View Full Version : Ive had it !

15-04-2007, 02:26 PM
Is it just me or are all those fags on push bikes just fuckin all the good roads around here:(

This morning im coming the long way to work up a nice bit of road (Mcares creek road )for abit of a settling down period before getting to work and fuck me what a fuckn joke came a round this corner (doing the speed limit);)of course and hers about thirty push bikes three wide and taking up the hole road doing a bout 10kph
Hold on to your hats boys lets just say that it was a big surprise for me and them.

Then the ones at the back have the hide to give me a ear full.:(

Well those dirty shaved down lycra wearing fuckn fags can all get fucked im going and buying me self a 4x4 and mowing the fuckers down next then maybe theyll think about the way they ride.

Buy the way the law states that "you cant have any type of vehicle side by side in a lane"its called "lane sharing"

It also says that bicycles cant ride within 1.5 mtrs of each other
so why arnt the fuckn coppers doing anything about these fags.

If its easy revnue they want then here it is there was about thirty of these fuckers these morning .

Maybe one of the coppers hiding around here could come out of hiding and give there 2c worth on this subject because as far as im concered
these arse holes should pay rego for there bicycles if they want so much road they should pay for it just like all the other road users
that actually pay to use it.[xx(][xx(][xx(]

15-04-2007, 02:43 PM
It's the same down here Damo all the lycra clad cycle fags think that they have a 'right' to everything. Just another bunch of theiving queers and latte drinking nancy boys. Personally I buzz'em, get real close while passing at speed, and hit the fucking horn. Scares the shit out of'em, and wakes the idiots up. And don't bother expecting any action from plod, they're fixated on pinging bikers and hoons, just like any other 2nd rate ideologues.

15-04-2007, 03:31 PM
A couple of years ago I was riding through Bright on the RF, should have seen the look on peoples faces when I went through the inflatable Red Bull finish line they had over the road. Fuck'm, I say. I think I was the first to cross the finish line and I didn't even get a trophy, lol.

That'll teach'em for not blocking off the road!

15-04-2007, 03:34 PM
Hope you were on the back wheel, flashing the bird.

:D :D

15-04-2007, 03:39 PM
You seriously over-estimate my riding abilities Chalky.

15-04-2007, 03:41 PM

I think guys who ride on the roads r stupid, most r fags, i give em a squirt of exhaust just to piss em every now and then and totally agree that it can be a fucken stupid thing to ride in a group down backroads as I have nearly taken them and me out on the same road, but as i most likely knew most of those guys you nearly ran up the arse of:

They all pay rego as they probley own cars (in fact most own 2, some bikes), the RTA doesn't provide bike lanes, yes they tend to ride on roads where they really shouldnt be, they ride wide and in groups so cars don't ram em off the road but when cleaned up i suppose there all gone, happy for cops to book em but like as if (although the couriers r heavily targeted in the city), most have been hit by cars when its not their fault, sometimes when it was, alot also ride dirt bikes and some road bikes as they use the cycling as cross training.

- seems a familiar scenario where they get shafted by everyone so lets just say that they get the raw end of the bargain already just like us....

if you nearly run em off the road dont be surprised if they knuckle you one if they catch up just like I would, and now i have to cop an earful from my mates about us engine powered 2 wheel guys.......and yes many r quite capable of flattening you & me even if they r in lycra - especially when they r in their lycra bikie gangs

15-04-2007, 03:45 PM
quote:Originally posted by speeddemon


I think guys who ride on the roads r stupid, most r fags, i give em a squirt of exhaust just to piss em every now and then and totally agree that it can be a fucken stupid thing to ride in a group down backroads as I have nearly taken them and me out on the same road, but as i most likely knew most of those guys you nearly ran up the arse of:

They all pay rego as they probley own cars (in fact most own 2, some bikes), the RTA doesn't provide bike lanes, yes they tend to ride on roads where they really shouldnt be, they ride wide and in groups so cars don't ram em off the road but when cleaned up i suppose there all gone, happy for cops to book em but like as if (although the couriers r heavily targeted in the city), most have been hit by cars when its not their fault, sometimes when it was, alot also ride dirt bikes and some road bikes as they use the cycling as cross training.

