View Full Version : interesting to say the least!!

13-01-2006, 07:08 PM
http://cgi.ebay.com.au/suzuki-katana_W0QQitemZ4604351274QQcategoryZ102687QQrdZ1Q QcmdZViewItem Hmmmm interesting orange colour scheme [8D] mismatched orange wheels, McIntosh orange swingarm, orange neddles on the gauges too. other than the ORANGE seems like a good bike other than the 532306km on the odo. Maybe he is colour blind and his mates have set him up?

13-01-2006, 07:11 PM
man luv those stickers on the fairing ........ I think I'll buy it just for them....

typical Katana owner ...... no bloody idea


13-01-2006, 07:17 PM
My mum and dad used to have a TV exactly the same as that and carpet very similar[:p]
Can't ever remember having a multi colored Kat though!

13-01-2006, 09:10 PM
quote:Originally posted by stevo

typical Katana owner ...... no bloody idea



13-01-2006, 09:46 PM
How could someone with enough taste to own a Mcintosh swingarm lose it all like that?:D

13-01-2006, 11:44 PM
"Large" from Botswana, NKOTB, how's it going mate, welcome aboard. It's friday and I'm bolloxed. Good time to join....

14-01-2006, 07:48 AM
Thanks Mr Gix. Nice site you got here.

Tell the truth, I was a bit bolloxed when I joined. It's really Sydney:)

14-01-2006, 08:59 AM
isnt 7grand a bit rich??

14-01-2006, 10:59 AM
Bet ya he's gay!

Tony Nitrous
14-01-2006, 12:53 PM
quote:Originally posted by fimpBIKES

isnt 7grand a bit rich??

When you can find latter "SD" model Kats
(better wheels / Engine / footpegs etc)
with a Claimed 5,699k's listed at $5990
and their still unsold !

14-01-2006, 01:28 PM
quote:Originally posted by chalk10

Bet ya he's gay!

he owns a Katana ..... nuff said http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y223/stevo84cube/sheeplove.gif

14-01-2006, 02:02 PM
maybe its due to some repressed childhood memory,
but i have ALWAYS wanted a kat

is it tru that they handle like poo?

Tony Nitrous
14-01-2006, 03:39 PM
quote:Originally posted by Tony Nitrous

quote:Originally posted by fimpBIKES

isnt 7grand a bit rich??

When you can find latter "SD" model Kats
(better wheels / Engine / footpegs etc)
with a Claimed 5,699k's listed at $5990
and their still unsold !

OK, so scrub this post folks!
Posted it and thought "hang on, super low K's on the
right model of Kat!"
Blasted off up there before they shut.
Should have know better.
Normal dealer bullsh*t!
6,000k's my freakin arse!
Mostly original but for butchered old pipe and some cheap
Koni shocks,
Engine been repainted in places (sort of matt black)
Bodywork painted (over unrepaired damage)
Normal wear and tear, pealing or flaky paint on lots of
smaller items, seen bike with 40,000k's look better.
Would need some time and money spent.
Bike is a Jap import not previously rego'd
in OZ.
Thats 3 Kats, a Busa plus a couple of others I have waisted my
time looking at. Not sure if im being too fussy or perhaps its
normal for folk to put complete Bullsh*t in adverts.
Suppose there's enough dumb folk to hook one here and there ?

Back to looking.


14-01-2006, 06:20 PM
maybe its due to some repressed childhood memory,
but i have ALWAYS wanted a kat

is it tru that they handle like poo?
Go to Top of Page

its a suzuki isnt it.

14-01-2006, 06:31 PM
Just keep my Kat in your lounge room till Monday Rexie :D. Cover it up and give it a kiss before it goes to sleep. ;)

14-01-2006, 06:35 PM
Hey Stevo, Keep fishin for bites :D;)

14-01-2006, 09:28 PM
sorry oz missus wont let bikes in the loungeroom. certainly not a suzuki. and the shed has the rex and the ttr in it and they dont sleep very well with strangers. so the driveway is it at the moment. gee i hope no one steals it oz otherwise you have done your dough.:D

14-01-2006, 09:30 PM
u havent moved in the last few weeks 'av ya rexie...

15-01-2006, 07:34 AM
nope im still here.

16-01-2006, 10:40 PM
[quote]Originally posted by stevo
typical Katana owner ...... no bloody idea

OK, I'll bite,
Stevo, go to the laundry right now, grab a cake of Solvol & then

Suzuki's legendary Katana is the sexiestly ?!? styled motorcycle ever to come out of Japan & their owners generally reflect that sexiness (I know I do) [:X] *

Chalky - NO Katana owner has ever been gay, anyone who's ever rid one will know that they take an enormous amount of Testicular fortitude just to turn the ignition key on let alone kick the sidestand up - Cockjockeys wouldn't get near a Katana, it would bite them. *

