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08-06-2006, 08:29 AM
Righto guys - I reckon (weather permitting!) I might drag the old girl out for a strap up to the Road Warriors this Sunday morning. Probably about 10-11 A.M, I'll be coming from the Castle Hill area with at least one other - who would care to join us for a leisurely cruise up the old road[?]
Nothing massive - just a show of some REAL BIKES for the old men & poseurs that normally ponce around up there on a Sunday morning....:D
C'mon Ben - you know you want to!! Have you got that bloody red P.O.C registered yet?!?! Pull your finger out mate!! I wanna go![}:)]

08-06-2006, 08:52 AM
oooooh! double demerits, thats gonna be a slow ride.
have fun anyway!

08-06-2006, 09:59 AM
Bit far for me mate, but get Damo out for sure. That'll get you noticed before you even arrive.

08-06-2006, 10:05 AM
Is this the Two Wheel Torque drag day up at heathcote.....?

08-06-2006, 10:06 AM
You don't to go a brazillian miles an hour to have fun CB... (although it does help!!), and I reckon you'd never really go that much over the limit up the old road on a Sunday anyhoo - double demerits or not - there's always too many coppers up there for that!
Nah, the emphasis will be for the LEISURELY part & getting a bit of fresh air for the old girl..
Oh, and I've just realised I've gotta take my youngest to a birthday party in the morning - so it'll be from 1200 onwards, not 10-11 as previously mentioned. That might give all you young partyboys (& girls) a few more hours to sleep off the night before!!!! I know I'll need a few more hours kip over the next few weeks - but that's because the World Cup is on!!!!

08-06-2006, 10:13 AM
Deaf - the TWT drag day is in August, I believe... the 7th?

08-06-2006, 10:21 AM
qikdraw. Mike at OCD Racing told me it was this Sunday!

08-06-2006, 10:59 AM
Just had another look at the TWT web site & it lists Aug 7th as the date - BUT!!! I gave them a call (don't ever say I don't do my research!) and the web site has not been updated sinse last year!! There IS an event this weekend at Heathcote raceway, but that's Heathcote in VICTORIA, so I think that's a bit far for us Sydney-siders to go for a Sunday ride....!!!

08-06-2006, 12:15 PM
Kindly link the TWT website for me?
Pffft. You'd make it within a few hours from the gay capital!

08-06-2006, 01:09 PM
i have a gun if that helps

08-06-2006, 01:11 PM
what time u think?

if i get the speedo hooked up on the kat on saturday i should be able to make it

08-06-2006, 01:55 PM
thats why i always go on a weekday down that way.
much nicer if you can do it..have a noice day lads.

08-06-2006, 01:56 PM
Deaf - www.twowheeltorque.com.au/event.html
Fimp - I reckon we'll be out of Castle hill between 1200 & 1230, up the highway to the Berowra turnoff & then up to the Road warriors from there... probably get there around 1-1.30 or so...

08-06-2006, 07:00 PM
Sounds good.

can I come on a stocker if der kat isn't finished?


08-06-2006, 10:31 PM
better ring Road Warriors n tell em to stock up on pie's big fella.

08-06-2006, 10:40 PM
no maggot bags for me

I'm on the salads again

08-06-2006, 11:47 PM
u can toss my salad!!!! [:P]

09-06-2006, 08:29 PM
Sounds good large-o-tron, although it's not looking real promising with the bloody weather forecast - rain, rain & more flamin' rain!

10-06-2006, 09:34 AM
well, my weather forecast for tomorrow is FLAT FRONT TYRE!!!!!!


10-06-2006, 09:36 AM
Stop making excuses and ring your mate in Wauchope

10-06-2006, 11:39 AM
plug it come for a ride.

10-06-2006, 10:21 PM
jeeez mate, thats a bit personal aint it?

ps-i'll pump it up and see how much pressure it loses overnight
if im there, im there [:I]

10-06-2006, 11:09 PM
if it doesnt i have some plugs here yoou can put in it.

11-06-2006, 01:38 PM
I don't know if anyone's still going on this but I'm staying here and drinking this arvo