View Full Version : Coffs write up

19-08-2005, 02:33 PM
Ok ladies. It's done. Get to it from next to the Ninja on the home page or click this link:


19-08-2005, 06:12 PM
Appologies by the mad one for not attending,(please accept)bike is still not fixed.so it will happen,am in the process of doig major life style change.Deano left this morn & fromwot i imagine he had a great time.My door is allways open for you my friend.SEE YOU AT THE ISLAND

19-08-2005, 06:12 PM
Appologies by the mad one for not attending,(please accept)bike is still not fixed.so it will happen,am in the process of doig major life style change.Deano left this morn & fromwot i imagine he had a great time.My door is allways open for you my friend.SEE YOU AT THE ISLAND

19-08-2005, 07:48 PM
Hey Gix, Awesome write up mate ! Laughed my arse off from the memories !

19-08-2005, 07:48 PM
Hey Gix, Awesome write up mate ! Laughed my arse off from the memories !

19-08-2005, 08:42 PM
and such flattering pictures!!

19-08-2005, 08:42 PM
and such flattering pictures!!

19-08-2005, 11:10 PM
good write up as per usual Gix,thank fuk my red dress has dissapeared from the home page (finally).how good does that black n red Suzuki look in the write up,thing must be off its guts(like its owner):D.
thanx 4 not including any incriminating footage mate,my GF was peering over my shoulder as i was reading it,so i was waiting for the big thick ear bakhander as i scrolled down the page.the memmories r a bit of a blur but the foto's r helpin bring it all back to me.do i win a new back tyre for cleaning up the awards section???
Coffs wasn't a bad venue,maybe we should make it the annual run pub stop instead of Macksville.Lookin like we mite have a full booking next april so we mite need extra accommodation.Maxville has two pubs,the Nambucca an the Star, so should cater for about 40-50 punters if needed.but coffs has better night life,spewin we didnt make it to the Plantation Hotel,thats where all the action is.[xx(]

19-08-2005, 11:10 PM
good write up as per usual Gix,thank fuk my red dress has dissapeared from the home page (finally).how good does that black n red Suzuki look in the write up,thing must be off its guts(like its owner):D.
thanx 4 not including any incriminating footage mate,my GF was peering over my shoulder as i was reading it,so i was waiting for the big thick ear bakhander as i scrolled down the page.the memmories r a bit of a blur but the foto's r helpin bring it all back to me.do i win a new back tyre for cleaning up the awards section???
Coffs wasn't a bad venue,maybe we should make it the annual run pub stop instead of Macksville.Lookin like we mite have a full booking next april so we mite need extra accommodation.Maxville has two pubs,the Nambucca an the Star, so should cater for about 40-50 punters if needed.but coffs has better night life,spewin we didnt make it to the Plantation Hotel,thats where all the action is.[xx(]

19-08-2005, 11:32 PM
Davo you were lucky to make it upstairs let alone the Plantation Hotel.

19-08-2005, 11:32 PM
Davo you were lucky to make it upstairs let alone the Plantation Hotel.

19-08-2005, 11:49 PM
yeah mate,that part of the night is still missing in my fuked up memmory.If only i had hit the showers an put on my aftershave earlier in the night,i would av landed that yung hussy behind Deano,an eased off the piss.oh well,there's always next time.

19-08-2005, 11:49 PM
yeah mate,that part of the night is still missing in my fuked up memmory.If only i had hit the showers an put on my aftershave earlier in the night,i would av landed that yung hussy behind Deano,an eased off the piss.oh well,there's always next time.

19-08-2005, 11:54 PM
Blokes world is on now,check me out at the outdoor nationals.thats me with the Motul chix under each arm.2 3rd's and a 4th.fukin kiwi's were just too good on the day.Connondale is a fukin brilliant track

19-08-2005, 11:54 PM
Blokes world is on now,check me out at the outdoor nationals.thats me with the Motul chix under each arm.2 3rd's and a 4th.fukin kiwi's were just too good on the day.Connondale is a fukin brilliant track

20-08-2005, 12:04 AM
come on davo stop talking your self up plus i still owe you a beer for the april fools run

20-08-2005, 12:04 AM
come on davo stop talking your self up plus i still owe you a beer for the april fools run

