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11-08-2005, 10:04 PM
Australia- The Right to Leave

Our Country - YOU Have the right - the right to leave !

After Sydney not wanting to offend other cultures by putting up Xmas

After hearing that the State of South Australia changed its opinion and
let a Muslim woman have her picture on her driver's license with her
face covered.

This prompted this editorial written by an Australian citizen.
Published in an Australian newspaper.


I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some
individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we
have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.

However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled when the
"politically correct" crowd began complaining about the possibility
that our patriotism was offending others. I am not against immigration,
nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by
coming to Australia.

However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to
our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand.

This idea of Australia being a multicultural community has served only
to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Australians, we
have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own

This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials
and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.

We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese,
Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part
of our society, Learn the language!

"In God We Trust" is our National Motto. This is not some Christian,
right wing, political slogan. We adopted this motto because Christian
men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this
is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on
the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you
consider another part of the world as your new home, Because God is
part of
our culture.

If the Southern Cross offends you, or you don't like " A Fair Go",
then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this

We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, And we
really don't care how you did things where you came from.

This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you
every opportunity to enjoy all this.

But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag,
Our Pledge, Our National Motto, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage
you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom,


If you aren't happy here then f#@* off! We didn't force you to come
here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.
Pretty easy really, when you think about it.

I figure if we all keep passing this to our friends (and enemies) it
will also, sooner or later get back to the complainers,
lets all try, please.
This should be read to all people considering coming to Australia to live.

11-08-2005, 10:50 PM
fuckin oath brothers.This is not Lebanon,i used to work after hours in the emergency repair industry,pulled up at the local petrol station for a packet of smokes at about 3am,an wadda ya know,at least 50 Lebs in about 5 cars(ricerboys)were there for their dinner,surrounding the doorway an spread through the shop.all i could hear was arckmaal an his mates crappin on in Lebo jargin about how easy they could rip off the shop,smash my brains in and root my girlfriend.Needless to say it was eyes to the ground the whole time i was there to save confrontation.felt sorry for the servo attendant because he could'nt leave.If that was a bunch of genuine Aussies i'd have joined em for a laugh an a dodgie hotdog,but these people have no intention of ever fitting into our society nor will they ever.they live by their own beliefs and always will,own beliefs bein they are human and everyone else is a terrorist an white chicks are there to be raped. a female frind of mine got bashed by three of these dirty pigs just before new years eve.she had a sticker on her car that read"kill Islamic pig fuckers". i still have access to these stickers if anyone would like 1.:(

11-08-2005, 10:50 PM
fuckin oath brothers.This is not Lebanon,i used to work after hours in the emergency repair industry,pulled up at the local petrol station for a packet of smokes at about 3am,an wadda ya know,at least 50 Lebs in about 5 cars(ricerboys)were there for their dinner,surrounding the doorway an spread through the shop.all i could hear was arckmaal an his mates crappin on in Lebo jargin about how easy they could rip off the shop,smash my brains in and root my girlfriend.Needless to say it was eyes to the ground the whole time i was there to save confrontation.felt sorry for the servo attendant because he could'nt leave.If that was a bunch of genuine Aussies i'd have joined em for a laugh an a dodgie hotdog,but these people have no intention of ever fitting into our society nor will they ever.they live by their own beliefs and always will,own beliefs bein they are human and everyone else is a terrorist an white chicks are there to be raped. a female frind of mine got bashed by three of these dirty pigs just before new years eve.she had a sticker on her car that read"kill Islamic pig fuckers". i still have access to these stickers if anyone would like 1.:(

13-08-2005, 04:46 PM
would love one davo

13-08-2005, 04:46 PM
would love one davo

14-08-2005, 11:33 AM
Yeah I'd rather see the traitors in our own society called to account, with the hangman's rope.

People like Marion Le, notice how she has stopped whining about refrugees not being terrorist after those refo scum in London. We don't see her coming out publicly and admitting that she has endangered the lives of her own countrymen with what we now see were nothing but blatant lies about whether we could really trust refo vermin. If one of them in Australia does go the terrorist route then we should hunt these whining advocates down and hang'em high, in public.

And what about that fuckwit scumbag Ian Melrose, he can't leach from us for his ethnic pets in East Timor through the courts, so now he's trying to con us with crawling, distortionate emotive ads - on the idiot box. If anyone has been HONESTLY looking at the East Timor situation they couldn't have failed to see that Alkatiri is completely corrupt and untrustworthy, and this whining fucken asshole wants to con us into providing more money for this scab and his cronies to rip off.
Melrose is just another whining traitor trying to rip us off, and he's allowed to do it because it makes a bunch of middle class housewives and fags feel goood about themselves. Geez we've got so much to be proud of in Australia these days.

There are too many people in the west these days who think that their emotional neediness (wrapped up in the con of 'rights') is more important than their own country, and are more than happy to betray their own in order to pander to that neediness. Well if they're that weak and pathetic then let's just fucken get rid of'em, if it's a choice between taking refo's to keep these pathetic leaches from whining (as if), or just getting rid of these traitors, well it's win-win for the west, banish the traitors to the third world that they want to impose on us.

