View Full Version : Astralite wheels

18-05-2007, 10:33 PM
Ok, so does anybody know anything 'bout these ?
I've heard stories of them having problems, seen them on loadsa bikes...
I'm thinking of using them on the Xjr...Thats if I can find any for sale......Anyone ? [?]

19-05-2007, 04:08 AM
I bid for some on Ebay last year from the UK and they went for silly money. You won't be getting them cheap mate, I know that much!

Jockney Rebel
19-05-2007, 05:49 AM
astralites are similar to the comstars i had on my bike only a lot,lot better same principal tho very light
but like Si says there fukin expensive
i think the problems with them were the same as honda had with early comstars they used steel rivits on an aluminium wheel thus they suffered from electrolitic corrosion and subsequently fell to bits [V] i could be wrong tho:D

19-05-2007, 08:12 AM
Thats what I heard Jim. There was a company that was replacing the stell rivets with st/st ones.
I know there not cheap, but then Vic wreckers want $400 + for an r1/r6 front wheel !!!!!!!
And these days rare=different.....most bikes have stock 3 spokes on 'em. Besides that, they're the right era for the style of bike I'm doing,

Hey Si, Fancy bringing some 'hand luggage' back ;) Found a pair on evilbay uk. :D

19-05-2007, 09:06 AM
At $400 for a oem wheel you may be better looking at something like this

Jockney Rebel
19-05-2007, 02:17 PM
$400 aint bad russ i thot theyd be a lot dearer

19-05-2007, 08:07 PM
The alternative is to go for the 'poor man's' version and get the comstar lookalikes...but then...could I face having honda wheels on the poor girl.... [xx(]

Jockney Rebel
20-05-2007, 06:11 PM
you could always get some hubs from a late dirt bike and get some nice italian ally rims with stainless spokes built on to em

20-05-2007, 07:14 PM
I could....but I would hate cleanin' 'em [xx(].
There's no rush...just always fancied a pair of astra's.

21-05-2007, 08:51 PM
"they used steel rivits on an aluminium wheel thus they suffered from electrolitic corrosion and subsequently fell to bits i could be wrong tho"

The Aluminium would corrode to protect the steel rivets due to the gavlanic series of these two metals (Aluminium Anode-Steel Cathode)
and it would be in a good way because of the surface area of each (big anode - small cathode) and they would have to be in some type of electrolyte all the time to make the complete corrosion cell...

Maybe it was a mechanical type failure of the rivits? Like becoming loose in the alloy because it was softer than the rivits...?

22-05-2007, 06:32 AM
You go away for a week and get all brainy on us KRASH !

Jockney Rebel
22-05-2007, 04:54 PM
uk winter rain + salt on roads = fecked wheels i think they worked loose too to be honest but they definately didnt like uk/ nothern european winters

23-05-2007, 05:04 AM
Hey Russ. I don't think I could get them on as hand luggage mate. Something like that would be around 100 quid plus to post as well. But if I can help, let me know.

23-05-2007, 07:17 PM
Cheers Si, but I think I'll be giving them a miss...2hrs to go and they've hit $550 and 5 bids.....plus the $250 postage..[xx(]