20-08-2005, 12:09 AM
na mate,you aonly bought me 1 at Coffs,so you still owe me 5 more.keep postin mate,your nearly a pizza boy.:D

20-08-2005, 12:09 AM
na mate,you aonly bought me 1 at Coffs,so you still owe me 5 more.keep postin mate,your nearly a pizza boy.:D

20-08-2005, 12:15 AM
yeah ive been working on my bike in the garage not sitting on my ass on a computer talking about shit

20-08-2005, 12:15 AM
yeah ive been working on my bike in the garage not sitting on my ass on a computer talking about shit

20-08-2005, 12:20 AM
well where's the finished product.i'm not talkin shit,i'm talkin fuckin shit.shouldn't you be in sydney pickin up that new van?

20-08-2005, 12:20 AM
well where's the finished product.i'm not talkin shit,i'm talkin fuckin shit.shouldn't you be in sydney pickin up that new van?

20-08-2005, 12:30 AM
just get that swingarm out Huddo..... you know where i live

20-08-2005, 12:30 AM
just get that swingarm out Huddo..... you know where i live

20-08-2005, 12:33 AM
the Ninja is still watching.see blokes world mate. National pole dancing comp was awsome.

20-08-2005, 12:33 AM
the Ninja is still watching.see blokes world mate. National pole dancing comp was awsome.

20-08-2005, 12:38 AM
Ninja always watches BW Grasshopper..... Blokes World should be on telly every night instead of ACA, Quality viewing.

20-08-2005, 12:38 AM
Ninja always watches BW Grasshopper..... Blokes World should be on telly every night instead of ACA, Quality viewing.

20-08-2005, 12:38 AM
in your dreaming i might keep that swingarm just to tess you but it looks shit hot

20-08-2005, 12:38 AM
in your dreaming i might keep that swingarm just to tess you but it looks shit hot

20-08-2005, 12:47 AM
but your givin it to Gix aint you? howsa my new master cylinder lookin?

20-08-2005, 12:47 AM
but your givin it to Gix aint you? howsa my new master cylinder lookin?

20-08-2005, 12:51 AM
Two bikes need two master cylinders. I have two bikes to feed. If I find one in a box somewhere it's yours. I've already found 3 sets of triple calmps in the box. Who knows, there may be an extra master cylinder?

20-08-2005, 12:51 AM
Two bikes need two master cylinders. I have two bikes to feed. If I find one in a box somewhere it's yours. I've already found 3 sets of triple calmps in the box. Who knows, there may be an extra master cylinder?

20-08-2005, 12:52 AM
Huddo is turning into a posting WHORE!!

20-08-2005, 12:52 AM
Huddo is turning into a posting WHORE!!

20-08-2005, 12:55 AM
hava nother look in that box for that extra JMC swinger

20-08-2005, 12:55 AM
hava nother look in that box for that extra JMC swinger

20-08-2005, 12:56 AM
ya can only ride 1 bike at at a time mate.unless ya been to maxvillepub.ya must be as happy as a pig in shit.

20-08-2005, 12:56 AM
ya can only ride 1 bike at at a time mate.unless ya been to maxvillepub.ya must be as happy as a pig in shit.

20-08-2005, 12:59 AM
oh shit now im a whore so you dont want that swigarm then and yes there was a spare

20-08-2005, 12:59 AM
oh shit now im a whore so you dont want that swigarm then and yes there was a spare

20-08-2005, 01:02 AM
oh no..... i said "Huddo u da man" but Davo keeps hackin my pc and muckin thing up MATE.

20-08-2005, 01:02 AM
oh no..... i said "Huddo u da man" but Davo keeps hackin my pc and muckin thing up MATE.

20-08-2005, 01:08 AM
yeah coz i'm a PC guru an i know how to do that kinda shit,gaard gota get me a new pewda so i can install fotoshop,then ya's will all be ridin disco ball fighters just like mine.

20-08-2005, 01:08 AM
yeah coz i'm a PC guru an i know how to do that kinda shit,gaard gota get me a new pewda so i can install fotoshop,then ya's will all be ridin disco ball fighters just like mine.

20-08-2005, 01:09 AM
Not likely, the only thing Davo is hacking is his bike.