Then we'll see just how important their emotional neediness is :)

But this is only going to happen if the right stands up and refuses to tolerate the whining of the traitorous left whinge.

And as for green fags, where's that farkin shotgun. turn the dirty animal from a shitty brown greenie into a red splat.

Damn I feel better now :)

14-08-2005, 11:33 AM
Yeah I'd rather see the traitors in our own society called to account, with the hangman's rope.

People like Marion Le, notice how she has stopped whining about refrugees not being terrorist after those refo scum in London. We don't see her coming out publicly and admitting that she has endangered the lives of her own countrymen with what we now see were nothing but blatant lies about whether we could really trust refo vermin. If one of them in Australia does go the terrorist route then we should hunt these whining advocates down and hang'em high, in public.

And what about that fuckwit scumbag Ian Melrose, he can't leach from us for his ethnic pets in East Timor through the courts, so now he's trying to con us with crawling, distortionate emotive ads - on the idiot box. If anyone has been HONESTLY looking at the East Timor situation they couldn't have failed to see that Alkatiri is completely corrupt and untrustworthy, and this whining fucken asshole wants to con us into providing more money for this scab and his cronies to rip off.
Melrose is just another whining traitor trying to rip us off, and he's allowed to do it because it makes a bunch of middle class housewives and fags feel goood about themselves. Geez we've got so much to be proud of in Australia these days.

There are too many people in the west these days who think that their emotional neediness (wrapped up in the con of 'rights') is more important than their own country, and are more than happy to betray their own in order to pander to that neediness. Well if they're that weak and pathetic then let's just fucken get rid of'em, if it's a choice between taking refo's to keep these pathetic leaches from whining (as if), or just getting rid of these traitors, well it's win-win for the west, banish the traitors to the third world that they want to impose on us.

Then we'll see just how important their emotional neediness is :)

But this is only going to happen if the right stands up and refuses to tolerate the whining of the traitorous left whinge.

And as for green fags, where's that farkin shotgun. turn the dirty animal from a shitty brown greenie into a red splat.

Damn I feel better now :)

14-08-2005, 08:55 PM
HOO BLOODY RAH! here here!


14-08-2005, 08:55 PM
HOO BLOODY RAH! here here!


23-08-2005, 01:30 AM
?? yeah what ever... is this a bike forum?

you guys noticed autralia sucks arse lately?

you got slacking off and being homophobic as a national pastime
we are themost taxed nation in the world, yet still lick arses the likes of america and britain
people from thirdworld countries feeling you have to work to hard to make a living here, if they get in at all (they are right)
everyone is in more debt than they can afford (16 billion bucks? 90% of vehicles on loans)
john howard keeps winning elections and makingthings worse (btw, buy telstra shares!)
the modification restrictions for motor cars are the strictest in the world
motorbikes arnt like that YET, but we cant afford to import any good stuff anyway!
unemployment is unmeasurable
racist mofo's, gangs, nazis, drunks, and stoners everywhere.
ADELAIDE... eckk...
they banned grand theft auto san andreas? wtf! its ok to hump prostitutes and kill them and take the cash,after killing infinte ppl at a whim, but no girlfreind patch?
80% of people are seniors, 80% of seniors live of government pension and feel they have a right to it, even ifit drives usall to poverty!!??!?!?(thats where all that taxgoes)
we wont apologize to aboriginies (one word, problem solved.. now get ajob)
we wont sign geneva conventions on environmental pollution issues, cause "we cant afford it"
we keep following other countries to war everywhere,
seems like everyone wants to a.be a homie, b.ride a harley, or c.run over motorbikers by mistake
and finally, that stupid nasal occa accent thats been brought about by apathetic fat slobs on couches, probably having children named after the numbers off the corresponding centrelink parenting cheques!


NOW.. will this forum get bogged down by crap politics and racist whinning or can we just go, F*** IT, go whinge about your tolerances and detentions in some other politics forum and save this one for important s|-|!+ like F**'n FRONT NUMBER PLATES on bikes!

just my 2cents, post what you like

23-08-2005, 01:30 AM
?? yeah what ever... is this a bike forum?

you guys noticed autralia sucks arse lately?

