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09-11-2006, 07:40 PM
Here's one my 11 year old told me

There are five ducks and a policemen standing on a bend in the river. The policeman says to the first duck, "who are you?"
"I'm Duck" says the first duck
"And what are you doing?" asks the policemen
"I'm Blowing Bubbles"
Then he asks the second duck "who are you and what are you doing"
"I'm Duck Duck and I'm watching Duck blow bubbles" says the second duck
"And who are you?" says the policemen to the third duck
"I'm Duck Duck Duck" says the third duck "and I'm watching Duck Duck who's watching Duck Blow Bubbles"
To the forth duck the policeman says "and who might you be?"
"I'm Duck Duck Duck Duck" is the reply.
"And what are you doing?"
"I'm watching Duck Duck Duck who's watching Duck Duck who's watching Duck blowing Bubbles"
Then the policeman says to the last duck "so I suppose you're Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck are you?" to which the last duck replies "No, I'm Bubbles"