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View Full Version : Time ta start stripping the beastie.

25-08-2005, 03:57 PM
Took bike out to play at lunch-time, top day, low traffic, halfwit in control, mono's down Adelaide Ave as I'm heading towards Pelican House, then Oooops, that's a cop coming up an on-ramp in front of me,
touched the rear just a tad too much, and the front came down hard. I'm too busy looking for ways to do a runner, in case plod wants a chat, to notice that my dash has snapped all it's mounts, and is being held in place only by cables and wiring.[:I]

Guess that's a reminder that I'm supposed to be removing all that crap anyway.[:o)]

Daughters buying me some flat bars for Father's day, and I'm getting risers made up this weekend, so I guess I might as well start searching for a replacement dash unit.:D[:p]

25-08-2005, 04:33 PM
Nice work Chalky. If you're gonna bust stuff do it in style.

25-08-2005, 04:33 PM
Nice work Chalky. If you're gonna bust stuff do it in style.

25-08-2005, 09:18 PM
gota love fathers day,cant wait till my dirt magnets stop buyin me $2 survival kits an get jobs so they can afford real prezzies,maybe they're tryin to tell me somthin.but then again,last time i took the boy 4 a spin(7 yo)all i could hear was "faster Dad",doin well over 180klm/h.rekon its in the blood. but then again,took the daughter(11 yo) 4 a spin straight after an she shat herself at 50klm/h.maybe its not all in the blood.anyhow Chalk,cant wait to see the finished product mate.;)

25-08-2005, 09:18 PM
gota love fathers day,cant wait till my dirt magnets stop buyin me $2 survival kits an get jobs so they can afford real prezzies,maybe they're tryin to tell me somthin.but then again,last time i took the boy 4 a spin(7 yo)all i could hear was "faster Dad",doin well over 180klm/h.rekon its in the blood. but then again,took the daughter(11 yo) 4 a spin straight after an she shat herself at 50klm/h.maybe its not all in the blood.anyhow Chalk,cant wait to see the finished product mate.;)