you got slacking off and being homophobic as a national pastime
we are themost taxed nation in the world, yet still lick arses the likes of america and britain
people from thirdworld countries feeling you have to work to hard to make a living here, if they get in at all (they are right)
everyone is in more debt than they can afford (16 billion bucks? 90% of vehicles on loans)
john howard keeps winning elections and makingthings worse (btw, buy telstra shares!)
the modification restrictions for motor cars are the strictest in the world
motorbikes arnt like that YET, but we cant afford to import any good stuff anyway!
unemployment is unmeasurable
racist mofo's, gangs, nazis, drunks, and stoners everywhere.
ADELAIDE... eckk...
they banned grand theft auto san andreas? wtf! its ok to hump prostitutes and kill them and take the cash,after killing infinte ppl at a whim, but no girlfreind patch?
80% of people are seniors, 80% of seniors live of government pension and feel they have a right to it, even ifit drives usall to poverty!!??!?!?(thats where all that taxgoes)
we wont apologize to aboriginies (one word, problem solved.. now get ajob)
we wont sign geneva conventions on environmental pollution issues, cause "we cant afford it"
we keep following other countries to war everywhere,
seems like everyone wants to a.be a homie, b.ride a harley, or c.run over motorbikers by mistake
and finally, that stupid nasal occa accent thats been brought about by apathetic fat slobs on couches, probably having children named after the numbers off the corresponding centrelink parenting cheques!


NOW.. will this forum get bogged down by crap politics and racist whinning or can we just go, F*** IT, go whinge about your tolerances and detentions in some other politics forum and save this one for important s|-|!+ like F**'n FRONT NUMBER PLATES on bikes!

just my 2cents, post what you like

23-08-2005, 08:32 AM
Dipshit, why not go hug a tree somewhere else if things are so bad.

23-08-2005, 08:32 AM
Dipshit, why not go hug a tree somewhere else if things are so bad.

23-08-2005, 11:18 AM
I'm seeing a blossoming relationship starting here.....

23-08-2005, 11:18 AM
I'm seeing a blossoming relationship starting here.....

23-08-2005, 01:02 PM
Front Number plates on bikes is a pretty fuked up thing though. I can see that becoming more a a danger to pedestrians and cause more damage to vehicals and or rider if an accident happens, that will slice da shit outta someone. Isnt that why they want to remove bull bars from vehicals in the City? (Brissy) I personally will fight that one!

23-08-2005, 01:02 PM
Front Number plates on bikes is a pretty fuked up thing though. I can see that becoming more a a danger to pedestrians and cause more damage to vehicals and or rider if an accident happens, that will slice da shit outta someone. Isnt that why they want to remove bull bars from vehicals in the City? (Brissy) I personally will fight that one!

23-08-2005, 01:18 PM
They took them off in the '70's for that exact reason and now you're trying to tell me they're bringing them back? Are they proposing the original blade on the front? Another piece of shit idea by some bureaucrat who's never even sat on a bike. Remember that one they brought out for the legs guards so that you would be dragged along by the bike and crushed rather than rolling clear of the accident? Wonderful idea. Hopefully someone will drop kick this stupid fucking idea the same as they did with that one.

23-08-2005, 01:18 PM
They took them off in the '70's for that exact reason and now you're trying to tell me they're bringing them back? Are they proposing the original blade on the front? Another piece of shit idea by some bureaucrat who's never even sat on a bike. Remember that one they brought out for the legs guards so that you would be dragged along by the bike and crushed rather than rolling clear of the accident? Wonderful idea. Hopefully someone will drop kick this stupid fucking idea the same as they did with that one.

23-08-2005, 02:29 PM

23-08-2005, 02:29 PM

23-08-2005, 04:35 PM
Front number plates this time will be plastic stickers or a small plastic plate for nudie bikes. Main push is coming from Vic Roads (what a surprise), WA police & SA. Even Vic Road's own experts issued report says it is a waste of time. Vic govt propaganda says it is to stop riders getting away with "free speeding" but their figures show this to be a load of crap - in Vic approx. 3,000 bikes get away with camera fines b/c they cannot be identified (no breakdown of no front plate, obscured rear etc etc) but at the same time almost 100,000 cars trucks and buses get away identified (even when they are meant to have plates). Gee if they were chasing revenue where do you think the bigger cash cow is??? Vic govt claimed they had shelved the project and then just happened to call for tenders to test suitable stickers...

Front plates, like the sleazy anti-bike tax (err sorry $50 safety levy which is sleazy b/c it is a levy which means it attracts 10% GST and then 10% stamp duty on the total amount), the NSW noise police, etc etc is all about getting people off bikes and into higher tax generating modes of transport. Sit down and do your sums, and the av. motorist is paying $10K extra tax a year for their car (fuel, parking, reg, stamp duty for finance, transfer duty, fines, etc etc).

What is tragic is just how apethic riders and the motorcycle industry are and how dis-organised motorcycle lobying is in Aust. No-one outside of Vic really gave a stuff when the "safety levy" was introduced 3 years ago b/c it didn't effect them. Gosh what a surprise a similar scheme has been introduced into Tas. Equally no-one, in Vic/outside of NSW really care when the "muffler sticker" tax was introduced (err sorry fines). Don't get me started on the motorcycle loby groups - (some very motivated and effective people but most are weeeell...).

But then again what do you expect given how successful "the man" has been in propagating their bigger plan -

-keep the people scared, greedy & dumb and you can do pretty much whatever you want.

But more of my grand conspiracy theories later.