- seems a familiar scenario where they get shafted by everyone so lets just say that they get the raw end of the bargain already just like us....

if you nearly run em off the road dont be surprised if they knuckle you one if they catch up just like I would, and now i have to cop an earful from my mates about us engine powered 2 wheel guys.......and yes many r quite capable of flattening you & me even if they r in lycra - especially when they r in their lycra bikie gangs

Do you cower in front of your wife as well Speedy?

:D :D :D

15-04-2007, 04:06 PM
well if they did ride engine powered cycles then they would know better. they do the same thing down the highway and when theres a viechle (braindead car driver) coming in the opposite direction that wont move over they are very mistaken if they think im gonna slow down my truck and wait to pass when safe to do so. they get great shock and some of them fall off their bikes but hey its easier for them to slow, stop or move to left so why should i. our rego is in excess of 3000.00 per year.

15-04-2007, 05:00 PM
If you were to ride your motorcycle with no indicators, tailight, reflectors, or number plate and unregistered at 40 to 80km/h below the posted speed limits, three wide with total disregard for other road users, do you think officer plod or the larger community would think you're a fantastic individual?
If cyclist want to use the public road system with their bicycles they should be under the same constraints as all other road users (including the fact that it is illegal to travel too far below the posted speed limit, I can't remember how much?)and state vehicle requirements, its just not safe for any of us otherwise.
Wider road shoulders (paid for by the bicycle registration fees?) on certain roads for cyclists use might be an answer, until then they should use their melons and not put themselves and others at risk, theres a time and a place, three wide on a winding country road aint it!!


15-04-2007, 06:24 PM
quote:Originally posted by speeddemon


I think guys who ride on the roads r stupid, most r fags, i give em a squirt of exhaust just to piss em every now and then and totally agree that it can be a fucken stupid thing to ride in a group down backroads as I have nearly taken them and me out on the same road, but as i most likely knew most of those guys you nearly ran up the arse of:

They all pay rego as they probley own cars (in fact most own 2, some bikes), the RTA doesn't provide bike lanes, yes they tend to ride on roads where they really shouldnt be, they ride wide and in groups so cars don't ram em off the road but when cleaned up i suppose there all gone, happy for cops to book em but like as if (although the couriers r heavily targeted in the city), most have been hit by cars when its not their fault, sometimes when it was, alot also ride dirt bikes and some road bikes as they use the cycling as cross training.

- seems a familiar scenario where they get shafted by everyone so lets just say that they get the raw end of the bargain already just like us....

if you nearly run em off the road dont be surprised if they knuckle you one if they catch up just like I would, and now i have to cop an earful from my mates about us engine powered 2 wheel guys.......and yes many r quite capable of flattening you & me even if they r in lycra - especially when they r in their lycra bikie gangs

holy fuck speed you are talking an absolute crock of shit [:0]

They already pay rego for there car and maybe two and maybe bikes.
That does not under any circumstances classify as paying rego.
Fuck me i own two bikes both regoed and a car so does that mean i can stop regoing one bike and if i get pulled over just say "its ok i got a car and another bike at home with rego so dont worrie"Do you think that the copper will give a fuck I DONT THINK SO!

As for getting knuckled by these fags if they catch up.
What a another crock of shit these blocks and chicks are like skin heads tough in a group but the usual absoulute fuckn soft cocks on there own.

Speed i think your a real nice guy dont get me wrong but i dont agree with a thing youve said it almost sounds like you get the lycra on shave down and get on your bike with the usless waists of spaces of a weekend and block the road by riding illegally by riding three wide and block the raod for other road users and make it unsafe for other vehicles on the road.Just to get hot sweaty with all those other guys that are riding with them fuck me if thats not for fags what is.

Im with Chalky with this one mate.

Rexie :love your style mate

Ice ::D:D:Dthats fuckin awesome

Chalky :Im taking that aproch from now on.


Jockney Rebel
15-04-2007, 06:30 PM
i thot they had cycle lanes ..i know what u mean i used to get pissed off by the cycle couriers back home runnin reds and cuttin in front of me when im slowin for a junction

15-04-2007, 06:33 PM
There just a pack of "CUNTS":(:([:0]:D:D

15-04-2007, 06:38 PM
Hey Damo,

If you do stop to duke it out...

Don't forget most of them will be at their peak heartrates (220-your age?) so will be running on adrenaline and gtg.

Just be ready to punch on without warning


15-04-2007, 06:42 PM
Yeah, one worn-out fag in lycra, runners and a dickhead hat, one biker in leathers, gloves, boots, full face helmet.

