View Full Version : WHERE ARE THE WOMEN??

Angry Guy
01-10-2005, 08:35 AM
Where are all the women at? Do you have any female members? I'd like to get some input from the women folk, if they ride and what? pictures would be nice, all of my pictures I have are of guys, it would be nice to get some made up , that I can display on the walls of my shop, I don't mean nudie pictures, actual women that ride streetfighters. Thanks and no I'm not a perve, well maybe alittle.

01-10-2005, 09:11 AM
ive been called a bitch b4 at some of the clubs i go to . does that count. can i send some pics. im willing to get naked.

01-10-2005, 09:11 AM
ive been called a bitch b4 at some of the clubs i go to . does that count. can i send some pics. im willing to get naked.

01-10-2005, 09:35 AM
http://www.streetfighters.com.au/forum/upload/P1010004.JPGthis is a oldy but a goody. [:p] its the ex and all the locals would know its at the bottom car park at toombul[8D]

01-10-2005, 09:35 AM
http://www.streetfighters.com.au/forum/upload/P1010004.JPGthis is a oldy but a goody. [:p] its the ex and all the locals would know its at the bottom car park at toombul[8D]

01-10-2005, 12:58 PM
they're all at home making sure the post ride beers are ready...... [:X]

01-10-2005, 12:58 PM
they're all at home making sure the post ride beers are ready...... [:X]

03-10-2005, 10:06 PM
Plenty at Syd fag fest - dikes en bikes

03-10-2005, 10:06 PM
Plenty at Syd fag fest - dikes en bikes

Angry Guy
05-10-2005, 12:13 AM
SO, you don't have alot of women who ride? It's nice to see here that there is alot of women out there riding and not saddled in behind their hubbies. The only shitty part is most of them are riding harleys, head to toe harley, makes me sick.At least they are riding 2 wheels, and getting into the whole experience of riding and not being a passenger, don't mind them on my bike, but I'd rather look at them riding, and see the look on there faces, as they experience the rush we all feel of riding.Christ I sound like a fag, sorry it won't happen again.

Angry Guy
05-10-2005, 12:13 AM
SO, you don't have alot of women who ride? It's nice to see here that there is alot of women out there riding and not saddled in behind their hubbies. The only shitty part is most of them are riding harleys, head to toe harley, makes me sick.At least they are riding 2 wheels, and getting into the whole experience of riding and not being a passenger, don't mind them on my bike, but I'd rather look at them riding, and see the look on there faces, as they experience the rush we all feel of riding.Christ I sound like a fag, sorry it won't happen again.

05-10-2005, 12:23 PM
Yeah, but, I mean, ummmm, feck it..........

Let's face it guys, the fewer chick's riding the fewer riders we have to wait for [:o)]

Runs and hides before Claire and co turn up [V]

05-10-2005, 12:23 PM
Yeah, but, I mean, ummmm, feck it..........

Let's face it guys, the fewer chick's riding the fewer riders we have to wait for [:o)]

Runs and hides before Claire and co turn up [V]

06-10-2005, 03:45 PM
you're an arse Mr Chalk, but not a huge one, as you are putting me up next week (i hope!)
Last time i looked i was a woman, Angry, I ride a new z1000 so not a "REAL" streetfighter, but a lovely naked bike.
hmmmmm pix...we'll see[^]

06-10-2005, 03:45 PM
you're an arse Mr Chalk, but not a huge one, as you are putting me up next week (i hope!)
Last time i looked i was a woman, Angry, I ride a new z1000 so not a "REAL" streetfighter, but a lovely naked bike.
hmmmmm pix...we'll see[^]

07-10-2005, 04:41 PM
Yeah, I'll still put you up Claire :)

My daughter's getting sick of me sitting here all night taking the piss, so she'll be glad to see another victim [^]

07-10-2005, 04:41 PM
Yeah, I'll still put you up Claire :)

My daughter's getting sick of me sitting here all night taking the piss, so she'll be glad to see another victim [^]

07-10-2005, 04:42 PM
Yeah, I'll still put you up Claire :)

My daughter's getting sick of me sitting here all night taking the piss, so she'll be glad to see another victim [^]

07-10-2005, 04:42 PM
Yeah, I'll still put you up Claire :)

My daughter's getting sick of me sitting here all night taking the piss, so she'll be glad to see another victim [^]

07-10-2005, 06:38 PM
Angry, at the track days i run we seem to get bugger all women, a few but then the idiots on bigger bikes scare the piss out of them by doing stupid stuff.

