View Full Version : ON THE MEND

18-10-2005, 03:30 PM
:)well all ya fellow riders:DI am still alive[:0]bike is back with thanks to the REXIE[^]& sleep is now occurin[|)] am not gonna spell out wot i did but it was wrong to all concerned[:o)]cept for those that dislike me ..!..
have to start with a new canvess:(& build her AGAIN

18-10-2005, 03:57 PM
Mate, as long as you're ok we don't need to know what happened. Take it easy and we'll look forward to the next build mate - always worth the wait!

18-10-2005, 03:57 PM
Mate, as long as you're ok we don't need to know what happened. Take it easy and we'll look forward to the next build mate - always worth the wait!

18-10-2005, 07:05 PM
Nah Mundy,

You can't leave it like that... now that you've made it sound all mysterious n interestin n stuff... we've just got to know all the goss. Photos please. All the better if you were a total tool so that we can spend months takin' piss shots at you! After all, what're mates for...?

18-10-2005, 07:05 PM
Nah Mundy,

You can't leave it like that... now that you've made it sound all mysterious n interestin n stuff... we've just got to know all the goss. Photos please. All the better if you were a total tool so that we can spend months takin' piss shots at you! After all, what're mates for...?

18-10-2005, 07:39 PM
well just adding my cent worth, it was due to mechanical failure that Mad came unstuck,not rider fuckup.wasnt showin off up the main street of town,just out testin bike on a country road. woulda been no problem if a retired coppa didnt witness it.but anyhow thats water over the bridge.it happens to the best of us now an then. chin up Uncle...you'll be back on the road in no time.;)

18-10-2005, 07:39 PM
well just adding my cent worth, it was due to mechanical failure that Mad came unstuck,not rider fuckup.wasnt showin off up the main street of town,just out testin bike on a country road. woulda been no problem if a retired coppa didnt witness it.but anyhow thats water over the bridge.it happens to the best of us now an then. chin up Uncle...you'll be back on the road in no time.;)

18-10-2005, 08:16 PM
TENROH` or is it pavarotie[:X] I`ll swap ya adventourous chin for my second hand ribs:) 2 MORO.:( see ya on the road[|)]

18-10-2005, 08:16 PM
TENROH` or is it pavarotie[:X] I`ll swap ya adventourous chin for my second hand ribs:) 2 MORO.:( see ya on the road[|)]

18-10-2005, 08:31 PM
i love busted ribs,i'll try not to make ya laugh mate.(pavarotie,are you takin the piss outa the fact that i';ve put on 15 kg's in 2 years brother, gotta take up smokin again)

18-10-2005, 08:31 PM
i love busted ribs,i'll try not to make ya laugh mate.(pavarotie,are you takin the piss outa the fact that i';ve put on 15 kg's in 2 years brother, gotta take up smokin again)

18-10-2005, 08:47 PM
not aimed at you DAVO,

18-10-2005, 08:47 PM
not aimed at you DAVO,

18-10-2005, 08:52 PM
here is a tip horny boy.if ya seem to quote the dictionary,the word,"BRAIN" is between "AR$%#HOLE & C@#NT.thats if ya have one?

18-10-2005, 08:52 PM
here is a tip horny boy.if ya seem to quote the dictionary,the word,"BRAIN" is between "AR$%#HOLE & C@#NT.thats if ya have one?

18-10-2005, 09:02 PM
:Dyep,mad is back

18-10-2005, 09:02 PM
:Dyep,mad is back

18-10-2005, 09:09 PM
Saw a couple of the blokes at the weekend Mundy,all glad that you're OK, good luck, hope the rebuild is quick and without dramas.

18-10-2005, 09:09 PM
Saw a couple of the blokes at the weekend Mundy,all glad that you're OK, good luck, hope the rebuild is quick and without dramas.

18-10-2005, 09:16 PM
that wood be monkeyboy an AC. did he have the gorrilla suit out?

18-10-2005, 09:16 PM
that wood be monkeyboy an AC. did he have the gorrilla suit out?

19-10-2005, 06:54 AM
Didn't notice any monkey suit, copped a bit of glare off the noggin though.

19-10-2005, 06:54 AM
Didn't notice any monkey suit, copped a bit of glare off the noggin though.

19-10-2005, 10:16 AM
Hey Mundy,

Re: "the word,"BRAIN" is between "AR$%#HOLE & C@#NT.thats if ya have one?".

Most people unfortunate enough to know me say, although I sit down to pee I don't have a "C@#NT", don't use the "BRAIN" in me skull and generally talk through me "AR$%#HOLE"...

Anyway, enough takin' the piss. It is good to hear that you're on the mend.

19-10-2005, 10:16 AM
Hey Mundy,

Re: "the word,"BRAIN" is between "AR$%#HOLE & C@#NT.thats if ya have one?".

Most people unfortunate enough to know me say, although I sit down to pee I don't have a "C@#NT", don't use the "BRAIN" in me skull and generally talk through me "AR$%#HOLE"...

Anyway, enough takin' the piss. It is good to hear that you're on the mend.

19-10-2005, 11:05 AM
A story about mechanical failures.

