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02-10-2006, 04:37 PM
I will probably sound like a real wanker here, i can pick up the front wheel of my z1000 with a whole heap of acceleration at about 8 or 9k rpm but i just can't seem to get my timing right to push the forks down and then pull back and gun it at lower revs. It feels totally unco and i cock it up everytime. Anyone else have this trouble? I have a minus 1 front sprocket on order so this will help, but I still feel like a deadshit.

02-10-2006, 05:44 PM
Don't worry your not on your own. Have you tried a heap of revs and dump'n the clutch?

This may put you on your arse so be carefull!

02-10-2006, 06:20 PM
Step 1......buy a Suzuki ;) :D

03-10-2006, 06:14 AM
quote:Originally posted by Iceman

This may put you on your arse so be carefull!

Thats what I am scared of :D

03-10-2006, 06:53 AM
i learnt how to clutch it up early this year and WOW
it is sooo much cleaner than bouncing it up

definitely experiment with the clutch
but be ready cos it comes up quick and will scare the shit outta u

03-10-2006, 12:46 PM
Be ready for terror in your first few extended wheelies, the balanace point is a good 6 inches past where you are certain your gonna fall backwards :D

03-10-2006, 02:52 PM
Clutch up wheelies can be hard to catch and I can't help but think they are a bit harsh on the bike.
Not only that, I would have thought any modern bike over 750cc wouldn't need the clutch to lift in first.

Instead, i'd be finding the fattest part of the torque available. I haven't ridden a Zthou but i'd be thinking about four or five grand.

All i ever do is accelerate to that fattest torque rpm, sit back a bit, hold a steady throttle and then snap it open.
Once you find the right lift rpm, it should just power up nice and smooth, rather than jump into the air like with the clutch.

03-10-2006, 03:14 PM
Oh yeah, and do what Freak says.

03-10-2006, 04:03 PM
quote:Originally posted by suxukifreak

Step 1......buy a Suzuki ;) :D

Step 2 throw out Suzuki and buy somthing that actually can wheelie (a Honda) :D

04-10-2006, 01:25 PM
dont feel bad, i cant wheelie my z thou either :-)
i fink thats cos i'm a girly though, and gutless...

04-10-2006, 06:44 PM
where bouts are ya located matt

04-10-2006, 11:18 PM
Matt, your penis may not be shrivalled just yet.There is lots of people that can ride well but cant wheelstand a bike,lots that can wheelstand a bike yet cant ride well.And then there is those who can jump on any bike and ride it well beyond its potential before the engine has even warmed up.If you havnt had an upbringing on high powered motox bikes then wheelstands can be a freaky thing at 1st.I know that the Z thou is well capable of roll-on wheel stands so avoid clutch-ups and go for mid range roll-ons instead,bring the revs up to 5-6000 then back of very slightly,then snap the fucker wide open while pulling straight back on the bars(not up),keep your arms slightly bent as this gives you control when she shoots the moon.If the bike has a smooth power delivery you'll be shifting thru the gear box in a matter of hours,give it a few more days and you'll be jumping up onto the tank and giving Peshh and Clive a run for their money.(Clive can only highchair wheelie for just over 1 klm,he's such a pussy,but we love him dearly because he looks like Jon Bon Jovi...
Im a cowboy...,
on a steel horse i ride...,
i'm wanted...,
thats coz i'm clive).

05-10-2006, 05:59 AM
quote:Originally posted by peshh69

where bouts are ya located matt

Brisbane mate

05-10-2006, 06:02 AM
Thanks Davo, I will give it a shot.

05-10-2006, 09:43 AM
quote:Originally posted by davo

.There is lots of people that can ride well but cant wheelstand a bike,lots that can wheelstand a bike yet cant ride well.

I'm the second one [V]

05-10-2006, 11:08 AM

Shit i am a sucker for a Bon Jovi quote Davo.

Nice work.

I am getting my gearbox sorted soon and dropping a tooth on the front. i will then begin my journey in the ancient art of front wheel loftedness, grasshopper.

I figure my missus will be washing skiddies off my undies for weeks.(larger than normal)

So at least we can laugh at each others fuckups Matt.

05-10-2006, 03:49 PM
spewin if u were in melb we could have gone for a ride and get ya mono'n that thing 4 ever

06-10-2006, 07:54 AM
hey matt, your not on your own,i can get it up but cant keep it up for any length of time.mmmm that didnt come out right but you guys will know what i mean, dont you?

