View Full Version : Vic. Police now have 11 GSXR 1000s

14-09-2006, 12:21 AM
I found some credible but as yet unconfirmed (by me) information on another forum I look at suggesting that there is a fleet of 11 Gixer thou's operating in Vic. from the City to the Spurs.
Apparently, several members of this other forum have been pulled over by these units & have suggested that the <s>nogoodcocksuckingsonsofdirtywhores</s> officers riding them are rather unpleasant to say the least.
It appears they are ONLY targeting motorcyclists & are booking riders for everything from illegal parking in St. Kilda to the more obvious offences concerning speed, etc out on the good roads.
I for one will be bearing this in mind when travelling to the Moto GP this weekend, I'm sure the whole fleet will be based between Melb. & P.I. & they're bound to be under strict orders to book any & every rider for anything they can think of so they can justify the budget that's been spent on them.
First Pigs on 'Motards, now Gixer 1000s, what next? At least I'll be able to outrun the Gixers on my 12 year old 750 KAWASAKI [^]
Fucking Arsewipe Cunts - If one of these Shitstains tries to book me for 102 in a 100, he'll be FUCKING sorry. This sort of shit REALLY FUCKS ME OFF. [}:)]:([}:)]:([}:)]:(

14-09-2006, 12:39 AM
Fleet would be a major exaggeration i rekon. We'll see how long they last till one of the officers goes for a slide. Angry Snr Officers on Sports bikes = FUK OFF! Same sort of shit was Trialled up here but was canned VERY quickly.

14-09-2006, 12:40 AM
I wouldn't worry, most of em will end up smashed soon enough, lol

14-09-2006, 12:50 AM
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. :D [}:)]
The Idea didn't work with the WRXs they had (all but 1 smashed) so I wouldn't be surprised if the 1000s were written off already. [:p]
Which of course, would be a VERY GOOD thing.

14-09-2006, 09:57 AM
Oh goody - that means 11 more Gixxers at the Auctions!

14-09-2006, 12:59 PM
The cops will be EVERYWHERE down there this weekend. you will not be able to sneeze without a cop fining you for it. Be Very careful all.....

14-09-2006, 10:07 PM
These are the only successful Traffic control Bike that stuck in the UK that i know of apart from the Busa Highway Patrols in the US


14-09-2006, 10:31 PM
11 GSXR 1000s???... i'd rather own 10 GSXR 1100s

15-09-2006, 01:11 AM
^^^^ I want that cop spec Buell....!

15-09-2006, 04:05 PM
yes i must agree with the others be careful with your speed..ing! on the way to the island as they even booked the guys in the Barry Sheene ride which was under police escort at the time!! as the guys where saying they are all ASSHOLES

16-09-2006, 01:45 AM
Lego man on a tractor
quote:Originally posted by BOHEMION

These are the only successful Traffic control Bike that stuck in the UK that i know of apart from the Busa Highway Patrols in the US


16-09-2006, 07:21 AM
Thanx for the heads up Turbokat..... i think il be visiting the auctions very soon to pick myself up a gsxr 1000 .... i give it a week till there off the road ....

16-09-2006, 07:15 PM

20-09-2006, 06:00 PM
hillsy' thats so funny. i laughed so hard

20-09-2006, 08:05 PM
We didn't see that many while we were down there, although we did get pulled over. We later thought about it and remembered hammering up from the roundabout red-lining 2nd onto the island past a cop car coming the other way. He must have radioed ahead and the bike cop got us, but by then we were going steady. He turned out to be a good bloke and did a licence check and over looked a few things on my bike (which I won't mention here as he did me a favour).