View Full Version : origin of the streetfighter

25-04-2007, 04:20 PM
This is the one I heard .It all started when bike carriers in England started taking there fairings of so they wouldn't damage them on the streets of London after a short time most got sick of the shit look and started to mod there rides ,on weekends a lot of these guys also spent time bridge jumpin and all the other things crusty riders get up to and soon the street fighter name stuck. the origin of custom or hot bikes goes back to the beginning. Not my words its a quote from Frank Allmann the writer of streetfighter the ultimate extreme machine.

Jockney Rebel
25-04-2007, 05:13 PM
traviss me old china:D.....we bike couriers did all that for the reasons stated we also wanted better brakes and lighting etc ..but i thot that it goes much further back to the likes of norvins tribsas and tritons
these werent known as streetfighters but the idea was the same take the best bits from a number of manufacturers and put them together.:D just my tuppence

25-04-2007, 06:49 PM
Do a wikipedia search... You'll even see a link to us there ;)

25-04-2007, 08:00 PM
thought it was from the dole bikes, guys in the uk on hte dole trying to get a bike going on no income. Some real bitsa's came from that.

25-04-2007, 10:08 PM
quote:Originally posted by frankenbiker

traviss me old china:D.....we bike couriers did all that for the reasons stated we also wanted better brakes and lighting etc ..but i thot that it goes much further back to the likes of norvins tribsas and tritons
these werent known as streetfighters but the idea was the same take the best bits from a number of manufacturers and put them together.:D just my tuppence

One thing for shore its taken off around the would . This verison was told to me buy a guy called Andy ibot at the isle of white hotel I think it was 95-96 at the supers, always like that version.
What was the bridge jumping thing ,was it a comp for hight or somthing?

Jockney Rebel
25-04-2007, 10:45 PM
i think that refers to the Chelsea bridge run[never saw anyone try to jump it tho its 400yds long] last fri of every month wheelies and general unlawfulness across the bridge [picked cos it had one of the best burger vans on the river front]
it gradually attracted the attention of the old bill and we had to feck off before they arrived but u could always spot them from way off
we used to run from Chelsea bridge to the first servo on the M4
there wer other places too in and around London like the halfway cafe in Kent on the old A20 over 1000 bikes evry thurs night
and of course the ace cafe off the Nrth circular A406[where they hold the streefighters comps]
the couriers in london were/are like a bunch of unruly characters riding all sorts of stuff from 50 quid klunkers to right modern stuff..its the second most dangerous occupation in britian..next to bomb disposal according to the ins companies

Jockney Rebel
25-04-2007, 10:48 PM
quote:Originally posted by evad

thought it was from the dole bikes, guys in the uk on hte dole trying to get a bike going on no income. Some real bitsa's came from that.

that too dave ..i had a load of free/cheap RDs in the mid eighties [they were wothless when they reduced our learner limit to 125]5 at one time i think..one mag did a comp for the cheapest dole bike/rat bike [i think it was bike magazine]some amazing cheap fighters came from that [my present bike total came to 2500 bucks]

Jockney Rebel
25-04-2007, 10:50 PM
if you wanna insight into the whole courier scene find Riders Digest its the london couriers own mag

26-04-2007, 03:31 AM

supposedly this is the first legit "fighter"
circa: england mid-'80s


26-04-2007, 09:20 AM
This was a good one . It started after easy rider movie and harley riders ( ute assisted )started moding there rides ...
Or itn was taken from the video machine /game as there where a lot of riders that spent there afternoons at pinball parlours, then we are lucky that they didnt get called space invaders because we cut traffic and invade the car drivers space.LOL

26-04-2007, 01:01 PM
As manetioned in the main website, this is the take I have: http://www.streetfighters.com.au/ASF_about.asp

26-04-2007, 03:08 PM
There were couriers running round Sydney in 85 on streetfighter-style bikes.

The trick at the time was to hit the wreckers and buy a cosmetic write-off. Add flatbars and a headlight: Job done

I can remember four that used to hang in Bond St in the early morning.

Madmanxman: I didn't think Metzeler released that rear tread pattern until the early nineties.

26-04-2007, 04:28 PM
Your spot on PWN. That was on Burns' Monster, circa '91 - '92: http://www.spondonownersclub.co.uk/burnsiebikes.htm

I think the Bike MMM was referring to was his 84-85 Spondon Turbo:


26-04-2007, 06:10 PM
I made this in 1995 when the EFE were all you saw in the pommie Streetfighter mag and everybody in Brisbane said "what is it?".......


