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View Full Version : ANDRA rules

31-05-2006, 12:31 AM
looks like ANDRA have a new set of rules that state that if the bike runes quicker then a 10.5 it must be ANDRA tecked and the rider must be hold an andra licence
Now have i misunderstood these rules in that the bike muct pass scrutenering or dose i have to have andra tec check and log book and the rider have a andra licence instead of a day licence
I regret to say that i think that the loog book and ful andra licence is what they are actually getting at which is a shame since most moden and even a good few of the older bikes are capable of runnig a 10.5 1/4 mile.
It seem to me that it is revenue rasing by ANDRA and going to discourage many people from going to Andra tracks.

Please somebody let me know if i have got this compleatly wrong

31-05-2006, 09:18 PM
I cannot imagine it, all hell would break loose with the manufacturers, have visit the site but there is nothing there, try them on visit the site http://www.andra.com.au/ or drop them a line technical@andra.com.au
cant see it though, imagine plod stopping every tasty looking bike for ANDRA licence... or making you prove you couldnt do a 10.5 [8D]

31-05-2006, 09:49 PM
Correct you are Clive.its not a new rule,but a safety regulation introduced by ANDRA to protect the industry and rider.has nothing to do with revenue collection mate but has been around for a while. For the full run down ring Geoff on 0413130137,he's the secretary of ANDRA (northern beaches,NSW).be prepared for an ear bashing coz he loves his sport,and after a few minutes he'll have your bike booked in for a complete high performance gas flow,ceramic big bores and a set of 42mm flatslides amongst numerous other gear... just tell him your a member of ASF and Davo sent ya.he is also a member here so just click on his name(Jeffro) and send him an email.
ps.you can still run a quicker time than 10.5 but you will be disqualified for not dialling in under 10.5.

31-05-2006, 09:56 PM
then again i'll save you a fone call and get him to post up the rules on this topic.He'll also be at Straightliners as a spectator.

31-05-2006, 11:07 PM
Thanks davo that would be good and clarify a few things, i don't have a problem up here as we are not an andra track but we are looking at going down to McKay and Gladstone and if we can get there Willowbank and while my bike is borderline my mates is a very consistant 10.4 up here

looking forward to seeing them