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25-10-2005, 04:22 PM
But in this case I would be willing to make an exception.

http://cgi.ebay.com.au/European-custom-built-BMW-R6960A_W0QQitemZ4583817291QQcategoryZ102682QQrdZ1Q QcmdZViewItem

That thing is a MESS!!

25-10-2005, 05:51 PM
wow, custom BMW's
now THERE is a niche market!!!

25-10-2005, 05:51 PM
wow, custom BMW's
now THERE is a niche market!!!

25-10-2005, 09:16 PM
Well. I like it. :DAlot of work went into it . When I was in the Bundeswehr there were quite a few customised R25/26/27 's and older twins were I was stationed. They have a style all too themselves which is too refined for the average Pig Fucker to apreciate. If you don't like the style appreciate the work that went into it..

25-10-2005, 09:16 PM
Well. I like it. :DAlot of work went into it . When I was in the Bundeswehr there were quite a few customised R25/26/27 's and older twins were I was stationed. They have a style all too themselves which is too refined for the average Pig Fucker to apreciate. If you don't like the style appreciate the work that went into it..

25-10-2005, 11:34 PM
I appreciate the work mate, there's no doubt about that, but you can put a lot of work into something that doesn't really hit the mark. He's obviously styled this on a Harley. I've seen some great BMW customs but I'm afriad this isn't one of them. No disrespect to the guy meant at all, but it just doesn't do it for me. You could spend hours and hours making an MZ look like a Harley and you'd appreciate the effort but it doesn't really make a top bike - there again, what is a top bike? It's a matter of taste and I should get down of my box and shut the fuck up.... Each to their own.

25-10-2005, 11:34 PM
I appreciate the work mate, there's no doubt about that, but you can put a lot of work into something that doesn't really hit the mark. He's obviously styled this on a Harley. I've seen some great BMW customs but I'm afriad this isn't one of them. No disrespect to the guy meant at all, but it just doesn't do it for me. You could spend hours and hours making an MZ look like a Harley and you'd appreciate the effort but it doesn't really make a top bike - there again, what is a top bike? It's a matter of taste and I should get down of my box and shut the fuck up.... Each to their own.

26-10-2005, 09:53 AM
I certainly appreciate the effort. Its just a shame it turned into such an ugly end product.

If he gets $19K for it Ill run through the main street of Mildura naked shouting custom BMW's rule!

26-10-2005, 09:53 AM
I certainly appreciate the effort. Its just a shame it turned into such an ugly end product.

If he gets $19K for it Ill run through the main street of Mildura naked shouting custom BMW's rule!

26-10-2005, 01:18 PM
Now that's a big call Raze. Hope you have a camera ready, there's some strange people with a lot of money out there!

26-10-2005, 01:18 PM
Now that's a big call Raze. Hope you have a camera ready, there's some strange people with a lot of money out there!

26-10-2005, 02:11 PM
I agree. I wouldn't pay that much for it either.But- Strange things sometimes happen. A close friend of mine had a Z1000A that was pretty ratty looking. He let his 14 year old son practice airbrushing with thinned down model paints on the tank. Young Jason did a rough copy of the "Blowie" tank art from Stone . Some merchant banker type saw the bike and without asking any details offered $15,000 on the spot. 4 hours later Brett was catching alift home on the back of my bike with the bank cheque in his pocket. Before he finalised the deal he told the bloke that it wasn't a genuine Stone bike but the bloke was persistant. Another fellow I used to work with was working in Japan for a few weeks. He got into a conversation with a local in a bar, told him about his MHR Duke and gave the bloke his number back home. When he got home there where a stream of messages from Japan about the MHR from people that had talked to the guy in the bar. He ended up selling for $52,000 for a tired example of Ducati's finest.... A while ago I bought an odd carby at a swap meet for $5. On one side it had AMAL and on the other MIKUNI. When I put a picture and description on a Vintage Jap forum. I sold it 2 weeks later for $2400. Go figure.... Sometimes you get lucky... Not often but sometimes....