23-08-2005, 04:35 PM
Front number plates this time will be plastic stickers or a small plastic plate for nudie bikes. Main push is coming from Vic Roads (what a surprise), WA police & SA. Even Vic Road's own experts issued report says it is a waste of time. Vic govt propaganda says it is to stop riders getting away with "free speeding" but their figures show this to be a load of crap - in Vic approx. 3,000 bikes get away with camera fines b/c they cannot be identified (no breakdown of no front plate, obscured rear etc etc) but at the same time almost 100,000 cars trucks and buses get away identified (even when they are meant to have plates). Gee if they were chasing revenue where do you think the bigger cash cow is??? Vic govt claimed they had shelved the project and then just happened to call for tenders to test suitable stickers...

Front plates, like the sleazy anti-bike tax (err sorry $50 safety levy which is sleazy b/c it is a levy which means it attracts 10% GST and then 10% stamp duty on the total amount), the NSW noise police, etc etc is all about getting people off bikes and into higher tax generating modes of transport. Sit down and do your sums, and the av. motorist is paying $10K extra tax a year for their car (fuel, parking, reg, stamp duty for finance, transfer duty, fines, etc etc).

What is tragic is just how apethic riders and the motorcycle industry are and how dis-organised motorcycle lobying is in Aust. No-one outside of Vic really gave a stuff when the "safety levy" was introduced 3 years ago b/c it didn't effect them. Gosh what a surprise a similar scheme has been introduced into Tas. Equally no-one, in Vic/outside of NSW really care when the "muffler sticker" tax was introduced (err sorry fines). Don't get me started on the motorcycle loby groups - (some very motivated and effective people but most are weeeell...).

But then again what do you expect given how successful "the man" has been in propagating their bigger plan -

-keep the people scared, greedy & dumb and you can do pretty much whatever you want.

But more of my grand conspiracy theories later.

23-08-2005, 11:22 PM
My 2 cents on this topic = Think of Rules & Laws as ROUGH Guidelines that are open to interpretation! Some people think of them as things you must obey/follow , but I prefer to see them as an opportunity to get creative.They make you think about how to get around them.Oh & remember It's only illegal if you get caught!

23-08-2005, 11:22 PM
My 2 cents on this topic = Think of Rules & Laws as ROUGH Guidelines that are open to interpretation! Some people think of them as things you must obey/follow , but I prefer to see them as an opportunity to get creative.They make you think about how to get around them.Oh & remember It's only illegal if you get caught!

24-08-2005, 01:08 AM
nuff said...

24-08-2005, 01:08 AM
nuff said...

24-08-2005, 05:37 PM
fairings are for poofters.

24-08-2005, 05:37 PM
fairings are for poofters.

24-08-2005, 07:03 PM
quote:Originally posted by restoride

?? yeah what ever... is this a bike forum?

you guys noticed autralia sucks arse lately?

you got slacking off and being homophobic as a national pastime
we are themost taxed nation in the world, yet still lick arses the likes of america and britain
people from thirdworld countries feeling you have to work to hard to make a living here, if they get in at all (they are right)
everyone is in more debt than they can afford (16 billion bucks? 90% of vehicles on loans)
john howard keeps winning elections and makingthings worse (btw, buy telstra shares!)
the modification restrictions for motor cars are the strictest in the world
motorbikes arnt like that YET, but we cant afford to import any good stuff anyway!
unemployment is unmeasurable
racist mofo's, gangs, nazis, drunks, and stoners everywhere.
ADELAIDE... eckk...
they banned grand theft auto san andreas? wtf! its ok to hump prostitutes and kill them and take the cash,after killing infinte ppl at a whim, but no girlfreind patch?
80% of people are seniors, 80% of seniors live of government pension and feel they have a right to it, even ifit drives usall to poverty!!??!?!?(thats where all that taxgoes)
we wont apologize to aboriginies (one word, problem solved.. now get ajob)
we wont sign geneva conventions on environmental pollution issues, cause "we cant afford it"
we keep following other countries to war everywhere,
seems like everyone wants to a.be a homie, b.ride a harley, or c.run over motorbikers by mistake
and finally, that stupid nasal occa accent thats been brought about by apathetic fat slobs on couches, probably having children named after the numbers off the corresponding centrelink parenting cheques!


NOW.. will this forum get bogged down by crap politics and racist whinning or can we just go, F*** IT, go whinge about your tolerances and detentions in some other politics forum and save this one for important s|-|!+ like F**'n FRONT NUMBER PLATES on bikes!