26-04-2007, 07:18 PM
Nice work Des;)i do like riders that push the "lope"[8D]

Jockney Rebel
26-04-2007, 07:18 PM
theres allways been a fringe culture in the biking world for making ur ride better than it came out ofthe factory ..choppers so called because after the war guys bought cheap ex army harleys and indiams and "chopped' all the unnessesary shit off them ,they grew into weird and wonderful bling extreme things during the 60's mainly an american thing

blokes in the uk were cafe racing there bikes in the 50's [going from one cafe to a predetermined point and back in the time it took a record to play normally 2 1/2 mins]so they stripped there bikes to resemble the racers of the day[me old man was a rocker

in the 70's the japs took over and produced some real hairy arsed bikes and basically kicked evrything into a higher gear unfortunatly their bikes had stacks of power [for the day ]but handled like shit
enter companies like Rickman,Dunstall, Harris,Spondon etc for ur frames and bodywork
Koni[now Ikon],Marrzochi[never could speel that]Cerrani,Brembo etc for ur handlin and brakes the Italians had that nailed then

so when the 80's arrived we had big bruisers of bikes gsx1100,Z1100/ early GPZ,cbx1000, that were too powerful for the chassis they had until the japs marketing depts decided[Suzuki inparticular]that there was a market for race reps and in 1985 the first gsxrs appeared ,kawasaki had already stunned the biking world with the GPz 900r and was to effectivley kick off the 600 market with the Gpz600 those and all the rest vied for pole position with varied success

meanwhile cars had got cheaper to own and the 17year olds were no longer unable to afford them coupled with the arrival of the hot hatchback GTIs etc this hit the yoof market for bikes hard and the companies had to offer increasingly better bikes to compete
so.... very trick 125s[in the uk] and 250s arrived offering levels of perfromance and handeling unknown before

this was the industrys way of tempting youngsters back on to two wheels these small rockets usually had more than a passing resemblance to there bigger cousins too to keep the brand loyalty going
towards the end of the decade things had hotted up in the power stakes 100hp was no longer a benchmark for a liter bike, 750s could top 150mph..and steer!! top speeds were increasing with every new model
but a few wanted still more and reckoned they could do better than a multi million pound manufacturing giant
so off came the carefully windtunnel tested fairings and happy gas and turbos were the order of the day

the path to streetfighter heaven is no doubt littered with the remains of a thousand bent conrods and cracked plastic..
but no matter why u do this to a bike its the same for all of us ...its an individual statement, abit of rebelion ,the sense of acheivment, its the look on the faces of people when they try to take in what it is ur riding, the tut tuts of the classic brigade, as u completely change what to them is a classic motorcycle, its the reason why we ride bikes ...freedom in an ever increasing world of restriction.[8D]

26-04-2007, 07:21 PM
That is an "E" my man[8D]not an "R"[8D]
quote:Originally posted by madmaxman1986


supposedly this is the first legit "fighter"
circa: england mid-'80s


26-04-2007, 09:29 PM
The engine cases are a dead give away......

26-04-2007, 10:15 PM
You must admit you get a grin on your dial when you hear the words- what the hell is that!! Most riders these days know what a street fighter is ,but it was only 5-6 years ago you had to explain it to everyone. Even one $20 dollars in a bet at the gp once ( he could have swarn it was an FJ .) try putting tape on your compilance plate for the sneaky ones.
Anyone else have a collection of origans there is an Italian version but I can find it at present .

27-04-2007, 02:24 AM
Oh, sorry, pardon me! How could I, a kawi rider, have mistaken the E with an R, I am truly, deeply sorry!

...picky gixxer whores.

27-04-2007, 06:00 PM
Hook line and sinker MMM.

27-04-2007, 11:39 PM
Someone that introduces them selves as some kinda hard core SF Guru who's about to teach us all a few facts about SF'ing,should at least know the difference between an E an R.Like the R is the most popular fighter on the planet an clearly different from the E. I was expecting some hard core guru...but lost interest as soon as i saw the ride pics.

And Max...your still a silly black cunt.


12-05-2007, 03:13 AM
i'm as white as white gets, you silly aussie.


12-05-2007, 06:26 PM
To top it off[:X]it`s pointed in one direction only[:o)]& will not partake in any other[:o)]that in my mind is far removed from the true belief of a "fighter"
Wot we see here is a "straightliner" an apertice that operator nor device can consider[^]
A "fighter" is a device that is looked upon as a Question[?]to the stranger,a form of rhetoric or in my terms "dada"
A fighter should respond in all area`s[8D]allthough not asuming.
Full stop.

12-05-2007, 06:47 PM
the origin for me was finding pics of judge after googling turbo bikes.

Jockney Rebel
13-05-2007, 11:36 PM
nessecity is the mother of invention......... sums it up for me

14-05-2007, 12:10 AM
quote:Original post by mad mundy
A "fighter" is a device that is looked upon as a Question
It's not very often I understand, or agree with what you say mundy, but I like this quote.

14-05-2007, 12:56 AM
Fukk mann!~ that was KURT COBAIN!(I TO I)
Be AFFAraywed.
Bow to the GURU
NJice to see you boys are friends again.

14-05-2007, 09:21 AM
quote:Orininal post by loosebruce
Nice to see you boys are friends again.
I didn't say we were friends, I only said I liked something he wrote.

15-05-2007, 02:12 AM