View Full Version : Securing nipples...

14-04-2007, 08:46 PM
onto throttle cables that is!
I normally silver solder brass nipples on, but I haven't got any brass so Im using mild steel nipples and factory cables, problem is there is some sort of crap coming out of the cable when I get it hot enough to silver solder. Im after peoples opinion of soft soldering the nipples on. Ive done one as a test and it looks good, stuck it in a vice and yanked on the cable with pliers and generally abused it and Im happy, but just looking for a second opinion.
Thanks fellas.


14-04-2007, 09:06 PM
yep looks ok. there you go.

14-04-2007, 09:33 PM
Thanks Rexie, are you trying to tell me I'm over analysing the situation? Looks good = is good?


15-04-2007, 12:14 AM
One of those - "If you have confidence in it, it must be good" situations. I personally have no idea. But if you have given it a full abuse test maybe it's good?!