Guess who I'm betting on?

15-04-2007, 06:53 PM
quote:Originally posted by chalk10

Yeah, one worn-out fag in lycra, runners and a dickhead hat, one biker in leathers, gloves, boots, full face helmet.

Guess who I'm betting on?

You forgot the whole pack thing that caused the problem chalky. "three wide" & "thirty push bikes"...remember?

15-04-2007, 06:57 PM
Not a problem there Largey, the other 29 will still be picking themselves up off the gravel and checking their undies, after the initial blast past :D

15-04-2007, 07:01 PM
i agree, they seem to be growing here in QLD, just recently a mate of mine on a GSX600 was taken out by a one of the lycra slip stream poofs on Mt Glorious, after he came out infront of my mate the WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD. i ride in the middle of em if they take up a lane with thumb dead on the horn

Simple fact, We are going up to speed limit they are going well below. MOVE OVER..........:(

I should say i dont have a prob with cyclists in any normal circumstance BUT 10 plus taking up an entire lane in a 100 zone is pure dumb

15-04-2007, 07:03 PM
year i knew i would cop shit for that post - your a nice guy too Damo - for a HART instructor:D

I get on the bike mate 'but only on the dirt mate' - but three of my best mates have been hit (one where a bike ran him off the road) so its a personnel thing and its my opinion - I am allowed one

I suppose what my intent was is to say I know how you feel (hence my comments that i don't agree with em blocking the lane) , but I see their side too (weeks in hospital, skin grafts and compression bandages)- but don't entirely agree with both viewpoints (the one they tell me and yours) thats all.

By the way i have had more fuckheads on sports bikes nearly take me out down that road and the old road compared to cyclists - they are just an irritation:D

15-04-2007, 07:19 PM
No hard feeling Speed I see your point but it dont change my opinion.;)

15-04-2007, 07:20 PM
Out here on the rural fringe of Sydney and the Hawkesbury, we're inundated with these mobile chicanes. Luckily most of our roads are wide enough that you have to swerve to scare them...


For fuck's sake: What makes these mental defects think that they can climb Bell's Line of Road out of Richmond?

If you don't know the Bell Road, the first section is fairly steep, twisty and not real wide. Doesn't get much better from there either.

There are plenty of other steep hills they can climb in this area but they insist on the three-abreast 5km/h struggle up a very busy road.

Personally, I reckon they should all be shot with a ball of their own shit.

15-04-2007, 07:21 PM
I tend to agree with what most everyone is saying - pushbikes on the road is a fact of life so deal with it and look out for them - its the same things us bikers ask of drivers.

tho that doesn't absolve them of their own responsibility towards safety - if they are cruising up and down hills around blind corners and shit they should ride to the conditions. single file on the right side of the road etc.

The shitty thing is if we hit them we would cop the rap for not paying due care and attention.

15-04-2007, 07:34 PM
Cyclists around the suburban streets is one thing, and I always take care in that regard, but some bunch of cycle fags 10 miles out into the country, 3 deep, blocking the lane, having a lovely little chit chat is another. Especially when they're doing it on what are well known motorcyclist roads, such as is the case here in CBR.
'You wanna play in my world, you play my game' as far as I'm concerned.

And I do look out for'em, i fuggin love that shit I do :D

16-04-2007, 06:14 AM
yeah guys same thing in sth aus..i was doin the gorge road and comin into the apex of a pretty tight corner an low and behold.. a bunch of 10 or 15 lycra clad fuckwits ridin 3 abreast at 10kph..well i wasnt too fuckin happy..if they want to ride suburban streets..no probs..or even a main road but for fucksake..this is a very dangerous road at the best of times..wot are they thinkin?..ABSOLUTE COCKHEADS[}:)][}:)]

16-04-2007, 08:10 AM
Ive come up wit a plan for all fighters Strap a painters plank across the fork legs
and next time you come across them dont slow down an spoil your ride grab a lower
gear hang the fuck on and bulldose the fags clean off the road ,oh and for Chalky
you could also use the horn if you like but id go with out it dont give them any worning your
coming it gives them the chance to get out of the way you want to get all of them.

16-04-2007, 08:43 AM
You get past them on the road and then they filter at the lights and you have to battle to get past them again - fucking annoying. Motorbikes are ok because you dont see em again

They ride side by side on the twistes and blind corners in the royal (nasho) - just asking for trouble

Ive even seen em parked on the side of the road - waiting for the tailenders to catch up - just past the apex of a hairpin corner

16-04-2007, 09:14 AM
Hey Damo,

If you do stop to duke it out...

