View Full Version : yesterday

30-10-2006, 06:48 PM
I went outside at 4.30pm and it was fuggin dark already I thought what the fuck then realised the fuggin clocks went back an hour.
Fuggin farmers fuck their daylight saving ideas the cunts dont get up any earlier or work any longer.
So now we are 1 hour behind the rest of europe and now 9.5 hours behind south Australia soon to be 10.5 hours.
Another 480 victims will be killed on uk roads because of the farmers would like it lighter in the mornings which it does for the first few weeks then it's still dark at seven in the morning so whats the fucking point.

Ahhhh thats better :)

30-10-2006, 07:36 PM
That's weird !!
We put our clocks forward for daylight saving so we get one less hour of light in the morning and one extra hour of light at night.
West Australia is trialling it this year so I hope it goes ahead.
More light more better.

Who gives a fuck if the kids don't want to go to bed at 7.30pm when it's still light outside ?? They're not my fucking kids !!
And the QLD premier saying there'll be more skin cancer with daylight saving... at least his population are getting time to get out and about to the beach or whatever !!!
Gotta be healthier than sitting inside watching shit like home and a-fucking-way or whatever crap is on at that time.

30-10-2006, 10:01 PM
at least his population are getting time to get out and about to the beach or whatever !!!

Now you go easy the Rocket, dont you go down the beach, Greenpeace are in town and the might tow you out to sea ;)

Gotta be healthier than sitting inside watching shit like home and a-fucking-way or whatever crap is on at that time.
I am coming round with the camera and catch you in front of the tv, no doubt with furry slippers and a nice cup of tea

You have lights in your workshop.. does not matter if its dark or not, come on this lots waiting for you to get the beasty on the road

31-10-2006, 06:42 PM
What the fuck is up with Queensland. We still have it going dark at 6 even in mid summer. It sucks arse. We get darker sooner than the mexicans so why the fuck don't we get that well needed extra hour! It gets light at 4 in the fucking morning for fucks sake! Does my head in.......

31-10-2006, 06:59 PM
quote:Originally posted by BillyWhizz888

Now you go easy the Rocket, dont you go down the beach, Greenpeace are in town and the might tow you out to sea ;)

Hahaha, get fucked !!

Fucken japs tried to get me last time.

31-10-2006, 08:39 PM
Stick your fuckin daylight savings up your arse, i dont want QLD to get it [}:)]. Ive got lights in my shed so i can work on my bike at night, but at least in summer i can go to work in the daylight like 99% of the population do for the rest of the year.

31-10-2006, 09:05 PM
I leave for work at around 6AM and it's light enough to have a tinted visor on my helmet and still see where I'm going at the moment.

Unfortunatly it won't be the same story in two months time.

31-10-2006, 11:21 PM
I love daylight savings. It doesn't get dark until 8, so my restaurant ( i'm a chef) doesn't get busy until 8.30 or 9, and we're closed by 10. It's fuggin great!

31-10-2006, 11:52 PM
Oz, why did I expect that response from you? You work in a shed mate, plus it's work. Who gives a shit? I'm talking recreational hours. Finish work and go for the evening rides and pub meetings. The dark kills the day. Why are you basing your life around getting to work? Get a grip man!!!