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26-07-2004, 01:22 PM
I've finally found this site again! Just thought I'd say hi and let you know I'm building up my 7/11 streetfighter. She's a '91 GSXR-750 with an 1100 in it. She should be rebuilt in 8-9 weeks hopefully and will be pretty damn cool. She's gonna have a 2001 GSXR subframe/ducktail, wide bars, and lots of polishing & trick bitz. Will keep you informed of my progress.

Keep on streetfighterin!!!

05-08-2004, 09:29 PM
Nice mate. Where abouts are you from? I'd like to see this one.

11-08-2004, 07:44 AM
Sydney mate. Hopefully if all goes to plan it'll be rego'ed at the start of October, and then try and make it down to the Island for the GP. Where are you by the way?

11-08-2004, 08:00 AM
Oh yeah, I'm away at the moment, and get back 25th of August and moving into a new place pretty much straight away... once I'm there and settled the rebuild will commence, if I get some spare downtime, maybe waiting for parts or anything I'll send some pics in of the progress. Damn I can't wait for that first mono!!!

11-08-2004, 11:35 PM
quote:Originally posted by J7-11

Sydney mate. Hopefully if all goes to plan it'll be rego'ed at the start of October, and then try and make it down to the Island for the GP. Where are you by the way?

I'm up on the Gold Coast mate. The Streetfighter scene's pretty quiet around here, but Brissy is starting to kick off.

12-08-2004, 03:58 AM
Cool as... there's a guy called ozkat who's registered here but hasn't posted up who's up QLD way and is building a 7/11 too, from the pics I've seen it's going to be pretty trick...

What's your bike by the way?

12-08-2004, 09:16 PM
quote:Originally posted by J7-11
What's your bike by the way?

I'm half way through a Gix11 project. That's why I'm looking for the the R1 seat as the new subframe is determined by it. I also have a Triumph Speed Triple to kick about on when the wife's not riding it.

14-08-2004, 04:38 AM
Yeah go the 11's!!!

Sorry I can't help you with the ducktail mate!

When do you reckon she'll be on the road?

16-08-2004, 09:17 PM
quote:Originally posted by J7-11

Yeah go the 11's!!!

Sorry I can't help you with the ducktail mate!

When do you reckon she'll be on the road?

Oh she's on the road now. I have the ducktail, the specs for the subframe all I need is the bloody seat! It's my main form of transport so I have to leave everything to the last minute before I pull her apart again. A mate took a picture of me when I pulled up at his place last week. Here it is:


As you can see it's way too stock and I have everything to hand, even the paint but no bloody seat!
I guess you saw the old Kwaka ZX10 that I did back in the early '90's?:


That's Alli by the way not me........

16-08-2004, 10:48 PM
Guys guys guys, it appears that your suzuki loving one eyed ways have caused you to distort the truth! It is not the mighty 7/11 that "rocks" surely it is the almighty road weaponry that has come to us through the inspired hands of the factory's of Germany, many a fighter has come from a countery far from ours with one particular fighter that "rocks" which has had much planning and many a thought put into it, no slap happy transplants that many of us call our pride and joy, it's no 7/11 or 7/9 or any other engine transplanted madness it is a refined and luxurious fighter that oozes cool and bristles with brute strength, its engine beating like that of the drums at a ceremony for the gods, a bike that no man could truely master, a bike that "rocks"! Can you guess what I am talking of, te hints are there so please reply with the answer that will "rock" you![:p]

carter of mars
17-08-2004, 08:12 AM
i was planning the almighty 7/11 conversion but,
when i was told the bandit12 went in just as easy, it was a natural choice to go for more cubes....
so now its a 7/12, well almost. hopefully itll be ready for the island.

17-08-2004, 09:19 AM
Mate it'd be awesome to see you and your bike at the Island, it sounds like it'll be a weapon! Good to see you came over from the Oldskoolsuzuki site too...

17-08-2004, 06:33 PM
I don't understand how BMW can build such awesome and beautiful cars , for example the M3, but make crap, underpowered, ugly bikes... for example Rockster, R1200GS, K series etc...

What really pisses me off is people like Boris fropm AMCN, who say the R1200GS is the best thing since sliced bread, and it will see off most sportsbikes on a twisty road. Yeah right mate!

17-08-2004, 11:28 PM
Did my last post on this thread dissappear! I was of couse tlaking of the BMW Rockster! What a POX ass posuers stinky poo poo moto! Just like 7-11's

17-08-2004, 11:57 PM
quote:Originally posted by ZX7-9

Did my last post on this thread dissappear! I was of couse tlaking of the BMW Rockster! What a POX ass posuers stinky poo poo moto! Just like 7-11's

Just in case anybody is not familiar with the puss bucket you speak of............