07-10-2006, 06:02 AM
Haha well said arbee

07-10-2006, 08:47 AM
Theres a few great spots in Brissy (northern suburbs) to go to practice.

09-10-2006, 10:16 AM
ok damn first things first power wheeles are not safe ull loop it eventually i promis u that. I have seen riders on 954's with 60 tooth rear sprokets and they still clutch it up it may take a bit longer to get it down but just do it its much more prodictable. U may not get it stragth away and if your having problems bringing it up with the clutch u have a problem with the size of your balls and be closing the throtle of as soon as the frount lifts ... every one does this at first .. DONT DO POWER WHEELIES ... i cant stress that enought..
And also when ever u do a wheelie make sure that right foot is on the brake leaver not pressing it but on it coz if that thing comes to high its your only life saver .. Also a good measure of how high u are is the level of your forks if there parralel with the road your at Bp you can go a bit further back but thats where good brake control skill come into play
also if u do plan on long highway wheelies at Bp do them Stagard Stance one foot covering brake one on the left pillion peg it will seam very weird at fisrt but once u get used to it u will find it much easier to balance when it is that high. if u insist on sit downs sit as close to the tank as u can coz the closer to the tail the wobblier it will get. its also wise to lower psi in the rear highway 25-30 psi slow stuff 15 - 20 psi this will help u keep it steady

Keep it Up man


09-10-2006, 08:34 PM
everyone loves an A grader ^^^...go and buy a real bike ya fukin limp wristed git,and come back when you've leart to ride it.

09-10-2006, 08:40 PM
hmmm, actually i tend to agree with the small bike riding man on this one

09-10-2006, 10:45 PM
I dont do wheelies co's i am shit at them, however my bike does have a tendancy to do predictable power wheelies when i abuse the throttle and it feels great and it is so easy to do on the power, but there again i do have 168bhp at the back wheel to play with :D

Oh almost forgot to mention it is a Suzuki

09-10-2006, 10:49 PM
quote:Originally posted by vtr420

power wheeles are not safe DONT DO POWER WHEELIES ... i cant stress that enought..

What a load of CRAP that is!
Pay no attention to that bollocks Matt, if you've never hung a wheelie before, the front wheel being 6" off the ground will feel like you're about to flip it. Power wheelies will make you feel comfortable with the front wheel coming up & you'll be able to lift it a bit higher as you get more confident. The front will come up a lot more gently/predictably if you let it come up under power, start by clutching it up & you'll shit yourself repeatedly & probly decide it's too hard/scary.
Don't try to be A C Farias straight away, it won't happen overnight, but it will happen.

10-10-2006, 12:16 AM
Try to find an XR200 and a big flat paddock, it won't hurt as much (body or wallet).
Big 600 singles are also great fun to mono (oops showing my age there).

10-10-2006, 06:40 AM
quote:Originally posted by alfiestorm

I dont do wheelies co's i am shit at them, however my bike does have a tendancy to do predictable power wheelies when i abuse the throttle and it feels great and it is so easy to do on the power, but there again i do have 168bhp at the back wheel to play with :D

Oh almost forgot to mention it is a Suzuki

Yeah my R1 did nice easy (probably really low:D)power wheelies as well, I was spoilt by how easy they were.

10-10-2006, 08:04 AM
quote:Originally posted by turbokat

quote:Originally posted by vtr420

power wheeles are not safe DONT DO POWER WHEELIES ... i cant stress that enought..

What a load of CRAP that is!
Pay no attention to that bollocks Matt, if you've never hung a wheelie before, the front wheel being 6" off the ground will feel like you're about to flip it. Power wheelies will make you feel comfortable with the front wheel coming up & you'll be able to lift it a bit higher as you get more confident. The front will come up a lot more gently/predictably if you let it come up under power, start by clutching it up & you'll shit yourself repeatedly & probly decide it's too hard/scary.
Don't try to be A C Farias straight away, it won't happen overnight, but it will happen.

And as confidence grow with GAY POWER WHEELIE u want to go higher and higher and with no idea what rear brake control is hit max Hp and end up on your arse with your nice bike going end over end down the road ... umm wheelies are hard why cheat if u want to do it learn the right way first it may take a bit longer so u can "IMPRESS YOUR MATES" But at least u wont hurt your self ...