But i know of a couple who scare the piss out of the blokes when they take their helmet off at end of a session and the bloke on the R1 finds out the "bloke" on the 400 they couldn't pass, was a chick.

Any way we need more chicks on bikes!

07-10-2005, 06:38 PM
Angry, at the track days i run we seem to get bugger all women, a few but then the idiots on bigger bikes scare the piss out of them by doing stupid stuff.

But i know of a couple who scare the piss out of the blokes when they take their helmet off at end of a session and the bloke on the R1 finds out the "bloke" on the 400 they couldn't pass, was a chick.

Any way we need more chicks on bikes!

07-10-2005, 06:55 PM
Wot shits me about alot of the girls who want to play motorcycles these days is that as soon as things get nasty (ie - any conditions/situations other than perfect) or even the most basic work is needed on the bike (eg. checking tyre pressures), then they go all sooky and girly-girl and expect the guys to fix it for them. Then again, I've probably just described about half the newby guys who ride these days too!!

I ain't sayin' girls shouldn't ride or shouldn't be encouraged to ride or aren't better riders than the guys - a kick-arse girl who rides has to be one of the best things out - just if they/anyone wants to play, then they shouldn't expect special treatment or anyone else to carry them.

I'm confused now...

07-10-2005, 06:55 PM
Wot shits me about alot of the girls who want to play motorcycles these days is that as soon as things get nasty (ie - any conditions/situations other than perfect) or even the most basic work is needed on the bike (eg. checking tyre pressures), then they go all sooky and girly-girl and expect the guys to fix it for them. Then again, I've probably just described about half the newby guys who ride these days too!!

I ain't sayin' girls shouldn't ride or shouldn't be encouraged to ride or aren't better riders than the guys - a kick-arse girl who rides has to be one of the best things out - just if they/anyone wants to play, then they shouldn't expect special treatment or anyone else to carry them.

I'm confused now...

07-10-2005, 08:43 PM
Hornet-Boy my bike needs a service when you've got time.....





07-10-2005, 08:43 PM
Hornet-Boy my bike needs a service when you've got time.....





07-10-2005, 09:15 PM
Ohhh my pet hate men who generalize: P:P – More and more females are ridding all the time and there are a lot of good female riders on top bikes – who care for them themselves.

I ride a gsxr1100 -with lots of plastics lol
I can proudly say I have done it up my self, I do 95% of all work thats done to it. I get advice etc from others but like to do the work myself. I'm the 1st to admit my bike "looks" to big for me
Lots of guys both riders & non rides drive me mad, assume its not mine, or if it is I brought it like that, oh and of course that I can't ride for shit.
The people I ride with give me no concessions for being female - nor do I ask for any. It’s quite the opposite, people continually want me to prove myself just because I'm a female, they assume they ride better than me.
Happily I can say I can out ride a lot of guys out there - and those I can't keep looking in your mirror lol cause maybe 1 day :):):)

07-10-2005, 09:15 PM
Ohhh my pet hate men who generalize: P:P – More and more females are ridding all the time and there are a lot of good female riders on top bikes – who care for them themselves.

I ride a gsxr1100 -with lots of plastics lol
I can proudly say I have done it up my self, I do 95% of all work thats done to it. I get advice etc from others but like to do the work myself. I'm the 1st to admit my bike "looks" to big for me
Lots of guys both riders & non rides drive me mad, assume its not mine, or if it is I brought it like that, oh and of course that I can't ride for shit.
The people I ride with give me no concessions for being female - nor do I ask for any. It’s quite the opposite, people continually want me to prove myself just because I'm a female, they assume they ride better than me.
Happily I can say I can out ride a lot of guys out there - and those I can't keep looking in your mirror lol cause maybe 1 day :):):)

07-10-2005, 09:22 PM
nice response Jo,you go girl. wish there was more out there like you. 1 day i will be happy.

07-10-2005, 09:22 PM
nice response Jo,you go girl. wish there was more out there like you. 1 day i will be happy.

Angry Guy
07-10-2005, 11:28 PM
Hey Gsxar, I guess I should apologize for opening up that can of worms, just wanted to get feed back from the females who ride and possibly ride streetfighters.I don't want you to think I'm some kind of hound(not all the time), I own a shop and it would be cool to make some wall hangings of women that ride(sport bikes/streetfighters).I like your attitude, and not because your a women rider, because your a rider with heart, and someday us guys will lose the attitude about women riders and just see another person who is a potential riding partner and fellow enthusiast.Keep it up.

