View Full Version : HEADS UP : *STOLEN*

veetwo tls
21-07-2006, 01:20 AM
Quote by ARTKORE
My bike was stolen one week ago :(

http://www.postwhore.biz/albums/userpics/10073/normal_IMG_3076.jpg (http://www.postwhore.biz/albums/userpics/10073/IMG_3076.jpg)

any EU guys keep your eyes open.

21-07-2006, 05:56 AM
Where from?

21-07-2006, 06:40 AM
you poor bastard. I feel for you

21-07-2006, 09:38 AM
He's French, so I'd say France. But all you European lot, keep an eye out.

21-07-2006, 12:32 PM
FUCK NO!!!!!

that was the baddest TLS i have ever seen!!!! :(
art must be pissed :(

motherfuckers should have their manhood slowly cooked on a hotplate while its still attached and then a massive steel sledge hammer should be repeated pounded onto their crispy members til they bleed to death!!!!!

veetwo tls
21-07-2006, 07:38 PM
yeh arts french thanks for clearing that up Gix11 :)

hay fimp. id like to see the after math when artkore gets ahold of him/them [xx(]

22-07-2006, 03:29 AM
god damn it, i hate people that do that shit. nothing worde then to go out and find your pride and joy gone, all that over time for nothing. muther fuckin thief.

22-07-2006, 06:27 AM
Fucking wankers my mates wifes bike was stolen not so long ago and
we new where it was at and told the cops but they done nothing about it{wankers}
and the bike is well and truly gone now.
we couldn't go get it ourselfs cos its gangland area just shows the
cops want fuck all to do with them aswell{afraid of there fuck}
hope art gets it back.

22-07-2006, 10:11 AM
No other word to decribe them


sorry for your loss hope you catch those pricks while you have a bike
chain in one hand and a large and heavy steel bar in the other and its a
very dark night and down a back alley so you can thank them for the return
of your pride and joy while your smashing there thieving dirty fucking heads
to a pulp of shit in the gutter.
I hate thieves!!!!!!!!!!arseholes