View Full Version : Plate & Paint

26-06-2006, 11:15 AM
Not sure if anyone has found this site before


26-06-2006, 11:48 AM
Yeah, I was looking at their DIY NICO & powder coating kits last week. Apparently the powder coating kit requires a fanatical level of preparation, but being able to powder coat at home would be trick.

And they have a GPZ9 motor on the front page, obviously they are very intelligent blokes, who definitely know what they are on about :D You'd just haveta trust'em eh.

I emailed one of the guys from there a month or two back, about the GPZ1000R project, his response was pretty quick, and his reply was spot on about performance working the 9's. (Must admit that I've been slack in replying)

Once I've got my replacement motor bolted up I'll probably look at getting in one of the NICO kits, and maybe a powder coating kit.

26-06-2006, 01:28 PM
Sorry slight correction to above, the powder coating kits come from this company


I'll probably order a kit in the next few weeks.

PS Can anyone tell me if you can get a Candy Apple Black paint?

26-06-2006, 07:38 PM
quote:Originally posted by chalk10

PS Can anyone tell me if you can get a Candy Apple Black paint?

not sure if your taking the piss here but i used a black with gold metalic flake in it under parts of the candy red on my bike. In poor light/night it looks like black (albeit a little dirty looking). In the sun the candy picks out the gold flake and the bike looks red.
Looks great but near impossible for me to take a good picture of.

26-06-2006, 07:43 PM
Then again are you looking for a smoked effect? you can use a high grain silver or gold and spray over it with a black tinted clear coat. Or you can ask a paint supply place to tint some binder with black and then clear over the top of that.

26-06-2006, 08:04 PM
Chalky, candy refers to an effect, not a colour. Basically it is a tinted clear coat sprayed over a metallic or pearl base, so a candy black would be hard to achieve as such a dark colour would hide the base colour. There a couple of other methods to get a similar look depending on what "colour" you are after. Give me an idea of what you want and I'll see if I can help.

26-06-2006, 08:31 PM
A couple of years ago i looked into setting up a small powder coating setup. I was having trouble getting the local powder coaters to do small jobs for me for example motorcycle frames, swingarms etc. i was going to import a kit from the US but there would have been problems because the US electric system is different than ours. Caswell adveritse that they do 240 volt kits so problem solved.I did alot of research into various kits and spoke to lots of powder coaters. The kits sold by caswell plating are perfect for jobs up to the size of 4x4 bullbars and some of the colors you can get now are amazing, some colors are expensive tho. When i say expensive, in some of the upper range colors $100 worth of powder will proberly do 5 or 6 bike frames. The biggest expense you will have is an oven (dont use your kitchen oven cause your Mrs will kill you) and a compressor. I priced getting a gas fired oven built a couple of years ago and it was around $1000 for an oven big enough to hang 4 bike frames, but that was doing alot of it myself, so its not out of reach pricewise. Also did you know you can powder coat just about anything as long as it doesnt melt or burn at 220C, steel, alloy, glass, certain plastics, wood etc. A smart operator could make good money just doing the small stuff none of the larger operators want. I have a fair bit of info on this if anyone is interested, just let me know and ill tell you all i know.

26-06-2006, 09:48 PM
Hey Oz, I'm about to become unemployed, I might be interested in doing some powder coating, have access to a factory, could be a handy sideline. I would appreciate any info you have. Cheers mate.

27-06-2006, 08:15 AM
Still looking around at colors, given that the motor replacement has taken priority at the moment (bolt a replacement in this weekend hopefully), but I like the idea of a dark/black smokey look over a silver base for the body work, and gloss black / powder coat elsewhere, apart from the engine/swinger/swinger mount plates. I'm looking into getting them hydro blasted :). Oh and I want the wheels painted to match the tyre color, so that they really do look like big donuts :D

And the kitchen oven isn't a problem, got rid of the Mrs years ago :D

And I'm not taking the piss Cammy (this time), just not much knowledge/experience on things painting here, BUT Candy Apple Black does sound kinda trick don't ya think?

Thanks for the info guys.

28-06-2006, 05:33 AM
Hey Chalk, about 14 years back I had a GSX11 painted in Candy red.
It had a dark purple metallic basecoat over most of it but the scallops in the side of the tank used a black basecoat with some metallic in it. Then the candy red went over the top of the whole thing. But with heaps of coats so it came up dark.
In the sun, where the purple basecoat was, it was like a candy maroon but where the black was, it was like a dark candy coke red in the sun and was fucking magnificent.[8D]
Not quite black but it was close.

I later tried to paint the whole thing myself with that black base coat and quickly discovered that I'm not a painters arsehole.:(
I eventually gave up and it ended up being Ford Fiesta Blue.[:o)]