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View Full Version : Digital Instrumentation on old bike

17-09-2004, 01:46 PM
This is my first official registration on Aussie Streetfighters. Happy to be onboard as an official member. I am having problems with my home internet setup so i am using my work computer as a substitute for the interim. As a result i can not recieve any personal emails. Hopefully this will be sorted asap.
Anyway i have a request for any information that would help me to put say a 2002 onwards GSXR instrumentation/ tacho onto a 90 mod GSXR. I have heard that it is bloody hard to do . Im hoping that someone knows how and that it can be simplified.
Any assistance would be appreciated.

18-09-2004, 12:28 AM
G'day mate

You're kinda posting in the wrong thread (should be in the Streetfighters one) but that's ok, maybe the webmaster will move it!

Anyway I don't know exactly what goes on here but I think that it's got something to do with the front sprocket, like there's something there which the electronic speedo is driven off, you'll end up using a speedo pickup off another model, maybe a Bandit or GSX or SV or something (vague I know!) and a sensor and you're away. I'm real vague at the moment coz it's midnight and I just got back from a ride up the Old Road, and it's bloody freezing! Anyway I'm sure if you search the forums on www.oldskoolsuzuki.info (go to the .infoboard) you'll find something for sure. If not post up there and ask...

Pretty sure it's not that hard to do if you know what you're doing and the parts to get...

By the way if you're after some instruments off that model bikes, speak to ZX7-9 coz I think he may have some lying around he may be willing to part with...

Hope this help (prob not!), J

18-09-2004, 06:54 PM
gday, what you need to do this properly is the instruments (eg GSXR1000 etc) the complete instrument wiring loom and and the sensors that are located on or near the front spocket depending what make and model instruments you are using. from what i understand its a pretty easy swap.other than making new instrument brackets and such. i would ask a auto sparky to have a look at it as well. also the sensor thingys are not very expensive i think less than $20 but dont quote me on that. if you dont have the instruments or loom yet have a look on th us ebay .... lots there . but remember you have to have the instrument loom not the one thats already on your bike