Lycra and a bike helmet against leathers gloves bike boots and a full face .. I like your odds LOL 8)

16-04-2007, 12:23 PM
Yeah i must say the idea of full face versus open face and fingerless soft gloves versus
my full leather with carbon fibre built in knuckle dusters and lycra versus 1.3mm leather jacket or
1.5mm race suit is sounding pretty damn good from my side.

The only thing against me realy is 30 to 1 ratio Thirty of them 1 of me.

16-04-2007, 12:49 PM
just cut loose damo:D

never do a head count, just a body count at the end:D

16-04-2007, 12:54 PM
Ill just look for the biggest meanest lookn fucker in there and charge like a wounded bull
Hopfully all the others will then just fuck off.

HAHAHAHA can only hope

16-04-2007, 07:14 PM
quote:Originally posted by damo1

Ive come up wit a plan for all fighters Strap a painters plank across the fork legs
and next time you come across them dont slow down an spoil your ride grab a lower
gear hang the fuck on and bulldose the fags clean off the road ,oh and for Chalky
you could also use the horn if you like but id go with out it dont give them any worning your
coming it gives them the chance to get out of the way you want to get all of them.

I only hit the horn as I get level with them mate, enhances the 'blast' factor :D Wish I still had the airhorns.

16-04-2007, 07:46 PM
i'm pretty sure the law says they aren't allowed on highways, and other roads over a certain speed limit, also says something about no more than single file i believe. i ride a pushbike too, but i dont try to make the road a slalom course. my world, my rules, get off the FUCKING road on a highway or out of town road.

the main thing that shits me about pushbikes is the NUMBNUT CAR DRIVERS who slow down to 1km/h and stay behind them on city streets cause there isn't a mile wide gap for them to drive through. i'm pretty sure most pushy riders can handle a car going past a metre away from them, rather than bearing the brunt of some fuckin dickhead car drivers mistake (road rage).

16-04-2007, 09:02 PM
I could only find results for WA, VIC and SA in my quick search but it seems as though the laws allow them to ride two abrest on main roads at a distance of no more than 1.5m apart: http://sponsored.uwa.edu.au/bug/welcome/cycling_and_the_law - that's basically a whole lane. How can this be? I ride pushies now and again with mates but we single file it, for our own safety and also what is the need to be side by side when there is a motorised vehicle baring down on you? If you want a leisurely chat, get down the pub or something!

16-04-2007, 10:11 PM
Your going to love this fuckin superb I thought have a look :D:D.


16-04-2007, 10:21 PM
And this


16-04-2007, 10:27 PM
Haha faggot shit going everywhere

Speaking of which, how long now Alfie?


16-04-2007, 11:38 PM
Not long I hope the legal bits to the house sale are holding everthing up driving me mad it is mad I say. I was hoping to be touching down in Adelaide on around the 20th but that is out of the window now as we are still waiting the completion date bloody frustrating it is.

Anyway my shit is harder than them faggots you crunt :D

16-04-2007, 11:41 PM

17-04-2007, 01:36 AM
I always yell "use the fuckin' sidewalks!" when I pass those tree-hugging, granola-eating, tofu-munching, salad-pushing, textile-wearing, no-meat bastards!

17-04-2007, 06:50 PM
they really are cunts

if u cant do within 10% under the speed limit on an road, be it cos of your vehicle or u are just too retarded to know how to go around a corner in you falcodore then you can FUCK OFF AND DIE

whats next? skateboarders on the fucking old-road rolling up the hill?

i have ridden pushies for years, but never sat on one of those roadbike fag-machines
honestly, if u want a real workout stop being such a pussie and get a mountain bike and push some fat tyres around on an unpaved surface!

they are all just fancy bastard lawers and doctors who are too fucking afraid to get dirty

the old road near gosford is hilarious
its all foggy and shit and then there they are around the corner
how can they possibly justify it as "exercise" when they have a 9 out of 10 chance of being mowed down sometime over the next ten years??? and i think those odds are pretty reasonable

i can see em at the cafe afterwards
"oh yes, thanks to all u chaps grunting behind me for the last 3 hours i managed to keep my heart-rate at 180 the whole time"
fantastic! hopefully the fuckers are all organ donors
at least then when they get thrown off a cliff they might be of some use to society [XX(]

17-04-2007, 08:03 PM
Should go harvest meself a new liver.