26-10-2005, 02:11 PM
I agree. I wouldn't pay that much for it either.But- Strange things sometimes happen. A close friend of mine had a Z1000A that was pretty ratty looking. He let his 14 year old son practice airbrushing with thinned down model paints on the tank. Young Jason did a rough copy of the "Blowie" tank art from Stone . Some merchant banker type saw the bike and without asking any details offered $15,000 on the spot. 4 hours later Brett was catching alift home on the back of my bike with the bank cheque in his pocket. Before he finalised the deal he told the bloke that it wasn't a genuine Stone bike but the bloke was persistant. Another fellow I used to work with was working in Japan for a few weeks. He got into a conversation with a local in a bar, told him about his MHR Duke and gave the bloke his number back home. When he got home there where a stream of messages from Japan about the MHR from people that had talked to the guy in the bar. He ended up selling for $52,000 for a tired example of Ducati's finest.... A while ago I bought an odd carby at a swap meet for $5. On one side it had AMAL and on the other MIKUNI. When I put a picture and description on a Vintage Jap forum. I sold it 2 weeks later for $2400. Go figure.... Sometimes you get lucky... Not often but sometimes....

27-10-2005, 08:26 AM
Geez youve got me worried now [:I]

27-10-2005, 08:26 AM
Geez youve got me worried now [:I]

27-10-2005, 05:16 PM
Something is only truly worth what someone os prepared to pay for it. Before the recent 300% rise in Tubing prices I would charge $800 for a rigid and only get $200 of that to cover the cost of my labour. Now, I have notified all those on my books of the materials increase which will at least double the cost of most frames. Most on my books are already are aware of this but for some this will be the too much. Thankfully, I don't care as after the cost of Tooling is added in it is costing me money to build every frame. A guy recently shit bricks when I quoted $2500 for a replica Harris frame in CDS2 for his GSX1100 plus the cost of Engineers Certificate & getting a new VIN number. We pay too much in this country already to get custom bikes on the road compared to almost any other country and enoughs enough. A guy that I built a Z750 frame for spent $5500 getting it legal including a Stress test, frame x-ray and full Engineers Certificate. It's just bullshit really. Did you know that if you get a non-standard sub-frame that you have to have it engineered in VIC/NSW/QLD and that it is illegal in TAS ???? We are facing a major drama and most are either unaware or just stick their heads in the sand. How would it be if the RTA(in NSW) confiscated your bike for having un-engineered frame modifcations???? It happens already but mostly to the Harley Boys. It's just a matter of time before they turn their attentiojn to US. I may be liquored up but it doesn't change the facts. Conform and true streetfighters go the way of the dinosaur. Fight and give the Gumbiment something to choak on. Just my thoughts on the issue but then again I just might be a drunk fool.

Fight or Conform.....

27-10-2005, 05:16 PM
Something is only truly worth what someone os prepared to pay for it. Before the recent 300% rise in Tubing prices I would charge $800 for a rigid and only get $200 of that to cover the cost of my labour. Now, I have notified all those on my books of the materials increase which will at least double the cost of most frames. Most on my books are already are aware of this but for some this will be the too much. Thankfully, I don't care as after the cost of Tooling is added in it is costing me money to build every frame. A guy recently shit bricks when I quoted $2500 for a replica Harris frame in CDS2 for his GSX1100 plus the cost of Engineers Certificate & getting a new VIN number. We pay too much in this country already to get custom bikes on the road compared to almost any other country and enoughs enough. A guy that I built a Z750 frame for spent $5500 getting it legal including a Stress test, frame x-ray and full Engineers Certificate. It's just bullshit really. Did you know that if you get a non-standard sub-frame that you have to have it engineered in VIC/NSW/QLD and that it is illegal in TAS ???? We are facing a major drama and most are either unaware or just stick their heads in the sand. How would it be if the RTA(in NSW) confiscated your bike for having un-engineered frame modifcations???? It happens already but mostly to the Harley Boys. It's just a matter of time before they turn their attentiojn to US. I may be liquored up but it doesn't change the facts. Conform and true streetfighters go the way of the dinosaur. Fight and give the Gumbiment something to choak on. Just my thoughts on the issue but then again I just might be a drunk fool.

Fight or Conform.....

27-10-2005, 05:59 PM
shit, so new subframes are illegal??
DAMMIT, looks like i will be talking to the local auto engineer next week....

