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10-09-2006, 12:06 AM
Rick and i went to the TnT at Willowbank today and we had mixed results, ill let Rick tell you about his night. Anyway this is what happened with me

1st run was just a test ride and shut down 1/2 track to see how the bike went with the changes ive made. 11.50

2nd run
RT 0.750
60ft 1.825
1/8 mile 7.297
1/4 mile 11.027 @ 131.96 mph

3rd run missed 2nd gear [}:)]
RT 0.581 ( a bit better)
60ft 2.300 [xx(]
1/8 mile 7.953
1/4 mile 11.725 @ 131.00 mph what a crap run

4th run missed 2nd gear again!!!
RT .935 ( must have been asleep)
60ft 1.837
1/8 mile 7.273
1/4 mile 11.010 @ 127.84 mph Another crap run

5th run launched at 6000 rpm, finally i get 2nd gear right:D
RT 0.992 ( will someone please wake me up)
60ft 1.825
1/8 mile 6.908 ( getting better)
1/4 mile 10.611 @ 131.23 mph the best ive ever done [^][^]

6th run launched at 7000 rpm
RT 0.870 ( i need an alarm clock)
60ft 1.734
1/8 mile 6.775
1/4 mile 10.480 @ 131.16 mph..... Yehaaaa i finally crack 10.5

Had a pretty good night. Thanks to Rick and Brett.
Cheers Shayne

10-09-2006, 01:38 AM
well done oz, always good to see improvements in your times and results.

Keep up the good work

papa smurf
10-09-2006, 09:40 AM
Well i'm glad to see someone had a good night & a hearty welcome to the team mate[8D]
Mine started out shit & went downhill from there.
After all the fucking about we've done with new clutches & changing this & that & stuffing with airshifter adjustments.
Reaction times were good, 60' times were great ( best of 1.43 )but no fucking 3rd gear.
I now have 4 days to source parts & do a COMPLETE gearbox rebuild before i have to race at the Nationals[V]
Oh yeh, i also have to panel beat the side of my trailer after completely losing it in the pits.
Anyway, BIG congratulations to Shayne, once he took his skirt off he was going pretty quick.
What he didn't tell you was that he went past me on his last pass, onya mate but it'll never happen again;)

10-09-2006, 10:10 AM
Hey Papa did you get any pics?

10-09-2006, 10:41 AM
yeah I want pics too :)

10-09-2006, 10:49 AM
Great Stuff Shayne, that 60ft is starting to look pretty respectable.
No good Papa, hope you can fix it for the Nationals!

Shayne how did that Shinko go, did you get to play with pressures much, what did you end up with?

What gearing are you running on the bike might be time to play now that it is long? Did it want to wheel stand any? How did it feel with the strut?

I probably wouldnt worry about the light so much at the moment, concentrate on getting that bike down the track, once its sorted work on it then.

Sorry mate with all the questions, stuck here at the moment with a fractured ankle with nothing to do!

And Yeah were are the pics.


papa smurf
10-09-2006, 10:54 AM
Pic's will be up sometime this arvo after Michelles young bloke gets home from work.
Got to rip the fuckin engine out right now to get it over to Scotty Lynch's place to fix gearbox.:(
I tell ya that man is a bloody godsend:D

10-09-2006, 11:03 AM
Gday abusa, yeah the shinko was bloody great, i cannot belive how sticky they are, ran 20psi all night. Didnt really get a chance to play with pressures. Using 15/48 gearing, thats the next change ill proberly make. I have a 14t front ill try soon. The bike didnt wheelie with the long arm, but bloody hell it hard to get used to launching over 6000rpm and knowing its not going to wheelie. Ive just got to get my head around that. The strut felt great, i was a little concerned about what was going to happen over 100mph but it was rock solid, no head shakes, smooth as using a rear shock. Are you going to the Nationals next week? If so ill catch up with you. Ill be helping Pappa Smurf on Sat and Sun. Sorry to hear about the ankle mate, i hope it better soon.

10-09-2006, 11:20 AM
Hey Shayne, how is that outlaw bike of your comming along? Im sure more than a few here would be interested in a few pics/info.

10-09-2006, 11:28 AM
Yeah I will be there, definately Saturday, not sure about Sunday at this point.

Great to here you like the tyres. I reckon they are great value for regular drag use and for occasional street riding although I have riden to Jindabyne and back on them no worries, even rode through icy conditions.

The Outlaw is coming along slowly, particularly now that I have restricted movement. Still waiting on motor parts, new body mould and a few bits and pieces for Stage One. Having two Bikes to play with takes its toll Sometimes. Can post some pics of my bike and some general stuff about the series if there is Interest.

Not sure if you know about this site, some good info here about Outlaws and Drag Racing in the States


See you out there next week


papa smurf
10-09-2006, 12:51 PM
Engine is out of bike & in the boot of the car.
Now a phone call to DR Scotty to book an appointment for a gearbox transplant.

10-09-2006, 01:04 PM

10-09-2006, 01:16 PM
Having trouble remembering which way to shift into second are we?:D
Kick DOWN into second to put the power DOWN......shift UP to pull up......once it's in your head, you'll be shifting the wrong way on the road,just like I did.....[:o)]
I was running 12psi in the back tyre, and adding any more air would just spin the Michelin Pilot to half track.....useless.I have to add this was on a track with an air temp of around 40 deg, I would expect you guys to do better for that reason alone.
Great stuff Shayne, there's still plenty more left in that machine mate.
Sit and watch the tree, and learn the timing of the lights,let the clutch out on last yellow , you'll be pulling .5's
Just my two cents worth........

papa smurf
10-09-2006, 01:51 PM

This is the only decent picture there is.
HUGE apologies Shayne, the photographr has just been officially sacked for blatent failure to follow
Still, not a bad pic though eh?

10-09-2006, 02:29 PM
Needs more smoke mate