just my 2cents, post what you like

I really dont know where to start about your reply to my Australia Topic restoride, but ill give it a go. you say,
1.we slacked off getting homophobic. WTF are you for real?
2.we are the most taxed nation on earth. get your facts right idiot
3. we lick the US and the UK arse. OUR GOVERNMENT DID THE RIGHT THING.
4.People from 3rd world countries think we work hard. i do work hard ,i actually used to work up to 90hrs in a 5 day week, i now do around 50hrs a week. i dont see that working hard is a problem.
5.everyone is in more debt than they can afford. im not. i own my cars bikes boat everything i have i own.
6.John Howard keeps winning. well the people vote him in. its a democracy.... thats how it works. you proberly dont even vote then whinge about it.
7.front number plates on bikes and its confirmed. its not confirmed.. no state requires front number plates. get your facts right again.
8.AFL sucks. you really are a WANKER just for posting that
9.Mods for cars are the strictest in the world. now your really starting to piss me off by just telling lies.
10.we cant afford to import bikes/parts. you want a Vance&Hines TiS4 muffler for your bike (Brand new) $300.00 RRP $890.00. let me know. dont make comments on things you know nothing about.
11. Unemployment is unmeasurable. YOUR FUCKIN KIDDING? less than 5% in QLD and less than 6% nationwide, lowest in more than 25 years. i notice in your profile your unemployed GET OFF YOUR FUCKIN ARSE AND GET A FUCKIN JOB.
12. racist mofos,nazis etc. maybe you should choose your friends more wisely.
13.Adelaide. Its what you make it.
14. They banned GTA. Who gives a FUCK. its a game, who fuckin cares? Maybe you should play less PS2 and actually look for a job.
15. 80% of people are seinors. SO FUCKIN WHAT! both my grandfathers fought in WW2. i have alot of older relations who paid their taxes for many years. i dont have a problem supporting Australians in their twilight years. at least they had a FUCKIN JOB!!!
16. apolagise to the aboriginals. FOR FUCKIN WHAT??? im sure they would be so much happier if the Indonesions or the Japanese were the first people to settle Australia.
17.The Geneva Convention. Maybe you think we should just as you say "lick arse" and just join because other countries are in it?
18.Keep following other countries to war. BECAUSE WE DID THE RIGHT THING.
19.everyone wants to be a homie etc. im not nor want to be a "Homie, ride a Harley or run over motercyclists . so dont lump me amongst your misconceived and misinformed concepts. Grow up, get a job and contribute to this great country like the rest of us.
20.and finally, that stupid nasal occa accent thats been brought about by apathetic fat slobs on couches, probably having children named after the numbers off the corresponding centrelink parenting cheques. GO FUCK YOURSELF i like the way i talk. im not a fat slob on the couch cause i actually have A FUCKIN JOB. As for centrelink your the unemployed one, im sick of paying my taxes to keep fat arsed arseholes like you fed and a bed to sleep in. FUCK YOU! if you dont like Australia FUCK OFF NOW! its small minded lazy fuckwits like you that really give me the shits. so just piss off and come back when you have something constructive to say and NEVER EVER HANG SHIT ON THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH AGAIN. FUCKIN LOOSER

(ps) no offence intended to any other unemployed (but looking for work) on this website.

24-08-2005, 07:03 PM
quote:Originally posted by restoride

?? yeah what ever... is this a bike forum?

you guys noticed autralia sucks arse lately?

you got slacking off and being homophobic as a national pastime
we are themost taxed nation in the world, yet still lick arses the likes of america and britain
people from thirdworld countries feeling you have to work to hard to make a living here, if they get in at all (they are right)
everyone is in more debt than they can afford (16 billion bucks? 90% of vehicles on loans)
john howard keeps winning elections and makingthings worse (btw, buy telstra shares!)
the modification restrictions for motor cars are the strictest in the world
motorbikes arnt like that YET, but we cant afford to import any good stuff anyway!
unemployment is unmeasurable
racist mofo's, gangs, nazis, drunks, and stoners everywhere.
ADELAIDE... eckk...
they banned grand theft auto san andreas? wtf! its ok to hump prostitutes and kill them and take the cash,after killing infinte ppl at a whim, but no girlfreind patch?
80% of people are seniors, 80% of seniors live of government pension and feel they have a right to it, even ifit drives usall to poverty!!??!?!?(thats where all that taxgoes)
we wont apologize to aboriginies (one word, problem solved.. now get ajob)
we wont sign geneva conventions on environmental pollution issues, cause "we cant afford it"
we keep following other countries to war everywhere,
seems like everyone wants to a.be a homie, b.ride a harley, or c.run over motorbikers by mistake
and finally, that stupid nasal occa accent thats been brought about by apathetic fat slobs on couches, probably having children named after the numbers off the corresponding centrelink parenting cheques!