27-10-2005, 05:59 PM
shit, so new subframes are illegal??
DAMMIT, looks like i will be talking to the local auto engineer next week....

27-10-2005, 07:10 PM
You mean you didn't know???? If you modify, replace or alter ANY part of a frame in NSW/VIC/QLD you need an Engineers Ceretificate. If you alter or build a frame in Tas(and shortly SA & WA) you need to lodge paperwork showing the method you intend to use, the materials, the supplier of those materials, the welder(& a copy of his Bioller Maker Certificate) and a plan of the method of assembly BEFORE you build anything.... Modifying subframes is illegal in NSW without an Engineers Certificate and if the cop that stops you knows his stuff can result in your bike being confiscated --YES CONFISCATED-- with you having to go to court to get it back. It is worse in VIC and the same in QLD. ACT is similar to NSW but I don't know the specifics yet. In 2006 the Euro 06' standards come in and then if you try to register a modified bike you are in for a shit of a time. I build frames, I have to ensure that in 2-4 years time when they are finished that they will still be able to be Engineered. Some mods don't need Engineers but anything that modifies the frame in ANY way has to have an Engineers Certificate or you run the risk of confiscation. Those are factual regulatory standards. Check them in your own state to confirm the truth in my words. Oh, Heres some more news you may not be aware of-An Engineers Certifiacte is only valid for the state that it is issued in and no other. So, If you buy a bike with a Victorian Engineers Certificate you need a new one to get it registered in NSW or anywhere else. While NSW/VIC/QLD are similar there are differences. In NSW a Leading Link front end off a side car needs an Engineers Certificate in Victoria it doesn't.... In NSW we are lucky that most cops don't know the regulations regarding modifications to JAP bikes so up til now we have been lucky but that will change in the future.. Be aware and be fore warned.. Look it up for yourselves and you'll see the truth. Already , Im aware of 3 NSW Jap Bike riders that have had their bikes impounded so think before you modify. A bolt-on hard tail for a Triumph only takes $300 to get engineered here so if you have a bolt on Sub Frame it may be worth getting it done. What would I know-I just build frames as a part time job.... Check for yourselves....

27-10-2005, 07:10 PM
You mean you didn't know???? If you modify, replace or alter ANY part of a frame in NSW/VIC/QLD you need an Engineers Ceretificate. If you alter or build a frame in Tas(and shortly SA & WA) you need to lodge paperwork showing the method you intend to use, the materials, the supplier of those materials, the welder(& a copy of his Bioller Maker Certificate) and a plan of the method of assembly BEFORE you build anything.... Modifying subframes is illegal in NSW without an Engineers Certificate and if the cop that stops you knows his stuff can result in your bike being confiscated --YES CONFISCATED-- with you having to go to court to get it back. It is worse in VIC and the same in QLD. ACT is similar to NSW but I don't know the specifics yet. In 2006 the Euro 06' standards come in and then if you try to register a modified bike you are in for a shit of a time. I build frames, I have to ensure that in 2-4 years time when they are finished that they will still be able to be Engineered. Some mods don't need Engineers but anything that modifies the frame in ANY way has to have an Engineers Certificate or you run the risk of confiscation. Those are factual regulatory standards. Check them in your own state to confirm the truth in my words. Oh, Heres some more news you may not be aware of-An Engineers Certifiacte is only valid for the state that it is issued in and no other. So, If you buy a bike with a Victorian Engineers Certificate you need a new one to get it registered in NSW or anywhere else. While NSW/VIC/QLD are similar there are differences. In NSW a Leading Link front end off a side car needs an Engineers Certificate in Victoria it doesn't.... In NSW we are lucky that most cops don't know the regulations regarding modifications to JAP bikes so up til now we have been lucky but that will change in the future.. Be aware and be fore warned.. Look it up for yourselves and you'll see the truth. Already , Im aware of 3 NSW Jap Bike riders that have had their bikes impounded so think before you modify. A bolt-on hard tail for a Triumph only takes $300 to get engineered here so if you have a bolt on Sub Frame it may be worth getting it done. What would I know-I just build frames as a part time job.... Check for yourselves....