Angry Guy
07-10-2005, 11:28 PM
Hey Gsxar, I guess I should apologize for opening up that can of worms, just wanted to get feed back from the females who ride and possibly ride streetfighters.I don't want you to think I'm some kind of hound(not all the time), I own a shop and it would be cool to make some wall hangings of women that ride(sport bikes/streetfighters).I like your attitude, and not because your a women rider, because your a rider with heart, and someday us guys will lose the attitude about women riders and just see another person who is a potential riding partner and fellow enthusiast.Keep it up.

08-10-2005, 01:13 AM
Well said Jo, look forward to meeting you at the GP, If you're going to be there that is.

08-10-2005, 01:13 AM
Well said Jo, look forward to meeting you at the GP, If you're going to be there that is.

08-10-2005, 07:30 AM
quote:Originally posted by davo

nice response Jo,you go girl. wish there was more out there like you. 1 day i will be happy.

Fuck me, pick the Oprah fan.


So Davo, do you get into Dr Phil as well?

Just like my 13 yr old daughter? [:I]

08-10-2005, 07:30 AM
quote:Originally posted by davo

nice response Jo,you go girl. wish there was more out there like you. 1 day i will be happy.

Fuck me, pick the Oprah fan.


So Davo, do you get into Dr Phil as well?

Just like my 13 yr old daughter? [:I]

08-10-2005, 10:52 AM
Ahhhh Dr Phil. Nothing like telling it how it is! lol

I see lots of chick riders on sports bikes and of course the harley riding moles but not many on other types of bikes.


08-10-2005, 10:52 AM
Ahhhh Dr Phil. Nothing like telling it how it is! lol

I see lots of chick riders on sports bikes and of course the harley riding moles but not many on other types of bikes.


08-10-2005, 03:27 PM
yes chalk,Rikki Lake and Judge Judy as well as good porn fillums.:D

08-10-2005, 03:27 PM
yes chalk,Rikki Lake and Judge Judy as well as good porn fillums.:D

08-10-2005, 06:57 PM
Once you have you helmet on, ceases to matter if you’re male or female just shut up & ride :PP

Was planning on going to the Barry Sheen ride – then on to camping at the Gp, but as usual now every1 is pulling out. Hope to make it for the whole weekend, if not definitely be there on Saturday.

08-10-2005, 06:57 PM
Once you have you helmet on, ceases to matter if you’re male or female just shut up & ride :PP

Was planning on going to the Barry Sheen ride – then on to camping at the Gp, but as usual now every1 is pulling out. Hope to make it for the whole weekend, if not definitely be there on Saturday.

08-10-2005, 09:47 PM
A friend set up this group, social riders,lots of emphasis on training.
She was telling me today about their last trip, twelve women runnin amuk at the pub in Rylstone.
Scary stuff.

08-10-2005, 09:47 PM
A friend set up this group, social riders,lots of emphasis on training.
She was telling me today about their last trip, twelve women runnin amuk at the pub in Rylstone.
Scary stuff.

10-10-2005, 09:48 AM
i bin riding 14 years and didnt know anyone when i got my first bike, so i was forced to learn pretty quick how to do all the stuff. its the primary reason i finally got a naked bike, i got so dam sick of pissing about with fairings and belly pans every time i did the oil n filter, and plugs, dont get me started about plugs on a big yam, ya need a telescope to see them all the way down in their little caves.
i do me brake pads n fluid too, but thats about it. just ask Mundy about the bloomin cam chain on the yam, that'll be the last time i take the lid off one. used to do the clutch on my first bike, but not any more.
I hit a kangaroo once, about 4 years ago on the way to the island, and that really was the end of my love affair with plastic sided sporties.
so... up yer bum "mr" hornet![:o)]
Jo, i'll be at the island trackside from Friday am onwards, hope to see ya there...got a shirt?

10-10-2005, 09:48 AM
i bin riding 14 years and didnt know anyone when i got my first bike, so i was forced to learn pretty quick how to do all the stuff. its the primary reason i finally got a naked bike, i got so dam sick of pissing about with fairings and belly pans every time i did the oil n filter, and plugs, dont get me started about plugs on a big yam, ya need a telescope to see them all the way down in their little caves.
i do me brake pads n fluid too, but thats about it. just ask Mundy about the bloomin cam chain on the yam, that'll be the last time i take the lid off one. used to do the clutch on my first bike, but not any more.
I hit a kangaroo once, about 4 years ago on the way to the island, and that really was the end of my love affair with plastic sided sporties.
so... up yer bum "mr" hornet![:o)]
Jo, i'll be at the island trackside from Friday am onwards, hope to see ya there...got a shirt?