20-08-2005, 01:09 AM
Not likely, the only thing Davo is hacking is his bike.

20-08-2005, 01:15 AM
wouldn't be a fighter if it wasn't hacked. shooosh i'm watchin Hotdogs up late. what a cock.

20-08-2005, 01:15 AM
wouldn't be a fighter if it wasn't hacked. shooosh i'm watchin Hotdogs up late. what a cock.

20-08-2005, 01:18 AM
That's sad. You're on your own.

20-08-2005, 01:18 AM
That's sad. You're on your own.

20-08-2005, 01:24 AM
na,just me an the Dogs.cant believe i'm still watchin TV.glad there's no stairs in my house.

20-08-2005, 01:24 AM
na,just me an the Dogs.cant believe i'm still watchin TV.glad there's no stairs in my house.

22-08-2005, 05:28 PM
well i made it back in one piece.
it was a great trip up north to meet you bunch that i would be happy to do again (with other vic members nest time) it was great to put a face to the names/posts.
thank you to those that let me crash with them and take the time to show me around.

For all you other vic members it is a long trip but well and truly worth it no excuses next time.

once again thank you to all that were involved.

22-08-2005, 05:28 PM
well i made it back in one piece.
it was a great trip up north to meet you bunch that i would be happy to do again (with other vic members nest time) it was great to put a face to the names/posts.
thank you to those that let me crash with them and take the time to show me around.

For all you other vic members it is a long trip but well and truly worth it no excuses next time.

once again thank you to all that were involved.

22-08-2005, 06:38 PM
mighty fine effort Deano,see ya at the Island for another round of ale's mate.

22-08-2005, 06:38 PM
mighty fine effort Deano,see ya at the Island for another round of ale's mate.

22-08-2005, 08:01 PM
Deano, I'm planing to go up for the April fool run if your interested??? Along with anyone else from Vic.

22-08-2005, 08:01 PM
Deano, I'm planing to go up for the April fool run if your interested??? Along with anyone else from Vic.

23-08-2005, 05:20 PM
foxy - if i get my way i will be at april fools run
to good davo

23-08-2005, 05:20 PM
foxy - if i get my way i will be at april fools run
to good davo

06-09-2005, 07:48 PM
Wowsers, seems i missed a good ride...i hope the next one is coming up soon cus im right up for that shit! gr8 story gix!

06-09-2005, 07:48 PM
Wowsers, seems i missed a good ride...i hope the next one is coming up soon cus im right up for that shit! gr8 story gix!

06-09-2005, 10:21 PM
thinkin of organising an Xmas run down to Byron for the northern punters. Lined up a backpacker joint on main beach last time i was there with secure parking an about 50 metres from main beach hotel,(that place is full of Scandinavian pussy). The rail bar is also a good waterhole to start a pub crawl.
good back roads on the way down,then a short stumble back up the highway the next day.i'll stick a topic up soon an see if anyone is interested.;)

06-09-2005, 10:21 PM
thinkin of organising an Xmas run down to Byron for the northern punters. Lined up a backpacker joint on main beach last time i was there with secure parking an about 50 metres from main beach hotel,(that place is full of Scandinavian pussy). The rail bar is also a good waterhole to start a pub crawl.
good back roads on the way down,then a short stumble back up the highway the next day.i'll stick a topic up soon an see if anyone is interested.;)

06-09-2005, 10:48 PM
Fuck yea. You know I'm in for that one mate. The Railway has started many massive nights for me. Start there, head for the Great Northern, then the Beach front hotel, then havoc. Gotta do the Lismore, Nimbin, Wooden Bong area roundabout route too. Get it posted mate.

06-09-2005, 10:48 PM
Fuck yea. You know I'm in for that one mate. The Railway has started many massive nights for me. Start there, head for the Great Northern, then the Beach front hotel, then havoc. Gotta do the Lismore, Nimbin, Wooden Bong area roundabout route too. Get it posted mate.

06-09-2005, 11:00 PM
lunch at nimbin should be good for a laugh.[:p]. i'll scan the calender,rekon sumtime in Novemder should be the go.

06-09-2005, 11:00 PM
lunch at nimbin should be good for a laugh.[:p]. i'll scan the calender,rekon sumtime in Novemder should be the go.