NOW.. will this forum get bogged down by crap politics and racist whinning or can we just go, F*** IT, go whinge about your tolerances and detentions in some other politics forum and save this one for important s|-|!+ like F**'n FRONT NUMBER PLATES on bikes!

just my 2cents, post what you like

I really dont know where to start about your reply to my Australia Topic restoride, but ill give it a go. you say,
1.we slacked off getting homophobic. WTF are you for real?
2.we are the most taxed nation on earth. get your facts right idiot
3. we lick the US and the UK arse. OUR GOVERNMENT DID THE RIGHT THING.
4.People from 3rd world countries think we work hard. i do work hard ,i actually used to work up to 90hrs in a 5 day week, i now do around 50hrs a week. i dont see that working hard is a problem.
5.everyone is in more debt than they can afford. im not. i own my cars bikes boat everything i have i own.
6.John Howard keeps winning. well the people vote him in. its a democracy.... thats how it works. you proberly dont even vote then whinge about it.
7.front number plates on bikes and its confirmed. its not confirmed.. no state requires front number plates. get your facts right again.
8.AFL sucks. you really are a WANKER just for posting that
9.Mods for cars are the strictest in the world. now your really starting to piss me off by just telling lies.
10.we cant afford to import bikes/parts. you want a Vance&Hines TiS4 muffler for your bike (Brand new) $300.00 RRP $890.00. let me know. dont make comments on things you know nothing about.
11. Unemployment is unmeasurable. YOUR FUCKIN KIDDING? less than 5% in QLD and less than 6% nationwide, lowest in more than 25 years. i notice in your profile your unemployed GET OFF YOUR FUCKIN ARSE AND GET A FUCKIN JOB.
12. racist mofos,nazis etc. maybe you should choose your friends more wisely.
13.Adelaide. Its what you make it.
14. They banned GTA. Who gives a FUCK. its a game, who fuckin cares? Maybe you should play less PS2 and actually look for a job.
15. 80% of people are seinors. SO FUCKIN WHAT! both my grandfathers fought in WW2. i have alot of older relations who paid their taxes for many years. i dont have a problem supporting Australians in their twilight years. at least they had a FUCKIN JOB!!!
16. apolagise to the aboriginals. FOR FUCKIN WHAT??? im sure they would be so much happier if the Indonesions or the Japanese were the first people to settle Australia.
17.The Geneva Convention. Maybe you think we should just as you say "lick arse" and just join because other countries are in it?
18.Keep following other countries to war. BECAUSE WE DID THE RIGHT THING.
19.everyone wants to be a homie etc. im not nor want to be a "Homie, ride a Harley or run over motercyclists . so dont lump me amongst your misconceived and misinformed concepts. Grow up, get a job and contribute to this great country like the rest of us.
20.and finally, that stupid nasal occa accent thats been brought about by apathetic fat slobs on couches, probably having children named after the numbers off the corresponding centrelink parenting cheques. GO FUCK YOURSELF i like the way i talk. im not a fat slob on the couch cause i actually have A FUCKIN JOB. As for centrelink your the unemployed one, im sick of paying my taxes to keep fat arsed arseholes like you fed and a bed to sleep in. FUCK YOU! if you dont like Australia FUCK OFF NOW! its small minded lazy fuckwits like you that really give me the shits. so just piss off and come back when you have something constructive to say and NEVER EVER HANG SHIT ON THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH AGAIN. FUCKIN LOOSER

(ps) no offence intended to any other unemployed (but looking for work) on this website.

24-08-2005, 09:34 PM
That reminds me Oz, any more info on the V&H Cans Bud ??? .

24-08-2005, 09:34 PM
That reminds me Oz, any more info on the V&H Cans Bud ??? .

24-08-2005, 09:38 PM
No probs Boh im just waiting on an email to confirm the price. are you comming down on Sat arvo/night for a beer and burnt meat? let me know if you are. ofcourse dont come alone tho bring your GF with you.

24-08-2005, 09:38 PM
No probs Boh im just waiting on an email to confirm the price. are you comming down on Sat arvo/night for a beer and burnt meat? let me know if you are. ofcourse dont come alone tho bring your GF with you.

24-08-2005, 09:55 PM
I hear you on that one Oz :):) Good on ya mate. And I second the original Post too

24-08-2005, 09:55 PM
I hear you on that one Oz :):) Good on ya mate. And I second the original Post too

25-08-2005, 12:00 AM
well thats just un-australian... what happened to free speech?
oh thats right, free speech isnt mentioned ANY where in our federal law.
and its not in our constitution... cause we dont have one in this great country (or ethics it seems)

SO fine, i wont post in your little hate thread no more

mental note on unemployment: hope im not a cook in your favourite restaruant and recognise you

25-08-2005, 12:00 AM
well thats just un-australian... what happened to free speech?
oh thats right, free speech isnt mentioned ANY where in our federal law.
and its not in our constitution... cause we dont have one in this great country (or ethics it seems)

SO fine, i wont post in your little hate thread no more

mental note on unemployment: hope im not a cook in your favourite restaruant and recognise you

25-08-2005, 08:41 AM
A) the high court has, a number of times, stated that the constitution does implicitly guarantee free-speech.
B) It is the political likes of yourself who have implemented restriction of freedom of speech laws in Australia, such as the racial and religious tolerance act, which is nothing mkore than ethnic-pandering ANTI-AUSTRALIAN bigotry.
C) Nobody stopped you from expressing yourself here, you made that decision.
D)Freedom of speech also entails a degree of 'honesty', your rants have been anything but.
E) I seriously doubt you know the first thing about ethics, or you wouldn't have made such a balatantly stupid statement.
F) And before you ask I actually did get off my fat lazy ass, travelled to another country, and studied Philosophy (the study of ethics) at one of the top 3 philosophy universities in the world, for 5 years. What have you done, other than read a few whining media headlines, and then carry on as if you know it all.
F) To be a cook in the restaurants that I eat at you would need some talent, and I have only seen the opposite so far.
PS what are the ETHICS of spiking a customers food? That would be inarguably UN-AUSTRALIAN.