Thanks Fimp u must actually be able to wheelie

And Davo can u scrap the tail on your bike coz i can on mine [^]

10-10-2006, 02:41 PM
Sorry VTR but I disagree. I may not be a budding tail scraping wheelie God, but I can bust out a pretty good multigear wheelie and I reckon that using the clutch is not only hard on the bike (fair enough, you got a 250) but I reckon it's easier to control the rate of rise using the power.
Maybe I was spoilt by my B12 but I could pick it up off the throttle to just below the balance point, then twist it just a little more to find it rather than banging it up on the clutch.

Another thing, i have never ever used the rear brake. i know I'm supposed to learn for some safety reason or some shit, but I haven't yet and probably never will.
But I'm looking to change gears anyway, not hold a 2nd gear (or worse, 1st gear)rear brake wheelie for 400 metres (ho hum).
John Forsyth once said, "if it aint over 80mph, it aint a high speed wheelie".
Different school from the tail scraping at 20mph I guess.

Matt, everyone's an expert, maybe you should find a mate that can do wheelies and get him to give you some one on one help.
My opinion is that using the clutch is only for bikes that don't have the power to do it by themselves.

10-10-2006, 03:34 PM
matt as has been said there are many opnions on how to wheele and which way is better, the truth of the matter is to find a style and tecneque that YOU are happy with and feel comfortable with, and there aint no guru out there that can have you wheeling in one day, it will take time and not a short time unless you are especialy talanted, so you have to do the hard yards and practice, i think that VTR420 said that as you get better you want to go higher and longer and that is true. Just remember that if you go hard and try to get there quickly the probility of you stacking it ( and you will sooner or later ) increases, I'm not saying that is a bad thing, only if you treasure your bike i advise that you take it slowly, of if you got a dedicated stunt bike then go for it. Hope this is of some help, BTW how are you going with your wheelies?

10-10-2006, 04:06 PM
quote:Originally posted by 03gixxerpilot

BTW how are you going with your wheelies?

Haven't even tried mate, I drive the work ute during the week so don't get much chance. I will have a play at the weekend.

10-10-2006, 04:53 PM
good stuff, don't be discouraged by some of the stuff that is said in this thread, just try a few diffrent things and see how you go

good luck and have fun!!!!!!!!!!!

10-10-2006, 05:22 PM
i cant really wheelie for shit

but at the start of the year at stuntschool ned kept on giving me the
"clutchy-clutchy" gesture as i kept trying to power wheelie

and eventually i got the balls to try it
once used to the front jumping up it is really easy to get a repeatable lift
just get to the right speed, slip clutch til the right number of revs and dump it

even if u do loop it at least you are only doing 60k's rather than 100!!

man the ride home from oran park hurt that day, couldnt move my left hand for 2days [:I]

11-10-2006, 12:03 PM
So you have a problem getting it up and staying up hey Matt [8D]:D[^]

11-10-2006, 01:57 PM
quote:Originally posted by Buellboy03

So you have a problem getting it up and staying up hey Matt [8D]:D[^]

how did i know that response would come from you, all the rest of us were having a nice clean conversation :D:D:D

11-10-2006, 02:38 PM
So Fimp u went to stuntskills nice hahaha and u know Ned are u a stunter in hiding :)

Im just saying benifits of clutching - if your in a 60km zone or a 110 zone u with traffic 30m infrount of u u can clutch eaither 1st or 2nd straght to bp and be riding along with said traffic at 60km for 1st and 110 km for second and thats fucking cool!! Now if u were to do a Power wheelie from 60km u would have ended up rear ending the car 30m away or better yet finally got Bp at 160km which isnt really Bp its just at that speeds there is wind resistance slowin the bike and keeping it up as well and when u get caught buy the cops u get done for Neg Riding and Speeding hmmmm

Here Clutchy Clutchy Clutchy

11-10-2006, 03:27 PM
STEP 1 ...... BUY A SUZUKI ...


STEP 3 ...... HANG ON .....

11-10-2006, 03:58 PM
there is another way to make wheelies easer and slow them down at the sme time .............................................

Biger sprocket oon the back/ smaller on the front

12-10-2006, 04:36 PM
Bigger Sprokets will make it harder to learn coz it will make the throtle more "twitch" but the bigger the sproket the slower u can go i ve been slalling out at bit lately at like 4 kms so i think its time for a 12+

20-10-2006, 07:01 AM
Hey if you want to learn to wheelie and want arguments on both power and clutch techniques watch this vid.


