View Full Version : ariel atom

08-02-2006, 03:07 PM
Where the Hell's that link to the Ariel Atom bit from Top Gear gone? I was sure it was in this section somewhere - but I'll be buggered if I can find it!!! :([?][?]

08-02-2006, 04:31 PM
Was it around November/December time? If it was, Abdul Muhatmaterrorist dickhead lost it for you. Who posted it?

08-02-2006, 04:55 PM
That such a wicked car. Gladly give up the bike for it...maybe

08-02-2006, 06:25 PM
i watched this episode on SBS last night. i did find it amusing the comparo to the cbr600rr.

the rider did not seem to like to crank that cbr over by the looks of it, the knee didnt hit the deck i dont think. he didnt really move around on the seat much either.

then that bloody goose jeremy (known for not liking bikes)says the atom, holds the bike at bay down a straight infact pulling away.. wtf? when just earlier in the same peice, it shows the cbr600rr puling away from the atom, from the start massively, and then continue to build on a lead into the 1st corner lol.

also when they start the lap, the bike put about a length every second on the car right up till the 1st corner.

the goose was whooping and carrying on about the acceleration of the car, i know why.. open cockpit, open frame to see the road blur past, seeing the wheels and supspension work... kinda like on a bike. just you and the forces being applied to you, so the sensation of speed is higher.

hows the go at the boot of the atom?! rofl! scooters have bigger boots then that thing, how could you posibly call it a boot?! maybe a wallet holder lol

gimme a bike any bloody day of the week,


09-02-2006, 11:26 AM
Here ya go


09-02-2006, 11:28 AM
Yeah Jerremy is not a big bike fan. I was also wondering why they didnt use something more appropriate like a gixxer 1000 or something. I actually dont think it would have made a lot of diff though. The Atom is probably going to win in the twisties.... its just simple physics unfortunately.

Tony Nitrous
09-02-2006, 04:05 PM


Nice, but it still got its arse kicked by the
Westfield MegaBusa, but then, so did everything
else including the $1,000,000 Zonda.
Few years a go a £20,000 Westfield took on all come'rs
including Lambo's, Farrari's, Porshe, Scoobys and Evo's
on a Top-Gear test track the included some good straights
and won [8D]

Mate Mark P works for both Westfield and Grinnal cars,
both near where i lived (Dudley and Bewdley)
and drives one of these....

10-02-2006, 11:26 AM
A few years ago, either fast bikes, streetfighters or pb mag put out stickers for knee sliders with the faces of the uk transport minister (tony prescott?) and jeremy, so you could grind 'em to dust.

10-02-2006, 11:55 AM

There are sum pretty cool bike powered car sites on this link.

10-02-2006, 11:55 AM

There are sum pretty cool bike powered car sites on this link.

10-02-2006, 12:23 PM
Just in case you wanted to know what his full name is, it's Jeremy Clarkson. He used to be quite good until he got famous, now he's so righteous and has his head so far up his arse I don't think he knows what day it is.

10-02-2006, 12:23 PM
Just in case you wanted to know what his full name is, it's Jeremy Clarkson. He used to be quite good until he got famous, now he's so righteous and has his head so far up his arse I don't think he knows what day it is.

11-02-2006, 05:01 PM
Didn't he used to be a RAF pilot, or something? Cheers for the video link again Chalk..