25-08-2005, 08:41 AM
A) the high court has, a number of times, stated that the constitution does implicitly guarantee free-speech.
B) It is the political likes of yourself who have implemented restriction of freedom of speech laws in Australia, such as the racial and religious tolerance act, which is nothing mkore than ethnic-pandering ANTI-AUSTRALIAN bigotry.
C) Nobody stopped you from expressing yourself here, you made that decision.
D)Freedom of speech also entails a degree of 'honesty', your rants have been anything but.
E) I seriously doubt you know the first thing about ethics, or you wouldn't have made such a balatantly stupid statement.
F) And before you ask I actually did get off my fat lazy ass, travelled to another country, and studied Philosophy (the study of ethics) at one of the top 3 philosophy universities in the world, for 5 years. What have you done, other than read a few whining media headlines, and then carry on as if you know it all.
F) To be a cook in the restaurants that I eat at you would need some talent, and I have only seen the opposite so far.
PS what are the ETHICS of spiking a customers food? That would be inarguably UN-AUSTRALIAN.

25-08-2005, 11:12 AM
Fuck I'm slow, you beat me to it Chalky...... Just in addition, opinions are opinions, there's no right or wrong. So suck it up and agree to disagree, don't go and insult ppl with bullshit you can't back up.

quote:Originally posted by restoride

well thats just un-australian... what happened to free speech?
mental note on unemployment: hope im not a cook in your favourite restaruant and recognise you

You just contradicted yourself there. I can't think of anything more un-australian than messing with someones food out of spite for their own opinions, but then are you actually an aussie?

If you want to know the reasons I share Oz's opinions, come and live in Brunswick (Vic) for a while. You can't invite your neighbors over for a beer because they can't understand what your saying. Meanwhile two blocks away there's another gangland killing. Then there's my girlfriend trying to help THEIR children as an educational psychologist and copping abuse or simply being ignored 'cause she is a female!! Meanwhile there's a drug deal going down in Carlton which ends up as a stabbing and some P plater looses it on the main road I live off and runs through some poor guys fence and hits his house cause he was too busy listening to his big arse subby and trying to see how long he can drift for.

In all of that....spot the Aussie!!!!

25-08-2005, 11:12 AM
Fuck I'm slow, you beat me to it Chalky...... Just in addition, opinions are opinions, there's no right or wrong. So suck it up and agree to disagree, don't go and insult ppl with bullshit you can't back up.

quote:Originally posted by restoride

well thats just un-australian... what happened to free speech?
mental note on unemployment: hope im not a cook in your favourite restaruant and recognise you

You just contradicted yourself there. I can't think of anything more un-australian than messing with someones food out of spite for their own opinions, but then are you actually an aussie?

If you want to know the reasons I share Oz's opinions, come and live in Brunswick (Vic) for a while. You can't invite your neighbors over for a beer because they can't understand what your saying. Meanwhile two blocks away there's another gangland killing. Then there's my girlfriend trying to help THEIR children as an educational psychologist and copping abuse or simply being ignored 'cause she is a female!! Meanwhile there's a drug deal going down in Carlton which ends up as a stabbing and some P plater looses it on the main road I live off and runs through some poor guys fence and hits his house cause he was too busy listening to his big arse subby and trying to see how long he can drift for.

In all of that....spot the Aussie!!!!

25-08-2005, 11:25 AM
Foxy. Totally unrelated to this topic mate, but a question for you. You mentioned your girlfriend's work. Would she have any names of places/respite centres in Melbourne that deal with Children with learning disabilities. A friend of mine works in that field and she was hoping to make contact in Melbourne with someone in the same role.

25-08-2005, 11:25 AM
Foxy. Totally unrelated to this topic mate, but a question for you. You mentioned your girlfriend's work. Would she have any names of places/respite centres in Melbourne that deal with Children with learning disabilities. A friend of mine works in that field and she was hoping to make contact in Melbourne with someone in the same role.

25-08-2005, 11:31 AM
Yeah mate I think she's got a whole folder full of them. She has to refer a lot of children and is well connected in Melbourne. I'm happy to hook 'em up.

25-08-2005, 11:31 AM
Yeah mate I think she's got a whole folder full of them. She has to refer a lot of children and is well connected in Melbourne. I'm happy to hook 'em up.

25-08-2005, 12:03 PM
Mate you're a legend! My friend is actually head of staff at a respite centre in England and is looking to make it to Melbourne. She's a very cool and funky chick aged 33 with years of experience and would just like to know the system and how it differs from England and whether she could potentially get work in Melbourne. Any info whatsoever would be much appreciated mate.

