you've been reading the Bible in the toilet again haven't you:D

11-02-2007, 08:56 PM
quote:Originally posted by turbokat

Oldskool Suzuki banned Ebay threads for that exact reason.
IMO, if people want something, they should be looking on Ebay themselves, if they're not - they couldn't want it too badly.
A couple of times I've been watching an item I've intended to bid for only to have someone from this forum post a link to it - that pisses me off no end because I think it's completely unnecessary & achieves nothing except to drive the price up for those of us who are switched on in the first place.
I support the banning of any mention of Ebay items on this forum until the auctions are closed.
That'll be 2c thanx.

you will notice on OSS that all the guys still make referance to any good bits by using different names or just posting an item number with the reference of "on that site"

personally i don't really care either way.

11-02-2007, 08:57 PM
life would be much easier if we all knew each others ebay user names too,probly a registered members topic tho.I've bid against many people from here,not coz i'm a cunt,i just want the same bargain....and i wanna read your feedback history...lol.

11-02-2007, 09:00 PM
Davo likes to watch dontcha davo.;)

11-02-2007, 10:16 PM
I dont give a rats arse either way :D

11-02-2007, 10:40 PM
quote:Originally posted by davo

life would be much easier if we all knew each others ebay user names too,probly a registered members topic tho.I've bid against many people from here,not coz i'm a cunt,i just want the same bargain....and i wanna read your feedback history...lol.

yeah, I tend to agree on that one... I'll just see where it goes.

Jockney Rebel
11-02-2007, 11:00 PM
doesnt alot of syndicated bidding for the big stuff go on anyway just to push the price up?

11-02-2007, 11:09 PM
quote:Originally posted by frankenbiker

doesnt alot of syndicated bidding for the big stuff go on anyway just to push the price up?

Hell yes, Usually by the person selling or his mates.Am i the only one who bid on it or did i piss on someones parade?.I cant see the names of the other bidders either...
And Jarrod, i didnt want people to stand aside.I was just throwing it out there,just to see who was interested, I have a bike, now i have another, I went and looked at it, decided on my price and went with it. Thanks for standing aside, but if u wanted it, outbid me,thats how ebay works,but thats not how mates work, it's a fine line aint it?.


12-02-2007, 04:54 AM
quote:Originally posted by speeddemon

i disagree as its a free fucking country, if you want to post it why not? whats next on the nazis list then

Shafting your mates...................Genocide.

Yeah, I can see the connection.

I would post a link to explain the Nazi reigeme because you are obviously a busy man and don't have time to look for yourself, but I really couldn't be fucked.

12-02-2007, 07:56 AM
well my ebay name is pretty fuckin obvious... "jakam04" lol


12-02-2007, 04:46 PM
Hmm, interesting. Just for my two cents worth, I actually appreciate getting a notification on somethings as I just don't have time to search or even go on ebay. Those wheels someone posted up a while back and that single sider recently, I would never have known if you guys hadn't mentioned it. Turns out both went for far more than I wanted to go to anyway but I'm sure it wasn't you lot. I think Speedy had a point with the mention it and ask if anyone is bidding thing as that is what happened with the wheels and we both agreed on a price to go to and mentioned how high we would go. If anyone is knowingly doing another member out of a part then I think that's just fucked, but I don't reckon you lads would do that to each other so I don't really see the problem. Of course, shut me down if you think I'm talking shit as I hardly ever use ebay as it's got to many fucksticks on there. I'd rather buy in the trading area on here.

12-02-2007, 05:35 PM
So what happens if theres a bit I REALLY want for mine and another member REALLY wants it too......

Personally I think if you are after something badly enough you will be searchin for it. You might miss something but thats the luck of the draw I guess.

Just 'cos another member agrees not to bid on something there are millions of people out there on ebay who may...