18-04-2007, 08:04 PM
They're not Cunts Fimp they are dead Cunts , cause cunts are useful.

Just my 2 Cents

quote:Originally posted by fimpBIKES

they really are cunts

if u cant do within 10% under the speed limit on an road, be it cos of your vehicle or u are just too retarded to know how to go around a corner in you falcodore then you can FUCK OFF AND DIE

whats next? skateboarders on the fucking old-road rolling up the hill?

i have ridden pushies for years, but never sat on one of those roadbike fag-machines
honestly, if u want a real workout stop being such a pussie and get a mountain bike and push some fat tyres around on an unpaved surface!

they are all just fancy bastard lawers and doctors who are too fucking afraid to get dirty

the old road near gosford is hilarious
its all foggy and shit and then there they are around the corner
how can they possibly justify it as "exercise" when they have a 9 out of 10 chance of being mowed down sometime over the next ten years??? and i think those odds are pretty reasonable

i can see em at the cafe afterwards
"oh yes, thanks to all u chaps grunting behind me for the last 3 hours i managed to keep my heart-rate at 180 the whole time"
fantastic! hopefully the fuckers are all organ donors
at least then when they get thrown off a cliff they might be of some use to society [XX(]

18-04-2007, 10:11 PM

19-04-2007, 03:05 AM
Did you just happen to have photo's of the Hoff and baskets full of dildos Bo, or did you have to go looking for them?

19-04-2007, 07:30 AM
And this is fuckin good too :):):):)


19-04-2007, 09:00 AM
quote:Originally posted by Iceman

Did you just happen to have photo's of the Hoff and baskets full of dildos Bo, or did you have to go looking for them?

Had to look for the bastards! Hoff was easy but the dilds was a challenge[:p]

19-04-2007, 02:32 PM
Hey fighters…

you guys have got to be kidding me.. you sound like a bunch of cagers with all this talk.

I ride a push bike to work every day.
I don’t ride in groups and I use the roads.
Group riding is for those tour de france wanna be’s.

I solo ride, ive been hit by cars 3 times, yelled at by every cunt on the road for no apparent reason other than me going quicker and able to run reds lights. (hey this is Sydney, where my ave speed is quicker than a car).

I pay rego for my car (a lil' old V8) and moto (GSX1100), why should I pay more for my pushy?

It amazes me how everybody thinks cyclists are fair game. I haven’t had a run in with a motorcyclist yet but as much as you guys defend your patch I defend mine as a cyclist.

The latest incident is an example.. I run a red on a pushy… 500 metres down the road bloody Borat comes tearing up behind me on the horn and yells out “ do you wanna die??, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you” in the meantime swerving at me and generally losing the plot.

Anyway this continues on for some time, until the bloke realises im not jumping off the road for him, and I work out he aint actually gonna kill me…. so a prime time to flip him the bird, smile and disappear through traffic.

Having to deal with dicks like this and people “scaring” you by driving within inches of your bars at over 70kmh gives you a thick skin.

I suspect the reason why motorcyclists generally don’t do this is because they are another minority road user.

fair call though.. group riding through blind corners is asking for trouble but hey... just go around em??

so tough guys,
Get on a bike yourselves and pedal flat out over 30kms on the main roads of Sydney on a daily basis. Reckon you can tough it out? you can wear your moto leathers if you prefer.

Let me know I’ll take you on a ride.





19-04-2007, 03:56 PM
in all seriousness mate
u did run a red light

at least if we do that shit on the moto's we can use our natural defense (speed) and dissapear

do u ride to work for fitness
cos like i said b4 i cant see the merits of that
especially if u are breathing in smog

but then again, at least u agree about the pack tools

i used to ride a BMX to work when i was poor
it was so friggin funny to bunnyhop around the place, over medium strips etc
and i could be faster than traffic over the last 3km or so
but u blokes on roadies are seriously just hanging yourselves out there, i just cant see the point really

am i missing something? are u a greeny?