27-10-2005, 07:15 PM
$2500 for a Harris replica frame is a FUCKING BARGAIN, importing a Harris/Spondon/etc from the UK would be at least double or possibly triple that $$. Add the fact that it's Aussie made & you can't go wrong. Shame there's no market here for that type of thing.

27-10-2005, 07:15 PM
$2500 for a Harris replica frame is a FUCKING BARGAIN, importing a Harris/Spondon/etc from the UK would be at least double or possibly triple that $$. Add the fact that it's Aussie made & you can't go wrong. Shame there's no market here for that type of thing.

27-10-2005, 07:29 PM
People fail to realise the work needed , the cost of specised tooling and the cost of materials involved. In the States you can buy a tubing bender(tubing not pipe) that will do 38mm tube for about $600US . In Australia the same bender will cost you $3995-Check the Hare & Forbes Website for confirmation of the price. We have higher requirements for Tubing than the USA and higher requirements all around for everything else. Harris Frames are works of art, no one thats ever seen one can deny that, but they must pass Engineers the same as the local product. I'm not trying to drum up business for myself, I already have more work than I can deal with, i'm just trying to educate people on this board and save them some grief if they get caught..

27-10-2005, 07:29 PM
People fail to realise the work needed , the cost of specised tooling and the cost of materials involved. In the States you can buy a tubing bender(tubing not pipe) that will do 38mm tube for about $600US . In Australia the same bender will cost you $3995-Check the Hare & Forbes Website for confirmation of the price. We have higher requirements for Tubing than the USA and higher requirements all around for everything else. Harris Frames are works of art, no one thats ever seen one can deny that, but they must pass Engineers the same as the local product. I'm not trying to drum up business for myself, I already have more work than I can deal with, i'm just trying to educate people on this board and save them some grief if they get caught..

27-10-2005, 08:57 PM
cheers chopa,

i had no idea!
i figured cos the subframe was a bolt-on it wouldnt matter at all (i guess i was WRONG!!)

that bender sounds friggin expensive though!!
whenever need mandrel bends there is a guy in newcastle (Ray Von Engineering) that only cost $15 a bend, but he has limited mandrels and radius' etc

any idea where i might find the regs required for a bolt on sub?
failing that i guess if i just give the engineer a call would he know? its not like there is much of this stuff going on in newy LOL

27-10-2005, 08:57 PM
cheers chopa,

i had no idea!
i figured cos the subframe was a bolt-on it wouldnt matter at all (i guess i was WRONG!!)

that bender sounds friggin expensive though!!
whenever need mandrel bends there is a guy in newcastle (Ray Von Engineering) that only cost $15 a bend, but he has limited mandrels and radius' etc

any idea where i might find the regs required for a bolt on sub?
failing that i guess if i just give the engineer a call would he know? its not like there is much of this stuff going on in newy LOL

27-10-2005, 09:11 PM
Check the RTA webite. They have these downloadable vehicle regulations sheets that are hopelessly out of date. There is a mob in Gosford that do the frames for GLH so give them a call & they'll give the name over if you are persuavsive enough. As a sub frame is part of the frame it is subject to the relevant ADR's regarding it. Little known fact-Half of all standard bikes straight off the showroom floor do not pass Engineers Certificate. Most fail on the Noise test, some fail on the structural(if the Engineer you use does it)and others fail on the braking tests.... So homebuilts are held to a higher standard. Avoid any Sanctioned Engineer that uses Xray testing(as it is an extra $2-3000) or structural testing(an extra $1200-3000). The list of sanctioned Engineers is on the RTA website.

27-10-2005, 09:11 PM
Check the RTA webite. They have these downloadable vehicle regulations sheets that are hopelessly out of date. There is a mob in Gosford that do the frames for GLH so give them a call & they'll give the name over if you are persuavsive enough. As a sub frame is part of the frame it is subject to the relevant ADR's regarding it. Little known fact-Half of all standard bikes straight off the showroom floor do not pass Engineers Certificate. Most fail on the Noise test, some fail on the structural(if the Engineer you use does it)and others fail on the braking tests.... So homebuilts are held to a higher standard. Avoid any Sanctioned Engineer that uses Xray testing(as it is an extra $2-3000) or structural testing(an extra $1200-3000). The list of sanctioned Engineers is on the RTA website.