Many years ago when I was young n bullet proof n first livin in WA, I organised a group ride out of Perth. As we were largely a group of loonies - av. speed 240+ etc etc mostly around town at 3am..., I requested that everyone stay close to speed limit until we were 100km out of town (ie away from most heavily piece of road in WA). This lasted all of 500m before the race was on. Anyway, 80km out of Perth was the first police roadblock for our group for the day - it seems they took offence at 12 of us overtaking as senior WA traffic cop over double at over 220km/h. Some how, no-one was arrested or beaten or booked and we continued on to lunch. After lunch (getting close the bit about mech failure), there was this massive straight leading into a sweeping left hand corner. I was fourth bike on the road and about 100m behind bike 3. We were all travelling at about 250km/h. Bikes 1 & 2 slowed to around 170km/h for the corner whilst bike 3 (a green ZXR750) continued on at 250, overtakin the other two on the outside of the corner all buckin n weavin n wild n stuff. At the next town, we were all amazed at the bravery of Mr ZXR - "wow man, that was wild... what possed you to do that..." etc etc. Mr ZXR - "I didn't have any choice... I didn't have any front brakes...new pads were put in yesterday, they've fallen out...". We all agreed that we should head back to the machanic's shop and burn it down (figuratively) until Mr ZXR rather sheepishly admitted he'd fitted the pads himself and forgotten the safety pin!! Doh!

19-10-2005, 11:05 AM
A story about mechanical failures.

Many years ago when I was young n bullet proof n first livin in WA, I organised a group ride out of Perth. As we were largely a group of loonies - av. speed 240+ etc etc mostly around town at 3am..., I requested that everyone stay close to speed limit until we were 100km out of town (ie away from most heavily piece of road in WA). This lasted all of 500m before the race was on. Anyway, 80km out of Perth was the first police roadblock for our group for the day - it seems they took offence at 12 of us overtaking as senior WA traffic cop over double at over 220km/h. Some how, no-one was arrested or beaten or booked and we continued on to lunch. After lunch (getting close the bit about mech failure), there was this massive straight leading into a sweeping left hand corner. I was fourth bike on the road and about 100m behind bike 3. We were all travelling at about 250km/h. Bikes 1 & 2 slowed to around 170km/h for the corner whilst bike 3 (a green ZXR750) continued on at 250, overtakin the other two on the outside of the corner all buckin n weavin n wild n stuff. At the next town, we were all amazed at the bravery of Mr ZXR - "wow man, that was wild... what possed you to do that..." etc etc. Mr ZXR - "I didn't have any choice... I didn't have any front brakes...new pads were put in yesterday, they've fallen out...". We all agreed that we should head back to the machanic's shop and burn it down (figuratively) until Mr ZXR rather sheepishly admitted he'd fitted the pads himself and forgotten the safety pin!! Doh!

19-10-2005, 11:59 AM
Now that's lucky - very lucky. Lucky he's alive that is. No front brakes at that speed makes for a big laundry bill.

19-10-2005, 11:59 AM
Now that's lucky - very lucky. Lucky he's alive that is. No front brakes at that speed makes for a big laundry bill.

19-10-2005, 09:08 PM
Mad one thanks for the quote. i think a set of straite bars, for the K5 would be much cheaper than $4.2K. So we could have 2 K5 fighters now both in yellow & Black.
(Confused, Camera boy tried to run a B' double off the road coming home from the island) the K5 Gixer lost & UK Camera boy is the luckiest bar steward in the world. 8inches to the left and it would have been a very sad story. I thank the driving skill of the truck driver as this accident was 100% rider error.

Hope you all had a safe trip home I did the motor bike iron man after the accident and rode home in one day 15hours , never again, Monkey boy you are mad to do that each year.;)

Hoo Roo AC.

19-10-2005, 09:08 PM
Mad one thanks for the quote. i think a set of straite bars, for the K5 would be much cheaper than $4.2K. So we could have 2 K5 fighters now both in yellow & Black.
(Confused, Camera boy tried to run a B' double off the road coming home from the island) the K5 Gixer lost & UK Camera boy is the luckiest bar steward in the world. 8inches to the left and it would have been a very sad story. I thank the driving skill of the truck driver as this accident was 100% rider error.

Hope you all had a safe trip home I did the motor bike iron man after the accident and rode home in one day 15hours , never again, Monkey boy you are mad to do that each year.;)

Hoo Roo AC.

20-10-2005, 03:08 PM
Mad it sounds like u been havin toooooo much fun again

20-10-2005, 03:08 PM
Mad it sounds like u been havin toooooo much fun again

21-10-2005, 06:25 PM
on ya mundy! i stopped in to see you and get some bits on the way home, but it just happened to be your day off...what are the odds.
oh well, talk to ya soon, before i spend my leftover cash i hope, need brake pads etc. tah tah, glad you are better. give us a yell if you want me to stand around like an idiot making irritating observations and drinking your beer whilst you work on the bike. i'll bring Casey to annoy you even more!

21-10-2005, 06:25 PM
on ya mundy! i stopped in to see you and get some bits on the way home, but it just happened to be your day off...what are the odds.
oh well, talk to ya soon, before i spend my leftover cash i hope, need brake pads etc. tah tah, glad you are better. give us a yell if you want me to stand around like an idiot making irritating observations and drinking your beer whilst you work on the bike. i'll bring Casey to annoy you even more!