They talk you through it and its all pretty good info. I've been using it to work on my technique...

Now all I need is a nice stretch of road...

26-10-2006, 07:26 AM
thats a good video, thanks

26-10-2006, 04:48 PM
quote:Originally posted by vtr420

So Fimp u went to stuntskills nice hahaha and u know Ned are u a stunter in hiding :)

Im just saying benifits of clutching - if your in a 60km zone or a 110 zone u with traffic 30m infrount of u u can clutch eaither 1st or 2nd straght to bp and be riding along with said traffic at 60km for 1st and 110 km for second and thats fucking cool!! Now if u were to do a Power wheelie from 60km u would have ended up rear ending the car 30m away or better yet finally got Bp at 160km which isnt really Bp its just at that speeds there is wind resistance slowin the bike and keeping it up as well and when u get caught buy the cops u get done for Neg Riding and Speeding hmmmm

Here Clutchy Clutchy Clutchy

ok.. now i know your a knob.

doing that shit with cars around, and "30 meters away" is just plain stupid.

i dont do wheelies, not my kettle of fish i have tried them before... the clutch it up, left me running down the road watching my bike cart wheel.. yeah bloody great! next, bigger bike, more grunt, used power instead.

rolled along just in peak torque rpm, snaped throttle shut, then using the bounce of the forks, pulled back and snapped the throttle open, came up a lot easier and more slowly.

use power on the wheelies if ya have it, its more stable predicable and safer (provided your not a dickhead like old mate im quoting and attempt them in traffic)

like boh said theres plenty of places north brissie side you can practice, get comfy with the wheel lofting and coming up, get to know how the bike reacts with your imputs.

getting out there, pulling the clutch pegging it to 8k then dumping it on a litre bike is a sure fire way of a noob throwing his bike down the road.


26-10-2006, 05:14 PM
if you have any spare $ loocy brucy(could help myself!) is right in regards to learning on a traily however i also find 1st or 2nd gear roll ons the easiest. the clutch thing is definately a touch scarey and hard on the gear with the slaming back to earth.

26-10-2006, 06:09 PM
I'm just goin through the learning stages myself and I find that it is easier/less harsh to power up the front, I can get the front to lift from as low as 4,000 revs, which is far easier to control a 929 at...

I've tried the clutch method and it was just too quick for me - obviously for the more experienced that would probably be easier and more consistent, but I wouldn't recommend for a newbie...

Matt, as for the Z1000 it should come up easily by revving to about 4-5000 - then shut off throttle - then quickly open again, with practice this will work... I used to have a 2000 ZR-7 and it worked with that so you should have no problems...

Just practice and start off small and keep it shiny side up... :)

26-10-2006, 08:01 PM
i find power wheelies really bad because you dont have that instant control like a clutch up. you dont have to pin anything, you rev it a little bit and let the clutch out and see what happens. then you increase the revs and keep going. if you take it slowly you dont fall on your arse. power wheelies are more of a screw it on and see thing for me. bad idea[:p]

20-11-2006, 06:42 PM
have to agree on davo on this , i'm only just starting to grow balls and power stands are the only way to go , start out small stuff not 3k runs , get used to the felling like your going off the back and then look at your clutch , we have all being there myself not to long ago and you'll get there ,

ps don't forget ya gear , road hurts.
pps then againg you may like the street cred , but i like my skin on me

30-11-2006, 09:43 AM
A bloke on another site (Buell) reckons it's easy to get it up but keeping it up is the trick. Too lazy to cutnpaste his quote.
With my old girl I can take her to 4 1/2 in second, pull the clutch in without throttling off (mind over matter) and letting go. Up she comes, piece of piss. The other way is move off, clutch in big grunt drop clutch and grunt grunt grunt. Magic. I'm only average at present but working on it. My best ones are when I'm not thinking about it and just do it.When I'm not in the groove I leave it out. I reckon a good wheelie is almost as good as a good root. I said almost.