10-10-2005, 09:50 AM
cor..that were long.
only 340 posts till i get to be an angry disrespectful disregarder of things...

10-10-2005, 09:50 AM
cor..that were long.
only 340 posts till i get to be an angry disrespectful disregarder of things...

10-10-2005, 10:17 AM
Before ya lynch me, I refer y'all back to:

"I ain't sayin' girls shouldn't ride or shouldn't be encouraged to ride or aren't better riders than the guys - a kick-arse girl who rides has to be one of the best things out - just if they/anyone wants to play, then they shouldn't expect special treatment or anyone else to carry them."

Both CB & Gsxar - yer showing yer real - ie "kick-arse". Not like the newby softcocks that seem to be infesting motorcycling - eg. if you need an article in TwoWheels mag to "tell you" how to go weekend/road touring, then perhaps motorcycling is abit too tough for you - I mean how difficult, ride bike to somewhere, anywhere, have fun, don't crash.

My point - poorly expressed - should have read

"Wot shits me about alot of the newbys who want to play motorcycles these days is that as soon as things get nasty (ie - any conditions/situations other than perfect) or even the most basic work is needed on the bike (eg. checking tyre pressures), then they go all sooky and woosie and expect others to fix it for them."

10-10-2005, 10:17 AM
Before ya lynch me, I refer y'all back to:

"I ain't sayin' girls shouldn't ride or shouldn't be encouraged to ride or aren't better riders than the guys - a kick-arse girl who rides has to be one of the best things out - just if they/anyone wants to play, then they shouldn't expect special treatment or anyone else to carry them."

Both CB & Gsxar - yer showing yer real - ie "kick-arse". Not like the newby softcocks that seem to be infesting motorcycling - eg. if you need an article in TwoWheels mag to "tell you" how to go weekend/road touring, then perhaps motorcycling is abit too tough for you - I mean how difficult, ride bike to somewhere, anywhere, have fun, don't crash.

My point - poorly expressed - should have read

"Wot shits me about alot of the newbys who want to play motorcycles these days is that as soon as things get nasty (ie - any conditions/situations other than perfect) or even the most basic work is needed on the bike (eg. checking tyre pressures), then they go all sooky and woosie and expect others to fix it for them."

10-10-2005, 10:41 AM
i love it here! its so easy to get your jollies

10-10-2005, 10:41 AM
i love it here! its so easy to get your jollies

10-10-2005, 10:49 AM
Hey Mr Angry Guy,

Just re-read your last post - you're not soundin' very angry appologising n stuff...

PS: Just takin' the piss (translation: Oz - for havin' fun)

10-10-2005, 10:49 AM
Hey Mr Angry Guy,

Just re-read your last post - you're not soundin' very angry appologising n stuff...

PS: Just takin' the piss (translation: Oz - for havin' fun)

10-10-2005, 11:25 AM
you got to be first post on page 2! lucky thing you!

10-10-2005, 11:25 AM
you got to be first post on page 2! lucky thing you!

10-10-2005, 12:13 PM
What happens when you hit 200 Claire? Still weekend warrior?

P.S. Taking the piss = hanging shit = having fun (generally at someone else's expense) = the Aussie way

10-10-2005, 12:13 PM
What happens when you hit 200 Claire? Still weekend warrior?

P.S. Taking the piss = hanging shit = having fun (generally at someone else's expense) = the Aussie way

10-10-2005, 01:16 PM
Women on bikes? Angry - Check out Kali7, she's a member too: http://www.streetfighters.com.au/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=598

10-10-2005, 01:16 PM
Women on bikes? Angry - Check out Kali7, she's a member too: http://www.streetfighters.com.au/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=598

10-10-2005, 02:20 PM
is that 200kph?
things get blurry, and its up around 10.5 grand and breathing like a dragon. i cant do monos like Kali7 tho! tsk! these sydneysiders...more money than sense (i'm as green as my bike!)

10-10-2005, 02:20 PM
is that 200kph?
things get blurry, and its up around 10.5 grand and breathing like a dragon. i cant do monos like Kali7 tho! tsk! these sydneysiders...more money than sense (i'm as green as my bike!)

10-10-2005, 02:58 PM
Life begins at 200........But I was referring to your post count

10-10-2005, 02:58 PM
Life begins at 200........But I was referring to your post count

10-10-2005, 03:23 PM
i aspire to be a law disregarding thingy...i like the colour of the stars..

10-10-2005, 03:23 PM
i aspire to be a law disregarding thingy...i like the colour of the stars..