View Full Version : ASF Leather

06-01-2006, 07:01 PM
When i was talking to Brett from Custrim the other day we were discussing maybe doing some leather vests with the ASF logo on the back. NOT LIKE THE OUTLAW BIKE CLUBS! A simple black leather vest with ASF and the bike on the back done in black embrodery ... very subtle. he also said he could put each members nickname on the front of their vest. im not suggesting anything like the harley clubs have. Brett even said he could do them so they zipped up the sides. i would be great to have something that lasts forever and will last forever if well looked after. what do you think? Total cost per item should be well less than $100.00 Any interest?

06-01-2006, 07:12 PM
Always interested in more stuff... just limited by budget.

06-01-2006, 07:13 PM
When they had the Ulysses National meet in CBR a year or two ago, couple of the local Rebels threatened to beat up a couple of the old dears if they didn't take off their jackets, because they looked too much like Rebels jackets. Bunch of Humpty Dumpty tossers.

I'm interested, my current ones a bit big.

06-01-2006, 08:34 PM
i'd rather white leather chaps with frilly streamer bits just like Fonz used to wear.F#@K ive got al the good idea's.[:X]

06-01-2006, 09:18 PM
We could be the new village people[:X][:X][xx(]

06-01-2006, 11:27 PM
I'll cut the arse out of my alpinestars.

07-01-2006, 10:11 AM
The problem with the Ulyses patch was NOT the patch itself but the top and bottom rockers....

The 3 piece back patch harks back a long way and is a symbol of a 1% er club

it's a whole different world with very different rules and if ya wanna crap on you're a tuff guy ... then ya might find yaself up against guys that take it a bit more seriously...

A single logo on the back is not likely to draw any unwanted attention but personally I prefer a clean vest but then again I have a few customers that are the real deal

07-01-2006, 11:32 AM
quote:Originally posted by stevo

The problem with the Ulyses patch was NOT the patch itself but the top and bottom rockers....

The 3 piece back patch harks back a long way and is a symbol of a 1% er club

it's a whole different world with very different rules and if ya wanna crap on you're a tuff guy ... then ya might find yaself up against guys that take it a bit more seriously...

A single logo on the back is not likely to draw any unwanted attention but personally I prefer a clean vest but then again I have a few customers that are the real deal

Nah, rockers, tossers sounds all the same to me.[V] And I'll bet it sounded the same to the GRANNIES that these big bad bikeis were threatening.

I thought dregs came to about 2-3% [8D] Must just be the bear I drink eh;)

Just a pity that I can't take them seriously eh [:p] And let's face it, they gotta catch me first, and I'll put me and my bike up against them and their Humty Dumpties anyday [^]

Customers that are the real deal? what you run a Casino????? Oh you mean real deal bikie scum. Jeez you must be so proud.

07-01-2006, 12:57 PM
By the real deal I mean people that don't need to run their mouth off ... the Outlaw biker world is a little different to most peoples existances..

One of the guys here runs a few jappas and dirt bikes and is running in the Finke desert rally this year .... and he's had my gixxer on the back wheel at over 200k all the way past the group on a poker run ...

It's always amuses me how tough people talk with a keyboard...

07-01-2006, 01:26 PM
Yer me keyboards bin hittin the steroids again. [8D] Mother fucken things banging around the house, getting the piss at every one, carrying on, and wondering where it's dick has gone.;)

'outlaw biker world'? You been watching too many faggoty hollywood biker movies again. Don't tell me, Stone was the greatest movie ever made man.[8)]
Grew up around'em, have family in'em, been taking the piss for decades, etc etc etc (in fact the Rebs that I used to drink with thought my taking the piss, of other bikies, was the funniest thing they'd ever heard). And they're just like any other group hanging around in a crowd, 90% losers. Cover'em with towels and they'd be Lebs..............

Hang on a minute, a number of'em are Lebs :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D[:p]

07-01-2006, 02:53 PM
Yeah the heavy recruitment drive that a few of the clubs did in recent years put stickers on the backs of some guys who shouldn't even be sweepin the floors in the clubhouse....

But I guess like most things in life ya either get quality or quantity....

I get more amusement out of the "badass" fringe "clubs" like HOG and such .... ya see these poonced up wannabees with all their designer leathers strutting around like some prize poodle at a dog show ... throw it in the pit with the bullmastiffs and it wont look so pretty ;)

personally I don't like the commitment and rule structure involved in the patch scene .... I prefer to ride what I wanna ride, when I wanna ride it.... I ride for me...

If ya carry yaself well and respect yourself first and others second, then you'll find most things fall into place .....but if ya don't have any self respect then it's damn difficult to respect others ..... it's the wannabees in any crowd that piss me off ...