What the hell were they thinking of?

jet pilot
29-08-2004, 07:40 PM
Hello all, Feel proud to join your ranks! Bring on the custom! I too are building a bike of my own. Not exactly a fighter, as I still want the front faining and clipons.. GSXR11 bored to 1200. Goes well but will go better after I get some decent carbs. Have late model GSXR ducktail and front top fairing on. Still have heaps of work to do like tidying up the rear end with a single sider and some nice undertail cans. Was going to make the cans myself but looks like the law has fell on the tough side with the new regs. Will get the frame polished and some engine detail done soon. While I have it pieces guess I might as well go crazy. Looking for some nice instruments but hard to find. AIM does a nice set but pretty pricy...
Will post some pics when I have something I am truely proud of! As far as the BMW pictured above.... Try again maestro!

05-09-2004, 02:25 AM
I've just ordered a speedo and tacho from the UK... let you know how they go... I've also seen some idiot lights from TECBIKES in the UK that I really want.... post more when I know more!

btw 7/11 is coming along nicely, just awaiting a few more bit and she'll be cranking.. monos here I come (50T rear sprocket...!!!)

05-09-2004, 04:23 PM
Congratulations J7, second page for this thread! Well done to all who have made this possible, we will grow and we will change the face of motorcycling in our great country!

06-09-2004, 01:30 PM
quote:Originally posted by J7-11

... I've also seen some idiot lights from TECBIKES in the UK that I really want.... post more when I know more!

Let me know how you go there also mate as the last I heard about tecbikes their website said they were closing down and all orders would be honoured. Were you one of those orders?

06-09-2004, 02:54 PM
Ahh shit no I wasn't!! I really liked those idiot lights too!!! God damn it!!! Hmm wonder where they got them from... must be a manufacturer somewhere...

2 Pages? Woohoo!! Go the 7/11's!!!

06-09-2004, 05:42 PM
Not sure where they are from mate, but in the meantime check out this English site for some well funky stuff. Cool designed website also! http://www.streetfighterstore.com

06-09-2004, 05:53 PM
Hang on. I just spotted some really funky idiot lights on that site. Click this link: http://www.streetfighterstore.com/shop/8/index.htm

07-09-2004, 08:20 AM
Hmm I've already looked into those ones but didn't really like them, much prefered the tecbikes one... Maybe I'll give them a call and see if they really are shut down or...?

Cheers boys!

21-09-2004, 08:35 AM
Well guys I got to ride a 7/11 on thr weekend and it's done my head in!!! Hooked up with a guy from another forum who said his mate had a 7/11, we got talking and found out it was mad_mundy who posts on the www.oldskoolsuzuki.info site and I'll have 2 try and get him to post on here...

Anyway went up the Old Road with old mate (on a '04 R1) and then hooked up with mundy. Skoal Bandit colours, nice conversion, Pro Taper bars, slick on the front... Went for a spin (actually my first time up there on a bike in the light since my stack a year ago) and had a heap of fun, I was no match for them on my VTR250 (although it was fun trying to keep up!) and it was awesome seeing mundy spin it up out of corners and then get the front up still leant over! Went up to the Stunt Strip and we stuffed around doing wheelies and endos and stuff... Then mundy chucks me the keys... and tells me to go for it! His only words of advice were to not use first gear...

Pulled some 1/2 decent wheelies straight off the cuff, haven't ridden something with some serious go fro a while and it was just effortless wheelie after wheelie! Damn I miss my 7/11! He gave me some advice to get to about 6 in 2nd and get up it, this made for some easy easy wheelies, controllable as you like with the wide bars (mine HAD clip-ons) and heaps of boogie, enough to click 3rd and sail along nicely anyway!

Then he told me to do some endos! With the slick front and the wide bars these are a cinch!

I got off and was a little child in an icecream store! I'm itching to get my bike on the road even more now after that ride, and I'm just waiting on the engine, and for various bits to come in...!

After that I got back on the 2Fiddy and impresed myself with some decent endos, got the back wheel up nice and high at 80km/h and held it to stop (or just rolling coz the back comes round a fair bit on that thing, and the only way to beat this is to steer into it and get off the brake with some forward momentum... either that or 180 endos, and I can't do those!! yet...)

I want my 7/11!!!! Watch this space! [8D]

26-01-2005, 07:04 AM
I have a '90 model GSXR 750 with an 1127 motor in it. Having a few hassels getting it rego'd - what did you have to do to get it through rego?

26-01-2005, 08:24 AM
haha 26 Jul.. 8-9 weeks...

Anyway mate... check this thread out


If you've got all your lights, indicators, horn etc and stuff done then bring her to Sydney, a couple of cases of VB cans, and I'll show u where to take her!