21-12-2006, 04:04 PM

end result .... have fun matt and keep practising everything takes time

24-12-2006, 01:24 PM
mate since stripping my bike down it pops on the back wheel if I just stab it at 6000rpm - easy as

24-12-2006, 07:14 PM
I find clutching it up more predictable and easier to control both standing and sitting it . I use to power up 1st or 2nd gear roll off and pin and bounce but I found it hit and miss and by the time the front wheel was up I was going way to fast. I found clutching it up I could clutch it and only increase speed by 20/30k at most and have the front at the height I want at most speeds upto 110 freeway wheelies . It was a little hard on the bike while I was learning but I never stuffed the clutch and once I had it down it is really easy on it, no harder than a hardish launch at the lights. I learnt on a VTR1000 storm but now I clutch everything from 250's to 1100's without much trouble . Im not saying I a wheelie god just what I have found whilst learning wheelies. If you have never done a wheelie before it may be good to try little power wheelies so you can get the feeling of the front coming up it will feel like your going to flip even when you are only 30cm off the ground.If you can get someone to phot or video you practicing , I use to shit that I was going over until I got someone to video me and I saw how low the front was [:o)] I thought back to all the times I pulled over and said to myself that was close when it was lucky to be off the road . One more thing dont try clutching up in 1ST only use 2nd 1st will be really harsh and jump up 2nd will come up smooth and still high enough


02-01-2007, 04:21 AM
i had probs on my 9oo ninja!i kept trashin my bollocks when bringing it up.If you go on u tube and put in "how to pull wheelies",theres a couple of guys with some excellent tips and made it look like a piece of piss!i followed there advice and ive nearly mastered it.Mine comes up of the power but since it was jetted it comes up too fast and as i only weigh 10stone it comes up even quicker.Its well worth a look and i think anyone struggling will appreciate the video.Good luck

02-01-2007, 04:44 AM
sorry for that!the sites google video.its from superbikes called "how to wheelie a motorcycle"Put that in the search bar and its the first one!ive been on so many sites for advice and tips i forgot the right one!Ive checked it and its the right one.

14-01-2007, 04:35 PM
Maybe this will help.
Cant wait for:
Coming Soon! Phuzzy's Guide to Proper Emergency Room Etiquette and Phuzzy's Guide to Picking up E.R. Nurses

15-01-2007, 09:02 PM
I think you need a turbo fitted
have a word with Rocket he cant keep the Blown12 down :D


20-01-2007, 10:42 AM
there are so many schools of thought here its really going to be what your comfortable with. I ride/wheelie alot of bikes and on my daily comute of 5 miles i spend atleast 1 mile up. On my drz400 i usually clutch up in 2nd just cause its an easier hit, i can carry it through 5th with no problem on that bike or rock it in gear. I can also power wheelie it but power wheelies take you up to speed very fast usually at or near redline which makes shifting much harder going from that first gear since your tranny is loaded pretty hard(which is a good way to loose 2nd). Clutch lets you hit the balance point at a much slower speed and also hits the balance point softer and with much more of the torque band left so you can short shift your next gear easier. Power wheelies are good for wide open areas where you can run out in the gears and have some room to find the balance point. The biggest problem with power wheelies and newb's is the rate at which it comes up. You need a handful on most bikes to get the front off the ground and most newb's keep it pinned and dont realize that once its up you need to start legislating the throttle quick so you dont loop out. For a new wheelier i suggest clutch up in second as it has much less potential to flip you then power ups. Thats not to say both dont have their fun. I rode motox for years and learned to wheelie on two strokes which is a whole different ball game. and having said that, 2strokes were the only bikes ive used the back brake for. on my drz i actually tuck my right foot under the brake lever while seated so i can get the front up higher.(seat is like a slide). Ive clutched up bikes with 200hp and ive powered up bikes with as little as 20(bouncing the front). body position, knowledge of the power band and commitment will make your wheelie. Power ups in 1st for beginners also have the potential for severe headshake if your not careful because most tend to start pulling harder on the right grip. Have fun with it but I would start out in second around 4k and start either double clutching( much softer) or just handful of throttle and dump the clutch. The rear brake really isnt needed if you can just chop the throttle. I havent met a wheelie that engine braking couldnt bring back yet(except those two strokes). :D

one thing i also want to note is steering a wheelie. Be careful with this but the gyro effect of the front wheel will lean the bike in a hurry. DONT crank your bars to the lock either direction while you are learning or you are in for a treat. I like sit down wheelies cause i can lean off the bike and stick my knees out to help steer the bike(bars left, lean right turn right). i dont much like leaning off the bike while standing cause its harder to recover should something go amiss at speed. but standing up makes your balance point lower.



