View Full Version : Maximum speed in gears '89 GSXR750

08-05-2007, 11:58 PM
My tacho does not work.
So while I'm getting it fixed, I want to know how hard I'm revving it.

So if anyone else has a similar bike, what speed is redline in 1 gear,2,3 etc. or speed per 1000rpm, or any other measurement you like.

I know it's a strange request, but I sure don't like over-revving.

09-05-2007, 07:05 AM
its a 750 mate they love to rev

just find a piece of quite road and wind it out to the limiter and then knock of 20kph and you will have a safe redline in each gear.

09-05-2007, 06:05 PM
Same bike GixFix...redline in second around here will be straight to jail.From 8000 to red happens pretty quick too...cool fun.

11-05-2007, 04:25 PM
Just as an aside GixFix,I was just tootling back from the bottle shop and wound her out in first...only got to 7500 rpm but was rocketing past 100 kph with another 5500 to go.
If you are interested, I have the Two Wheels road test for the 89 750 K,email me your address and I'll photocopy it and send it to you.

12-05-2007, 09:21 AM
Im pretty sure you cant over rev it as it has a limiter on it and you can hold it on the limiter for a long time before anything goes pop..Buy memory I think we used to flat change at 11500 at phillip island but thats going back 17 years so I could be wrong ...