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26-01-2007, 07:33 AM
I bet theres a fight somewhere 2day[:p]

26-01-2007, 10:23 AM
My money is on it being at the BDO.

26-01-2007, 10:26 AM
South Perth Foreshore 100% chance

26-01-2007, 10:33 AM
I'm off to see Happy Feet again. ;)

26-01-2007, 11:07 AM
quote:Originally posted by mad mundy

I bet theres a fight somewhere 2day[:p]

Safe bet Mad,already happened at the skate park this morning!Bit one sided but.;)

26-01-2007, 11:45 AM
If my kids don't start behaving it'll be right here!

26-01-2007, 12:37 PM
Happy:D OCKERS DAY you freaks

26-01-2007, 01:00 PM
quote:Originally posted by Cruisecontrol

My money is on it being at the BDO.

BDO was yesterday

26-01-2007, 01:14 PM
I'm only 24 hours behind.
That must be a new record...

26-01-2007, 04:12 PM
I was on the Gold Coast HWY just after lunch at Broardbeach, when a convoy of about 7 cars (you know the ones .... DOOF DOOF whoosh bang things) travelling at about 30kph, 3 abreast all slowing up the traffic, all had different flags waving (asian and towelhead flags) Stopped at the lights, yelling shit out a people who were within earshot. I was in my car behind them. Next thing i hear v twins and quiet a few of them. An outlaw club, lets just say they have a cartoon character as their colors. They kicked the fuck out of the cars, i mean big time. Had steel bars and chains. It was beautiful to watch. Some of the car drivers were crying. I dont support the Outlaw clubs but "good onya fellas"

26-01-2007, 04:54 PM
Excellent! :D

26-01-2007, 05:29 PM
Good one :D :D

26-01-2007, 06:13 PM
these pricks shit me. Wave there sepo,lebo,croat and red spot special flags and go on with all the usual ethnic shit. They fucking left thier country because it sucked like a hoover so leave your shit behind.

In Australia, if you carry on like a cock,you will get a punch in the head(and sometimes by a mate:D) but it is always 1 on 1 and your mates will only assist when it becomes lopsided. The bloody gang mentality comes from fellings of being inadequate, a concept real Aussies are not familiar with.[8D]

26-01-2007, 06:14 PM
Those Bugs Bunny MC fuckers are tough !

26-01-2007, 07:10 PM
quote:Originally posted by ozkat

I was on the Gold Coast HWY just after lunch at Broardbeach, when a convoy of about 7 cars (you know the ones .... DOOF DOOF whoosh bang things) travelling at about 30kph, 3 abreast all slowing up the traffic, all had different flags waving (asian and towelhead flags) Stopped at the lights, yelling shit out a people who were within earshot. I was in my car behind them. Next thing i hear v twins and quiet a few of them. An outlaw club, lets just say they have a cartoon character as their colors. They kicked the fuck out of the cars, i mean big time. Had steel bars and chains. It was beautiful to watch. Some of the car drivers were crying. I dont support the Outlaw clubs but "good onya fellas"

pics? LOL:D

26-01-2007, 07:24 PM
the more they push[:X]the betttttttttter it gets:)

papa smurf
26-01-2007, 08:13 PM
quote:Originally posted by ozkat

I was on the Gold Coast HWY just after lunch at Broardbeach, when a convoy of about 7 cars (you know the ones .... DOOF DOOF whoosh bang things) travelling at about 30kph, 3 abreast all slowing up the traffic, all had different flags waving (asian and towelhead flags) Stopped at the lights, yelling shit out a people who were within earshot. I was in my car behind them. Next thing i hear v twins and quiet a few of them. An outlaw club, lets just say they have a cartoon character as their colors. They kicked the fuck out of the cars, i mean big time. Had steel bars and chains. It was beautiful to watch. Some of the car drivers were crying. I dont support the Outlaw clubs but "good onya fellas"


Un fuckin real, should be more of it, then the pricks might get the message.
LOVE IT OR FUCKIN LEAVE IT.[}:)][}:)][}:)]

26-01-2007, 09:43 PM
Ok I can see where this thread is going and good on ya.
Similar things happen over hear in the <s>y</s>uk gangs of asian dickheads and afro carribian blacks and then theres the eastern europeans walking about in the nice little comfy gangs and they all have the same things in common.

1. complain about the country they are in
2. complain about the rules of the country they are in
3. cry the racism rule when the benefit agency says no
4. Mug, rape and kill our indeginouse people not one on one but gangs onto one.
5. Carry knives and guns to use in 4
6. expect you to move out of there way when walking down the road
7. kill,mame and injur when driving with out a licence,insurance and unable to read english or speak it but still manage to claim benefits and get away with the driving offences claiming they did not understand the rules
8. expect to recieve a council house and car plus get set up with a credit card (how wonderfull the uk government are)

Steps people are now taking as they have had a fucking nuff of the <s>y</s>uk governments failings in this department
1.always carry a can of pepper spray
2.always ignore them when they speak to you if they persist pepper spray the twat.
3.when out walking at the shops etc always get in there way and do not move if conflict is going to happen pepper spray then other forms of violence can be used
4. never hold a door open for any of them but always slam it shut in there faces
5. When out driving if one of the fuckers walk out in front of you and they are not on a crossing hit the bastard. They have a tendancy to walk out into the road and hold there hand up as if to say stop i am crossing the road.
6. Always make life very hard and awkward for the cunts.

Thank fuck I'm outa here soon
Oh fuck does that make me one of them :D

27-01-2007, 09:24 AM

27-01-2007, 09:41 AM
Can we still call him a whingeing Pom when he gets here?

I mean there's all those poms whining about being called whinging poms at the moment

:D :D :D

30-01-2007, 05:00 PM
quote:Originally posted by ozkat

I was on the Gold Coast HWY just after lunch at Broardbeach, when a convoy of about 7 cars (you know the ones .... DOOF DOOF whoosh bang things) travelling at about 30kph, 3 abreast all slowing up the traffic, all had different flags waving (asian and towelhead flags) Stopped at the lights, yelling shit out a people who were within earshot. I was in my car behind them. Next thing i hear v twins and quiet a few of them. An outlaw club, lets just say they have a cartoon character as their colors. They kicked the fuck out of the cars, i mean big time. Had steel bars and chains. It was beautiful to watch. Some of the car drivers were crying. I dont support the Outlaw clubs but "good onya fellas"

top job:)

31-01-2007, 02:18 AM
I promise I will become a whingeing Aussie when I get there so we can all whinge in harmony :D :D

31-01-2007, 07:17 AM
Yeah well there's a few already practicing over here mate :D

Dunno bout that harmony thing though, sounds Welsh or summat to me :D

31-01-2007, 07:50 AM
Only the welsh could have a language that absolutely no fucker on the planet could learn or understand in there life time unless you were welsh and like sheep [:0]


31-01-2007, 12:11 PM
Leave the sheep out of it mate, Kiwi's lover their sheep 'long time' as well, but at least you can understand the fuckers talkin' [8D]

Well when they don't have a mouthful of wool that is [:I][xx(]