Ya see 'em in the Harley scene, the stunt scene, or even just ya racer wannabees that have all the Ohlins trick shit flash leathers and chicken strips that cover half the tire..

07-01-2006, 04:43 PM
1 %er’s have a quality? I guess that quality involves the manufacture and supply of illicit drugs, prostitution, extortion and other facets of organised crime…..

An occasion doesn’t come to mind when a wannbee from either the stunt or race scene involved themselves in wholesale crime.

As for honor, well they just aren’t killing rival bikers. And that thing about not shitting in your own nest, well I would be reluctant to have a 1 %er come into my business and see what I’ve worked hard to own. Punching a whole in the wall and ripping someone off is far cheaper on the wallet.

Oh yeah did I also mention vehicle theft, they just don’t steal Harleys either. Probably had a crack or two at some 7/11’s for something different.

Cheers Rich

07-01-2006, 05:08 PM
By the real deal I mean people that don't need to run their mouth off ... the Outlaw biker world is a little different to most peoples existances"

Yeah, we just had riots in sydney because we don't like the fact that all these foriegners refuse to integrate into our society. Sound familiar, these bikies lock themselves away behind locked gates and make their own laws that all members have to obey and fuck everybody else. You included. After all their efforts to not conform they seem to all look and act the same no matter where they are from. Stand a bikie from Aus next to one from USA, same dickhead wearing same clothes and same haircuts.[?]

07-01-2006, 05:11 PM
Don't believe everything the media tells ya .......

If you don't fuck with them, then they wont fuck with you.....

and all 1%ers are not the same ... in the same vein as not all jap bike riders are the same...

07-01-2006, 05:28 PM
Damm ozcat make a suggestion and world war 3 breaks out, I havent forgotten about parts, just been slack, ill get on to it on monday.

07-01-2006, 05:40 PM
I thought we were doing village people gags... oh, we kinda are.

07-01-2006, 05:57 PM
man lookin at some of these HOG club clowns with their chaps on

I think it's not far from the truth :D:D:D:D

07-01-2006, 06:04 PM
Vests are for church on sundays.

07-01-2006, 06:11 PM
ok forget it.

07-01-2006, 06:14 PM
maybe we can have streetfighter chaps as well as vests ..... only to be used on sundays :D:D:D

but seriously to have a vest that says STREETFIGHTER on it .... hhmmmmmm .. don't ya think that's askin for trouble?????

ya gonna have ta back it up at some point 'cos some tossa is gonna call ya on it...

07-01-2006, 06:36 PM
sounds fine to me stevo

im a passifist, but i cant stand ignorance!!!

07-01-2006, 06:43 PM
yeah i'm with you Fimp..

I prefer to win fights by not getting into them..... gettin too old for that shit

07-01-2006, 06:57 PM
Be careful if your wearing your "Streetfighter" Tshirt out in public. I wouldnt like to hear of anyone getting picked on.

07-01-2006, 08:23 PM
i confronted some drunk fuks the other night with my fighters shirt on

(they had put a trolley out in the middle of the road and it was raining lightly so visibilty was down)
i was in the girls corolla and had just picked her up from work it was 4am or some shit like that.

i swerved around the trolley, hooked the car hard left into the kerb, jumped out, walked to the troley and threw it at the dumb bitches
i think the shirt work in my favour that time, they were wetting themselves :)

we get a lot of drunken fuckwits here and i guess these guys just pushed my buttons that night (i sometimes do late-night runs through town and that trolley woulda hurt!!)

but i dont think i would mess with the biker types
not calling them cowards, but they seem to be the type to burn your shed or house down while your facing the other direction....

and while im at it i really wouldnt mind some leather chaps, ever notice which part of your jeans are darker after a right through a summer shower?

07-01-2006, 09:37 PM
im sure we've all had moments wearing our shirts in public(if not ya will)i was down at the local plaza today wearing 1 at coles with the kids.every1 just stares at it with a puzzled look on their face.some hutchie kutchie expert wearing a Buda Karate School shirt walked past lookin at it sideways.i dropped a can of cocconut cream and he jumped 3 foot off the ground and landed doin wax on wax off shit at me.fuk me i'm not exactly a scary lookin dude but apparently the shirt told a different story.people fail to see the motorcycle beside the logo and therefore come to the wrong conclusions. but hey,its good advertising so im not complaining.[}:)]i think they're just jelous coz they dont have a shirt that looks that good.

08-01-2006, 09:15 AM
damn its a nice shirt

im still waiting to get RBT'd wearing mine :)

08-01-2006, 07:21 PM
Ozkat you pervert,I think you may have watched Bikerboyz and got inspired by it. Wake up to your fat self. Bloody vest. Oh yeah maybe you could earn badges as well,just like the scouts, which I'm sure you attained "Queen Scout". When proficient at various stunts eg stoppie or wheelie perhaps even cane ploughing. Seriously Oz Good Idea.