Fimp - Yes, you've always wanted a Kat, you're only human & NO, they don't handle like poo, they handle like the razor sharp, pinpoint accurate, ultra stable, quick steering weapon that they are, (all steel tube framed, twin shock, overpowered, undersprung 80's superbikes do.) ;) & No, it's not overpriced @ $7K, it's a massive bargain & all you non Katana owners should be falling over yourselves to buy it so you can be respected & admired by your peers & have beautiful women throw themselves at you. :D *

Oz - How come you don't ride it home from Rexies? I bet you're itchin' to. It doesn't matter how far away it is, stock Kats can top 300 kph & like the Stealth Bomber, are invisible to radar. *

B.T.W. Stevo, hasn't anyone ever told you that Sporties aren't real Harleys & are infact, girls bikes? [:0] Don't worry though, if you can sell it, you'll only need another few grand & you could get a Katana. :D[8D][:p]

* above statements may not be factual.

16-01-2006, 10:53 PM
Well Now. See what happens when you wind up your Turbokat too much. Now he's all bent out of shape and will need some time in the rubber room till he's better again.......Next time look after your toys a bit better........

17-01-2006, 11:59 AM
Yeah sorry Turb, I should have known better[V]. Hair shirt for me tonight (and no that's not some faggot shit, hair shirts were worn by priests during the inquisition, to make them grumpy, and tits wonder why the inquisition was so brutal)[xx(] (although if preists were involved there is probably more faggot shit going on than should be allowed ;))

Weren't the sporties designed by a greasie (italian) post WW2? And that's why the gearboxes are so shite, they were designed for eurotrash 500's. [B)]
Just like the Indian Twins were designed(?) by a Pom. (I believe he may have stolen the design from Ariel, just put the Crank Cases side by side)[8)]

17-01-2006, 03:44 PM
Yeah Chalky, the Hair Shirt & a coupla dozen lashes should get you thinkin' straight & throw in a few Hail Marys just in case (I've forgiven you, but will God??)

17-01-2006, 05:43 PM
Hey Turbopussy

the "legendary" katana styling was designed in a BMW studio .. NOT in Japan... but was considered too angular for BMW and was sold to suzuki..

If ya have a look at some of the late '80's R's you'll see the resemblence but toned down

SO ya really ridin a Beemer

and ya sound like a typical whingin beemer rider http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y223/stevo84cube/bananadance.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y223/stevo84cube/bananadance.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y223/stevo84cube/bananadance.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y223/stevo84cube/bananadance.gif

17-01-2006, 05:51 PM
quote:Originally posted by stevo

SO ya really ridin a Beemer

and ya sound like a typical whingin beemer rider http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y223/stevo84cube/bananadance.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y223/stevo84cube/bananadance.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y223/stevo84cube/bananadance.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y223/stevo84cube/bananadance.gif


But wasn't the Evo designed in much the same way?

17-01-2006, 06:01 PM
not to my knowledge ... it was designed in house at HD in the AMF years before the buy out

the V_Rod was designed in house at Porsche

17-01-2006, 06:34 PM
HD may have developed the original EVO design, but the Germans made it work, prior to release. They used the same design house as Beemer (beemer cars though I think).

Which was a great idea, certainly better than the sludge pump company that provided the first Harley designs.:D

17-01-2006, 06:37 PM
Porsche did their Vrod. Those things may look ugly but they go like stink.

17-01-2006, 06:54 PM
Nice try Stevie but not quite.
The Katana was styled by Hans Muth who operated an independent design studio in Germania & contracted to BMW among many others - he was not an employee of BMW & the Katana design WAS commissioned by Suzuki. [8D]
You're drawing an extremely long bow by saying Kat owners are actually riding Beemers. [?]
I could do similar by saying V-Rod owners are actually riding a Porsche & you know what they say about Porsche/Harley owners - (rhymes with anchors.)
Or shall we use the AMF analogy - are you riding a bowling ball? - no, come to think of it, bowling balls are quite fast. :D

H/D owners crack me up, they go on & on all day about "Fuckin' Jap crap" & you take them over to their bikes & calmly point out all the Japanese manufactured parts on their good ol' American Iron & then watch 'em shut the fuck up. ;)

17-01-2006, 07:58 PM

Yup ..there's more Jap stuff on a HD than on most Euro bikes .....

But kat riders and BM riders... there's a difference ????

The design house that was contracted in the late 70's worked on the stillborn Nova design (and I thought it had something to do with Porsche on that one too . but it might just be the German connection).. which was a water cooled 2,4 or 6 cylinder setup ... never made it into production but it looks VERY similar to Yammies Virago's ....
There was a nasty rumour that a former employee of HD/AMF took the design to Yammaha

now isn't this more fun than discussing engine sizes???? :D

17-01-2006, 08:05 PM
Who cares?

cjburns esq
18-01-2006, 04:16 PM
My Katana is a 1275, does that count. A mongrel mix of APE, Serco, Yoshi stuff that went like stink the last time I fired it up.
OK so I've covered engine size, Katana, go fast bits what else was on the list.................

18-01-2006, 09:57 PM
yep...ride hard.