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View Full Version : Ebay issue

08-09-2005, 12:05 AM
Fellow Biker Scum,
Reading thru some of these posts re; OZKAT's stuff on Ebay, it occured to me that a few members of this list are probly interested in similar shit as far as bits for our scoots goes. I personally buy & sell a bit of shit (& occasionally some good stuff too!) from there & I was thinking that we could possibly be bidding for the same items sometimes, It might be an idea to collate a list of our Ebay usernames to avoid this, no point bidding against each other & jacking up the price.
The only drama I can see is if two of us REALLY want a particular bit or piece - who gets priority? whoever saw it first? whoever has the biggest gun? I'd be interested to hear any solutions, or is all fair in love & Ebay & it's every man for himself & fuck everyone?
Also, it sometimes happens that a seller won't send stuff interstate (pickup only) or wants bullshit $$ to send it, I'm willing to check out/pickup/forward shit for interstaters (within reason of course), anyone else willing to do the same?

08-09-2005, 11:50 AM
I do it very rarely, but if I can forward it on from the Gold Coast for you I would mate. 9 times out of 10 Shayno would have won it/be selling it anyway!

08-09-2005, 11:50 AM
I do it very rarely, but if I can forward it on from the Gold Coast for you I would mate. 9 times out of 10 Shayno would have won it/be selling it anyway!

08-09-2005, 05:39 PM
like Gix i also do it very rarely (bloody women and their morals)
could be a hard one to police turbokat because chances are as you said alot of us are shopping for the same shit- he with the deepest pockets wins.

08-09-2005, 05:39 PM
like Gix i also do it very rarely (bloody women and their morals)
could be a hard one to police turbokat because chances are as you said alot of us are shopping for the same shit- he with the deepest pockets wins.