19-04-2007, 04:15 PM
So Ed,
What your saying is you want the priveledge of using the public road system without the need for any of those pesky rule that the rest of us have to abide by? Do you run red lights on your GSX just because you can?
You enjoy being a bloody nuisance and a menace for what purpose, it sounds like you really enjoy your daily ride, sucking back carbon monoxide, getting buzzed by drivers who are left with no room, etc etc, and suddenly your the victim?
How stupid are you? You've been hit three times and still persist in being a mobile speed hump, not everyone is out to kill you, you're just in the f*^%^&%ing way you twat. Of course your the hard bastard because you can ride your pushy 30 k's each day, fantastic, there's probably a dozen or more guys on here who are as fit or fitter than you, welcome to the world were there is always someone bigger, better, harder, faster than you.
Wake up to yourself and get off the road before someone has to live the rest of their life knowing they run you over, simply because you're too bloody arrogant to realise using the road is not a right, its a priveledge you pay for and with that priveledge comes rules you have to follow.[:o)][xx(]

19-04-2007, 04:18 PM
I never thought a Push Bike topic would go off like this! I'm amazed. Good to get the opinions out mind.

19-04-2007, 04:21 PM
i wouldnt be too worried about people who are TRYING to run u down
there are enough fuckwits who commute in SUVs that just plain wouldnt see u!!!!

when u got run down were they going for u or just not paying attention?

19-04-2007, 04:28 PM
Here are a couple more cunts on push bikes.....................


19-04-2007, 04:31 PM
see, those blokes
obviously faggots!!!! :D

19-04-2007, 04:32 PM
and here are some push bike pricks......................


19-04-2007, 04:39 PM
HEy deranged,

up for a ride then mate?

I accept running reds is against the law as much as jay walking is or lane splitting is.. i'm no angel. I'll admit even to running reds on the bike, even running from the law on occassion.

i ride bc it gets me there faster, fitter and is one less car clogging up the streets.

you probably don't realise but every single one of us has the same right to ride a pushy on the street, and by law every child over 12 years old must ride on the road.

I dare ya to try it?

Yeah fimp.

here's why i ride a roadie despite having deranged drivers on the road. It’s the fastest form of pushy around....



19-04-2007, 04:57 PM
i guess it depends on the terrain
but then again, i ride a hardtail on DH so what do i know LOL

oh, and i REALLY think the no pushies on the footpath is stupid
thats one law i happily ignore :)

19-04-2007, 05:10 PM
yeah dumb law huh?

im about to start a lowrider bicycle project for my stepson.

powered by a 70cc motor. illegal i know... but fun!

his first "streetfighter"

19-04-2007, 05:12 PM
i have a friend who wants to do teh same,
told him 2 use a single cylinder thumper engine instead :)

19-04-2007, 06:36 PM
"up for a ride?"
Not a chance, like I said, makes no sense to me.

"I dare ya to try it"
I know you are, but what am I... get serious, internet pissing contests are a bloody joke, how old are you?

You don't have the right to ride on the road at all, its a priveledge extended to you and other road users. That's half the problem, a lot of folks think they are owed something, or have a whole bunch of rights, but in the end don't realise they are all priveledges of the society and country they live in, most with no thought of how we got here or who paid the price.

Enjoy your ride.

19-04-2007, 06:53 PM
quote:Originally posted by Ed74mnd

so tough guys,
Get on a bike yourselves and pedal flat out over 30kms on the main roads of Sydney on a daily basis. Reckon you can tough it out? you can wear your moto leathers if you prefer.

Let me know I’ll take you on a ride.





Were way ahead of ya


19-04-2007, 07:32 PM
Funnily enough Ed, after 5 years studying ethics at one of the top ethics universities in the world, I never once came across a 'Right' to ride a pushy on the road. I think you're talking shit mate, in fact I know you are. The arguement about paying rego for your car is just another bullshit argument from you. I pay rego for my car, doesn't mean I can ride my motorbike without paying rego does it? Also if you had read the thread proeprly most of us agreed that pushies around the burbs wasn't the issue, it's packs of drop kicks riding on country roads and etc, where their speed is so slow that they are the equivalent of having somebody standing on the road on the other side of a blind corner, which even you have to understand is a fucking stupid negligent thing to do. Don't you?

But here in CBR we don't have laws banning cyclists from the footpath, and there are cycle pathways all over the city, but there's still lycra clad fags on the fucking roads, and they don't pay anything for it.

PS 3 accidents haven't knocked any sense into you yet? Give up the argument, you're obviously starting from a looooong way back.