I lost out last night on a clutch for mine....shit happens..no good whining about it. Someone else got a bargain for a whole f**king $1 more than my max bid !!!:(!!!![xx(]!!!!:D

12-02-2007, 06:49 PM
Cruise - r u a jew then?

when did this have anything to do with shafting mates! im just kinda getting sick of all the rules and shit everyone keeps trying to come up with when I think the system (if there is one) actually works to date - it worked when Gix and I had a conflicting interest. I come to this site in hope of maybe stumbling across interesting items either off the for sale or ebay posts and hope neither avenue would be taken away.

As per Gix comment I advocate anyone interested to make their intent clear so we can all sort it out like gentlemen - dual to death!

12-02-2007, 07:03 PM
quote:Originally posted by speeddemon

Cruise - r u a jew then?

You were the one crying Nazi, not me...

12-02-2007, 07:41 PM
Hitler was my bitch!

12-02-2007, 07:43 PM

12-02-2007, 08:26 PM
Ebay is like the jungle, free enterprise at it's most gruesome.
Here is like your favorite seat at the pub.
Might be worth just posting them in the members area away from the plebs.
That'll be 2c thanx.:D

12-02-2007, 08:43 PM
quote:Originally posted by speeddemon

Hitler was my bitch!

That'll certainly explain his goose stepping then, nancy boy


Jockney Rebel
13-02-2007, 12:04 AM
it dont bother me all the stuff i want no body else wants ..so there
my bikes got the ultimate anti theft device...nobody in there right mind ll nick it
seriuosly tho ive been buyin and sellin stuff on e bay for years never had any greif cept for maybe the occaisional tyre kickin twat

14-02-2007, 02:52 PM
How about this, I aint bidding for it..... haven't got the heart to tell him that, although it will fit a 750 Kat, 9 grand redline is 1100 Kat!! if I wasn't going on a cruise next week, I might consider it though.


There could be a thread for ebay stuff that might be interesting..

I only go to what I reckon I will pay for, sometimes new prices are cheaper, taking into account postage etc, but it would be good if there was a "gentlemans" agreement between members...


14-02-2007, 07:03 PM
Nah why have a thread for ebay stuff when all you have to do is go to ebay.
Anyway whats all this bollox about.
Ebay is an open to all market place and if something is on there that I want I wll bid up to what I think it is worth and if that means out bidding someone from here then thats how it is.

I will say this a certain suzuki owners club here in the uk banned all things ebay from there site and they also banned swear words, fuck would automatically be edited to f*ck and the same with sh*t and c*nt and so on. The site also became very boring and pc and realy realy fuckin shit.
Now do you realy want that to happen here no didn't think so.
So who realy gives a flying shit about e fuckin bay and who fuckin bids on it co's i fuckin dont :D

14-02-2007, 08:07 PM
I find your use of profanity deeply offensive Alfie. [V]

14-02-2007, 08:21 PM
quote:Originally posted by alfiestorm

Nah why have a thread for ebay stuff when all you have to do is go to ebay.
Anyway whats all this bollox about.
Ebay is an open to all market place and if something is on there that I want I wll bid up to what I think it is worth and if that means out bidding someone from here then thats how it is.

I will say this a certain suzuki owners club here in the uk banned all things ebay from there site and they also banned swear words, fuck would automatically be edited to f*ck and the same with sh*t and c*nt and so on. The site also became very boring and pc and realy realy fuckin shit.
Now do you realy want that to happen here no didn't think so.
So who realy gives a flying shit about e fuckin bay and who fuckin bids on it co's i fuckin dont :D

Yeah - too right Alfie. Let's not censor the site.

I reckon if someone posts a link to something that one of us is bidding on, then just reply and say "I'm bidding on that" and the rest of us will leave it alone. It's worked before, right?

Jockney Rebel
14-02-2007, 08:34 PM
we re all responsible adults after all..well adults anyway....smacks of Animal farm[no not the porn version either]i thot the whole point of being who we were was ..that we re pissed off with the nanny state dictatin to us want we can and cant do and what some dickhead politician says is "safe'
if we cant sort something like this out amongst ourselves and start instigating rules for this and that then we re as bad as them.....in short it comes down to common sense really [a party political broadcast on behalf of the Right to Party party]:}

14-02-2007, 08:39 PM
I'm with Frankie on this one, it seemed to be working ok up till now.