08-01-2006, 11:19 PM
Mmmm I can feel the love.....

Cheers Rich

08-01-2006, 11:27 PM
Puppet. Where have you been you piss taking bastard? Eating too many bloody flowers again. You've been quiet mate, what's up?

09-01-2006, 12:30 AM
as if he's gunna answer.

09-01-2006, 01:26 AM
As someone better qualified that most on the subject I'd better weigh in. As some already know I'm a former 1%er. While on the surface having vests with a logo seems like a good idea I'd recommend against it. Some clubs will use anything like it as an excuse to blood their Noms. I've personally seen it with 2 biker social clubs and with a few solo riders with their vests airbrushed. It may sound stupid & petty but thats how some(but not all) clubs view things. Only last year a Suzuki rider got bashed in Qld for wearing his family coat of arms on his back in a certain outlaw clubs territory. I can unfortunately quote many more cases like that. Outlaw bike clubs are less about bikes and more about power these days. Thats the main reason why some of 1%ers are turning their backs on it and handing their hard earned patches back. Let these silly bastards knock each other around and stay out of their way while they are doing it. Just my opinion nothing more

09-01-2006, 06:12 AM
I would not fuck all about dealing with all this wank.....hahahah .... But with my limited experience with all things shit....I think Choppaweeza has hit the nail on the head....thanks for putting an end this horse shit... enjoy your bikes your life and of course, fucking beer... oh and chicks!!

09-01-2006, 06:17 AM
Sorry about the missing words, I am but an fool..... see ya at the ride..

09-01-2006, 08:04 AM
why dont you all just buy a denim jacket and cut the sleeves off and sew on some badges. just like in the greatest movie ever made....STONE!!!![:p]

09-01-2006, 12:01 PM
Im more worried about RDT thanb RBT.... being in VIC its a reality...

I NEVER drink and ride... never have, never will... but a few bongs.... well thats a different story... Its basically a matter of time b4 I get done :(

09-01-2006, 12:10 PM
quote:Originally posted by chopaweeza

As someone better qualified that most on the subject I'd better weigh in. As some already know I'm a former 1%er. While on the surface having vests with a logo seems like a good idea I'd recommend against it. Some clubs will use anything like it as an excuse to blood their Noms. I've personally seen it with 2 biker social clubs and with a few solo riders with their vests airbrushed. It may sound stupid & petty but thats how some(but not all) clubs view things. Only last year a Suzuki rider got bashed in Qld for wearing his family coat of arms on his back in a certain outlaw clubs territory. I can unfortunately quote many more cases like that. Outlaw bike clubs are less about bikes and more about power these days. Thats the main reason why some of 1%ers are turning their backs on it and handing their hard earned patches back. Let these silly bastards knock each other around and stay out of their way while they are doing it. Just my opinion nothing more

well said, good to see I'm not the only one that sees the bigger picture..... unfortunately ignorance is no defence when ya step into someone elses world .... and while most full patch guys wouldn't give a fuck, I'd be more than a little wary of noms that are tryin ta prove 'emselves ..

09-01-2006, 12:18 PM
Ive made peace with a few of the outlaw fellas around Brissy, They like my bike and I dont look back at em if all 10-30 pairs of eyes are staring at me as I go past one of there club houses. Spoken to a few of em at red lights, They seem to be more interested in my bike and how i ride then mouthing off. Then again I must just be lucky to not have met the ones that do have to prove themselves.

09-01-2006, 12:38 PM
quote:Originally posted by BOHEMION

Ive made peace with a few of the outlaw fellas around Brissy, Why? Desperate for a mate eh They like my bike of course, it's not a glorified sludge pump and I dont look back at em if all 10-30 pairs of eyes are staring at me as I go past one of there club houses Fuck I don't bother looking unless I need a laugh. Spoken to a few of em at red lights, whaaat you speak dumb gorilla They seem to be more interested in my bike and how i ride then mouthing off Spose they gotta learn to ride from someone. Then again I must just be lucky to not have met the ones that do have to prove themselves. You're missing all the fun mate

09-01-2006, 01:18 PM
HAHA a few personal experiences mate ?

09-01-2006, 01:26 PM

09-01-2006, 02:08 PM
I Can speak gorilla very well, very similar to Klingong just abit slower

09-01-2006, 02:23 PM
yer, this is really exciting...
who cares? and just in case you do...
i'm with either Rexie or Davo, depending on which of the two is better looking of course, (sorry Rexie, not met you yet, you have the advantage of having seen me at my worst :-) )