20-04-2007, 07:51 AM
My 2 cents....
Ive ridden/drove everything from a pushbike to a double decker bus, and regardless of which im in or on, some cunt is always in the wrong;)

20-04-2007, 08:30 AM
Hey fighters,

lets keep this "constructive" eh??

ive just come back from a 2 week visit in Vietnam where it's poverty compared to here. they have people walking buffaloes along the road, women carrying the days goods to sell at the markets, trucks, buses, millions of scooters, bicycles etc.. and funnily enough they all share the road in relative (chaotic) harmony.. I guess as a country develops and its population experiences a higher level of wants vs needs (study Maslow's heirarchy of needs chalk?) then we get down to the important stuff like having internet scraps over road rights.

in preference to continuning this pointless internet scrap over road rights, where each "contributing" person appears to have a differing point of view or opinion, I reckon we agree just to disagree.

yes... pack riders on country roads are dangerous and suicidal.

we disagree regarding cyclists "rights" or priveliges on the road.. ok.

one observation from this entire thread that still amazes me though, is the "anti" attitude toward minor road users, especially coming from another "minority road user group"



20-04-2007, 08:33 AM
and its always the smaller veichle at fault cause they think everyone else should stop for them.

20-04-2007, 06:19 PM
quote:Originally posted by Ed74mnd

Hey fighters,

lets keep this "constructive" eh??

ive just come back from a 2 week visit in Vietnam where it's poverty compared to here. they have people walking buffaloes along the road, women carrying the days goods to sell at the markets, trucks, buses, millions of scooters, bicycles etc.. and funnily enough they all share the road in relative (chaotic) harmony.. I guess as a country develops and its population experiences a higher level of wants vs needs (study Maslow's heirarchy of needs chalk?) then we get down to the important stuff like having internet scraps over road rights.

in preference to continuning this pointless internet scrap over road rights, where each "contributing" person appears to have a differing point of view or opinion, I reckon we agree just to disagree.

yes... pack riders on country roads are dangerous and suicidal.

we disagree regarding cyclists "rights" or priveliges on the road.. ok.

one observation from this entire thread that still amazes me though, is the "anti" attitude toward minor road users, especially coming from another "minority road user group"



Fuck your a semi literate whining prat Ed.

that's a really inappropriate use of Maslov's theory, it applies to the psychological well being of individuals, not a countries level economic development, or lack there of given your example country. And according to Maslov, an awful lot of Vietnamese aren't doing real well given the level of homelessness, starvation, physical abuse etc etc etc.

And yeah great example brainstem, we'll all just wander back to the 18th century shall we, just like most people in Vietnam (and fuck knows what kind of tool thinks that modern medical systems, good education systems, legal rights, etc etc, are merely 'wants'). Did you actually spend more than 5 seconds formulating that argument? Did you actually go and check on what the road toll is in Vietnam? fucking horrendous, and climbing as they try to develop to our level, even the vietnamese would think you were an idiot for using that example.

We don't disagree on 'rights', your just fucking wrong you twat, there is no such 'right', find one ethics text that says there is. And no, genius, the latest Labour party pandering to wannabe ethical holier than thous does not constitute an ethics text. ie we don't disagree because we're not talking the same thing, I'm talking ethics (you do know where the concept of 'rights' comes from don't you?). You're talking halfwit shit, now that I will agree about.

And that final comment tops it all off, "those losers are a minority, and we are a minority, ergo we must be a loser minority too, therefore we might as well climb into bed with them". Are you gay Ed?

Hmmmmmm, I enjoyed that :D

PS this is just my opinion, so I expect you to agree to disagree with it at least.

20-04-2007, 06:27 PM
fuck me...

what a long winded answer.

no im not gay.

and im too tired to argue. you win



20-04-2007, 06:45 PM
Fuck me lads.........DING DING:D

20-04-2007, 06:48 PM

20-04-2007, 06:48 PM
Holy fuck this is exactly what i was hoping for a decsent debate
Over these useless fuckers on pushies.

Im with every body else on this one Ed your a typical one eyed shaved down lycra wearing fag on a pushie that thinks because you ride a bike you have the right to do what ever when ever you feel the right to.[:o)]
As for asking derangedover to go for a ride what a fuckwit you really must be for even sugessting that,he alraedy said he didnt ride [:o)]

And yes you should pay rego as a rider taking up space on the road and slowing traffic and getting in everybodys way and being just an absolute pain in the fuckn arse pay for the privlidge.

