View Full Version : Old road rumor

14-01-2006, 08:51 AM
I just spoke to a mate of mine who lives in Hornsby,
He tells me the old road is in for an up grand this year.
Speed humps on most of the fun cornery bits!
Two static speed cameras!
And a new speed limit of 50ks from Berowra to Gosford!
And increased police presents all year round!
Just makes you want to go for a ride up there ah.

14-01-2006, 08:56 AM
i went through there at 60 the other weekm after a scare with a cop that morning on the way to sydney
cos of the shitty state of the road (bumps an stuff) the bike was almost falling over!!!

speedbumps mid corner... THATS SAFE!

14-01-2006, 03:03 PM
There's already a couple of nice speed "ditches" on some corners.

Meh. If they speedhump it, I'm trading the gixxer on a Motard:)

17-01-2006, 12:15 PM
Used to be my fav playground on my TTR600 motard with my mate. Many days spent racing 600's up there, didnt find many how were keen to keep up given all the corragations on that big bender past the Mt White Cafe. Used to often see a fairing or two wrapped around the shrubs in that area.

Not sure if they can actually legally put speed bumps in unless speed limit is reduced to 50 clicks, and im still sure they cant unless reidential.

This kind of shit ...well shits me. All that happens is that people will ride just as good or fucked somewhere else, as long as its away from the Hornsby coppers they wont care. Coppers most likely dont mind getting revenue from speeding, but its the people dying which pressures them to do something - and I dont blame em. Problem is its usually some bitch in her merc driving on the other side of the road that causes it.

My suggestion - have a motard. Speedbumps + old road actually maybe much more fun than how it is now. Just hope they use ones like a flat top.

cjburns esq
17-01-2006, 02:05 PM
Mmmnn, me thinks it's time to throw some rego at the XR600.................