27-10-2005, 09:39 PM
but if i use a prequalified welder who has been macro tested surely thats enough
i hate how anal people can get about welds...

dont worry, im just bitter cos shell dragged us through the wringer early this year with their abnormally hi standards

i think i shall make a few calls tomorrow, buggered if im letting my bike get impounded!
plus with the short tail im going to attract butt-loads of attention as-is

thanks chopa, im used to designing things to standards so if i can get a hold of those i should be sweet

27-10-2005, 09:39 PM
but if i use a prequalified welder who has been macro tested surely thats enough
i hate how anal people can get about welds...

dont worry, im just bitter cos shell dragged us through the wringer early this year with their abnormally hi standards

i think i shall make a few calls tomorrow, buggered if im letting my bike get impounded!
plus with the short tail im going to attract butt-loads of attention as-is

thanks chopa, im used to designing things to standards so if i can get a hold of those i should be sweet

27-10-2005, 10:05 PM
The regulations are vague in places & are at the mercy of how the Engineer you use interpretes the rules. What one will let you get away with another will slam you for. Choose an engineer local to you and build to their specifications & not to the outmoded examples you see on the RTA website. The guy I now recommend to my customers doesn't skimp on the testing BUT they doen't get Anal either. The first frame of mine to get tested was done by Mobility in Hornsby. 3 of the welds needed a bit extra(done in house for a reasonable fee apparently)but otherwise it passed the brake & noise tests easily. They also did Additional tests-Structral & Xray. The person I recommend now eye balls the frame, checks for alignment & eye balls for structural design flaws and does the standard brake & noise tests for about $1800-2500. Mobility did Jasons frame for $5500. 3 times what the project up til then had cost him....

27-10-2005, 10:05 PM
The regulations are vague in places & are at the mercy of how the Engineer you use interpretes the rules. What one will let you get away with another will slam you for. Choose an engineer local to you and build to their specifications & not to the outmoded examples you see on the RTA website. The guy I now recommend to my customers doesn't skimp on the testing BUT they doen't get Anal either. The first frame of mine to get tested was done by Mobility in Hornsby. 3 of the welds needed a bit extra(done in house for a reasonable fee apparently)but otherwise it passed the brake & noise tests easily. They also did Additional tests-Structral & Xray. The person I recommend now eye balls the frame, checks for alignment & eye balls for structural design flaws and does the standard brake & noise tests for about $1800-2500. Mobility did Jasons frame for $5500. 3 times what the project up til then had cost him....

27-10-2005, 10:20 PM

oh well, once they find something they arent happy with your stuck with it i guess

the local guy knows me (sorta), he is normally ok with anything as long as he has had a bit of input into the design
if u simply turn up out of the blue with an engine swap he tends to get a bit cheesed

i think i will get a design finished as close to those RTA specs as i can then go see him before i build anything

who would have thought a thread about a banana-beemer would go in this direction!! [:-)]

27-10-2005, 10:20 PM

oh well, once they find something they arent happy with your stuck with it i guess

the local guy knows me (sorta), he is normally ok with anything as long as he has had a bit of input into the design
if u simply turn up out of the blue with an engine swap he tends to get a bit cheesed

i think i will get a design finished as close to those RTA specs as i can then go see him before i build anything

who would have thought a thread about a banana-beemer would go in this direction!! [:-)]

29-10-2005, 10:19 AM
Holy snapping ass-holes, look what happens when Kraut fags can't afford real Hardley's :)

Thanks for all the info there Choppa, Now I really am glad I got the GPz9 for fightering, not only is at looking damned good nekkid, it has a bolt-on rear section, guess one of those trumpy seat units may be the go for me :).

29-10-2005, 10:19 AM
Holy snapping ass-holes, look what happens when Kraut fags can't afford real Hardley's :)

Thanks for all the info there Choppa, Now I really am glad I got the GPz9 for fightering, not only is at looking damned good nekkid, it has a bolt-on rear section, guess one of those trumpy seat units may be the go for me :).