25-08-2005, 12:03 PM
Mate you're a legend! My friend is actually head of staff at a respite centre in England and is looking to make it to Melbourne. She's a very cool and funky chick aged 33 with years of experience and would just like to know the system and how it differs from England and whether she could potentially get work in Melbourne. Any info whatsoever would be much appreciated mate.

25-08-2005, 12:09 PM
Hey Ozzy mate. Thanks for the invite! I will be there, Steph is baby sitting Sat night till late sry mate Totally bummed but she getting like $300 for 8 hours which is cool.

Cya then mate[8D]

25-08-2005, 12:09 PM
Hey Ozzy mate. Thanks for the invite! I will be there, Steph is baby sitting Sat night till late sry mate Totally bummed but she getting like $300 for 8 hours which is cool.

Cya then mate[8D]

25-08-2005, 12:58 PM
Hey Gix, one of my report writers wives works in that field, do you want any info about how things are in ACT/NSW area?

25-08-2005, 12:58 PM
Hey Gix, one of my report writers wives works in that field, do you want any info about how things are in ACT/NSW area?

25-08-2005, 01:26 PM
Just shot off an email to you Gix.

25-08-2005, 01:26 PM
Just shot off an email to you Gix.

25-08-2005, 01:27 PM
BTW how long do I have to stay a pizza delivery boy?? :(:( It's ruining my bad boy image [}:)][}:)] LOL

25-08-2005, 01:27 PM
BTW how long do I have to stay a pizza delivery boy?? :(:( It's ruining my bad boy image [}:)][}:)] LOL

25-08-2005, 01:49 PM
Chalky - Yea mate, the more info/contacts I can get, the better!
Foxy - Got your email mate. Nice one, Cheers. As for Pizza Delivery Boy, get used to it for a while. 100 Posts before you become a "Weekend Warrior". Just ask Clairebear - she's been posting anything (running numbers count in some topics) to get hers changed!

25-08-2005, 01:49 PM
Chalky - Yea mate, the more info/contacts I can get, the better!
Foxy - Got your email mate. Nice one, Cheers. As for Pizza Delivery Boy, get used to it for a while. 100 Posts before you become a "Weekend Warrior". Just ask Clairebear - she's been posting anything (running numbers count in some topics) to get hers changed!

25-08-2005, 02:01 PM
cool. I might take her lead then....

25-08-2005, 02:01 PM
cool. I might take her lead then....

08-09-2005, 11:53 PM
Way to go oz!!! fark, u put some time and effort into that writeup mate! another post for me, got to get rid of this pizza delivery boy stuff, it doesnt suit my riding style lolol

08-09-2005, 11:53 PM
Way to go oz!!! fark, u put some time and effort into that writeup mate! another post for me, got to get rid of this pizza delivery boy stuff, it doesnt suit my riding style lolol

09-09-2005, 12:24 AM
I'm not even a delivery boy.

09-09-2005, 12:24 AM
I'm not even a delivery boy.

09-09-2005, 09:05 AM
ya are now. i tell ya my fingers were bleeding the day i got to be a weekend warrior, and i did post some cr@p

09-09-2005, 09:05 AM
ya are now. i tell ya my fingers were bleeding the day i got to be a weekend warrior, and i did post some cr@p

09-09-2005, 10:34 AM
quote:Originally posted by clairebear

ya are now. i tell ya my fingers were bleeding the day i got to be a weekend warrior, and i did post some cr@p

Should I or shouldn't I?

hmmmmm a bit too easy maybe.

Even I have standards................kinda.

09-09-2005, 10:34 AM
quote:Originally posted by clairebear

ya are now. i tell ya my fingers were bleeding the day i got to be a weekend warrior, and i did post some cr@p

Should I or shouldn't I?

hmmmmm a bit too easy maybe.

Even I have standards................kinda.

09-09-2005, 12:04 PM
get back to work mr Chalk

09-09-2005, 12:04 PM
get back to work mr Chalk

09-09-2005, 01:01 PM
Don't have ta, between contracts at the moment.

And the machinist's haven't finished my new riser plates yet, so I can't even get to work on me bike.

And guess what, it's raining..........bugger

09-09-2005, 01:01 PM
Don't have ta, between contracts at the moment.

And the machinist's haven't finished my new riser plates yet, so I can't even get to work on me bike.

And guess what, it's raining..........bugger

15-09-2005, 12:57 AM
I think telling these people to get the f*ck out is a bit harsh...

But I do agree with the article

What I dont' agree with is the politically correct tripe that is going on all because our government has no backbone and wants to make everyone happy about their own culture

No other country in the world would do it... hell lets look at Indonesia shall we ;)

15-09-2005, 12:57 AM
I think telling these people to get the f*ck out is a bit harsh...

But I do agree with the article

What I dont' agree with is the politically correct tripe that is going on all because our government has no backbone and wants to make everyone happy about their own culture

No other country in the world would do it... hell lets look at Indonesia shall we ;)