14-02-2007, 08:52 PM
Right then will gix or large delete this topic or lock it off and let it fade away and lets just carry on with how it was

15-02-2007, 04:05 AM
quote:Originally posted by alfiestorm

Right then will gix or large delete this topic or lock it off and let it fade away and lets just carry on with how it was


So in the interests of freedom you want something that you personally don't agree with removed?

15-02-2007, 06:47 AM
Now now Cruise you did do it yourself.:D



http://cgi.ebay.com.au/SUZUKI-GSXR750-CARBY-JETS-HEAPS-FIT-OTHERS-MIKUNI_W0QQitemZ320082582891QQihZ011QQcategoryZ352 32QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem


15-02-2007, 08:29 AM
quote:Originally posted by Cruisecontrol

quote:Originally posted by alfiestorm

Right then will gix or large delete this topic or lock it off and let it fade away and lets just carry on with how it was


So in the interests of freedom you want something that you personally don't agree with removed?

So does this mean when you have a "sly" bid but someone else out bids you because someone somewhere posted a link up it becomes unfair and should not be allowed.
If that is indeed the case then may I suggest you do not use ebay as it clearly upsets you when someone out bids you.
Of course it would be ok to post links up for others to see if you were selling something wouldn't it.
You have a nice day now :D:D

15-02-2007, 11:20 AM
Hey Cruise, Alfie was just saying that there seems to be a general consensus to maintain the status quo, that's all. finishing up the thread just means that poeple don't keep carrying on for no good reason.

15-02-2007, 11:42 AM
I just can't believe all this crap to do with ebay...So am I meant to tell everyone what items I am watching, in hope of a bargain......
And god forbid at the last minute I should bid on it..."Oh no I didn't tell anyone"

Do we limit this to motorcycle parts only......or expand it to include cuddly toys, clothes and home decorations ??

Guess I'm lucky that not many of you have an xjr ;)

15-02-2007, 03:58 PM
quote:Originally posted by devo

Now now Cruise you did do it yourself.:D

True, but someone was after something specific and started a thread relative to it as opposed to people just posting links to items on eBay for the sake of it. That, I cannot understand.

So does this mean when you have a "sly" bid but someone else out bids you because someone somewhere posted a link up it becomes unfair and should not be allowed.
If that is indeed the case then may I suggest you do not use ebay as it clearly upsets you when someone out bids you.
Of course it would be ok to post links up for others to see if you were selling something wouldn't it.
You have a nice day now :D:D

That is great. Pity it has nothing to do with the response I made to your Close It Now! comment...

quote:Originally posted by chalk10

Hey Cruise, Alfie was just saying that there seems to be a general consensus to maintain the status quo, that's all. finishing up the thread just means that poeple don't keep carrying on for no good reason.

It is hardly the status quo. There seems to be as many for it as against.
But if everyone simply wants to piss in eachothers pockets as opposed to discuss topics which produce varying opinions, fine by me.

15-02-2007, 05:09 PM
Ebay threads clog up various sales sections. That is inherently unfair to paying members that post items here. Ebay contributes nothing financially to this site so why give it free advertising. If you absolutely have to have a section have it in a seperate members only section not clogging up the normal sales sections. Personally, I'm in favour of banning them altogether.

15-02-2007, 05:14 PM
From reading all the posts above, my thoughts on the posting of ebay items by myself will now be restricted to if someone is after a specific item and hasnt been able to find one. If I find this specific item theyare looking for then I shall post it. I will no longer post items just for the sake of posting items just in case someone might have a need for it.


15-02-2007, 05:20 PM
All in favour

15-02-2007, 05:35 PM
Likewise. If someone is after a particular bit I will pm them the ebay number.

15-02-2007, 06:08 PM
This fishing thing is good never had so many bites. Just off now to find some bait :D:D:D:D