And also as for "just ride a round them"

You brain dead fucker you even stated that its on blind corners,so i should just ride onto the wrong side of the road and risk my own safty just because you bunch of fags want to put not only your own safty but every body elses at risk by riding in these high risk areas mate you seriously cant be that fuckn stupid to actually think that people are going to risk there own safty.But it seems that all you brain dead fuckin pushie riders dont give a fuck about this its obvious every time i come across them that this is the case and im sure that every one else will agree with this and already have buy just reading this thread[:0]:):D[}:)]

20-04-2007, 07:12 PM
Fuck me. Has anyone seen "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels"? You know the bit near the end where The black geezers gang goes round to the lads place at the same time that the bad arse gang are already hiding out, then the gun fight goes off and head badass geezer opens the door and get's blood all over his face? (yea, that's a long explanation) - Well, I feel like head badass geezer everytime I stick my head in this topic. And what makes it gayer is that we are arguing about Pushbikes here lads. Get a grip! Fuck me. If I lived within riding distance of my work without all the fuckin' hills, I'd probably ride as well. Does that make me a fag? Yes, two abreast on open roads is for wankers - I agree and already stated that - But I don't think because you ride a pushie that makes you a wanker though. I ride a mountain bike in my usual gear, and usually off road on tracks before you ask, but I sometimes ride to "off road" spots. And yes, I do think the shaved leg, cock showing shorts thing is wank. I doubt if Ed is wearing that get up either, are you Ed? .....are you? Please say no........

20-04-2007, 08:32 PM

But really mountain bikes are cool[8D]

Road bikes are for fags[xx(]

20-04-2007, 08:58 PM
Must admit, I'd never get one.

20-04-2007, 09:33 PM
Damo...You've only ever "had it" if you no longer have it. Much like your virginity(congrats on loosing that 6 months ago too mate).Simple solution is,if your in your car,turn the windscreen washer jets sideways,replace the plastic resbottle with stainless,purchase hydroflouric acid and amonia(or i can get liquid anthrax).

Cruise...your cat knows where its at.Tidy work bro,keep it up.

20-04-2007, 09:55 PM
I dunno, I used to ride a pushy around Newcastle in my youf, its amazing how fast you go under a massive amount of trendy chemical amusement aids (acid), but as I got older, the motor not as good, I don't ride anymore because the motor is broke now... and too many homocidal cage drivers...

21-04-2007, 02:13 AM
I wonder if these a push bike forum out there, where they whinge about blokes on motorbikes. That'd be funny.

21-04-2007, 07:18 AM
Cheers Davo ;)but i cant be bothered with all the hassel.

21-04-2007, 07:34 AM
found a couple of safty tips for the fags:D


21-04-2007, 07:36 AM
I found these ones interesting

Keep to the left at all times - don't be lazy and meander out onto the road. CONCENTRATE!:D

BE PROACTIVE! Look behind regularly, try and anticipate traffic flow.

Do you think the first one means "GET THE FUCK OFF THE ROAD AND DONT PISS OTHER DRIVERS OFF";)


scotty mac
23-02-2008, 02:36 PM
had this happen to me this morning.....
coming into twisty narrow roads in some hills in the work cruiser(with a full external roll cage) doing 80 in a 80 zone, after the first corner i see about 30ish of the pricks 3-4 abreast going 2o'kph. i know they were 20kph because i was STUCK BEHIND them for 5k's til the road got wider.
now i don't have any problem with anyone that ride a pushy to work or even a cyclist that use narrow back roads who usually considerate n move over for you when they hear you coming, but packs of them taking a hole lane up that act blind to the fact there's a few tonne of metal bouncing down the road at them shit me to tears.
Q;what would happen if me n some mates on dirt bikes go if we decided go for a ride on these back roads?
A;we would get the book thrown at us.........

25-02-2008, 11:20 AM
An important part of Rego is insurance. Pushbike riders don't have any.
I ride a pushbike too and I stay left as much as possible to let drivers past happily, as long as they leave me "safe" room, like not pass me when another car is coming in the opposite direction.

But if I get knocked off and the driver scoots off, I've gotta pay for the damages and suffer the consequences. I'm aware of that. So I don't pressume that I'm going to get any right of way on the road.

Doesn't stop me from kicking car panels if they get too close though. ;)